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4E Song of Ice & Fire?


Are there any plans for setting material from George R. R. Martin's fantasy series to be launched in 4E?

If you haven't read the series, it comes highly recommended for a reason. Pick it up today!

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Green Ronin is releasing it soon with it's own game system. Under the current GSL there is no way that a company could release a 4e setting for something and then use it with another game system.

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
SoIaF is my favorite fantasy series, period.

That said, I can't imagine a fantasy ruleset I've looked at the would work less for SoIaF's gritty historical-fiction-with-a-touch-of-magic setting than 4E.

If I had to do it and didn't want to buy the existing giant SoIaF rulebook, I'd probably use the heroic mortal rules in Exalted without the setting, Savage Worlds, heck, even 3.5 rather than 4e.

4E is a great system - for fantastic sword-and-sorcery, hack-and-slash dungeon crawl type games. If the setting involved requires any large degree of realism however, I'd go elsewhere.
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Check Green Ronin's website for their quickstart rules (about 36 pages with a short mini adventure) for this. I downloaded it yesterday and was very impressed. It really does look quite good.

I agree with Iron Sky though that D&D 4E would be a strange fit for SoIaF. Great series though - I wonder when the next book will be released?

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise


I have read through the preview at Green Ronin, but I'm not looking to introduce a new game system.

I am comfortable with using 4E in a grim, lower-magic setting of my own fashioning, and I would like to use the setting material for 1-shots if only to prove that 4E & SoI&F can go together.

I´d do it

If asked by my players, I could probably do a little aSoIaF one-shot using 4E rules.

The ruleset would work with minimal changes for such a story, too. The changes will be:

1- Only Humans.

2- Any and all martial classes are allowed. Barbarians allowed only if wildlings beyond the wall or people from the mountain clans are going to be part of the story.

3- Jousting, politicking and other stuff will be handled by skill challenges

4- Everybody except PCs and important NPCs is a minion

5- Everybody who is not a minion gets half the regular hitpoints

Edit: Ah, and of course, it would be a Heroic-Tier only game!
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First Post
Another option (other than Green Ronin's A Song of Ice and Fire game, as mentioned) is Guardians of Order's A Game of Thrones setting book - either OGL [d20], or deluxe, the latter being dual-statted in d20 and Tri-Stat. This was released a while back though, and might be difficult and/or expensive to purchase. Not sure. Regardless, it's rather good - as far as d20 variant systems go - and does a decent job of matching system to setting, to the extent that said base system allows.

Personally, I find 4e distasteful enough as it is, but can see types of settings for which it might prove adequate. . . A Song of Ice and Fire certainly not being one of them, however. YMMV, etc.

Fallen Seraph

First Post
While 4e certainly could work with some tweaks (I view grit as less a rule-issue and more a descriptive one) a system devoted to historical or near-historical would definitely fit it better.

Actually now that I think about it, Jon Snow would work pretty well as a Beastmaster Ranger :p

We will even be having a show of it coming out too, HBO has greenlit the first book to be made into a series.

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