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Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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Miranna relaxed fractionally- her right hand slowly dropped from the hilt of her sword, and she unclenched her other hand from a fist. Her stance was still wary, and her glance around the room was that of a wild creature at bay before the hounds.

"That name holds no meaning to me, for good or ill," she said slowly and quietly, but still in that strange feral rasp of a voice. "It merely seemed odd for two folk from the Feywild to find this place in so short a time- and I cannot say that I left that land without enemies." She paused momentarily- maybe thinking, maybe to rest her throat a moment.

"I am sorry for my reaction- it seems I am not fully ready for polite company..."

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Patronis let his breath he'd been holding out sense he uttered his words of diplomacy and sighed softly before looking to Miranna...

"Granted this is an unfamiliar place for many of us here in attendance... we should note watching each others backs might prove more.... fruitful than needless and senseless violence.. I do believe you've made a wise choice... now... what exactly do you fear so much from your homeland that would put you at arms in a city not so forgiving on newcomers?... or at least that's what I've been told..."


Cheysuli Sage

Still slightly wary of Miranna, but making an effort to put forward an air of calm, Chey picks up the bread roll that the bartender had served her. In an ceremonial fashion she holds it out and intones some words in eladrin before tearing it in two and offering half to the human girl.

Under the watchful gaze of the Spirits of the Wood,
I break this bread into two.
Any ill intent that was in the past withstood,
Is forgiven as i share my food with you.

If it lays any of your concerns to rest, my father was a hermit of the 'Wilds for centuries before i was given to him as a babe. And we have... Sorry; Had very little contact with others, except maybe a few travelers now and then seeking the advice of the Spirits through my father. We lived and hunted alone for the most part.
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Finally I was worried I'd drink my way through that entire bottle of firewine.

Standing straight and tall the Dragonborn aide cracks a scroll sealed with gold and begins to read.

Let it be Known that the Platinum Shogun, 5th savior of the Kingdom of Jade, Wielder of the Thousand Edge Blade, and commander of the Iron Legion seeks your aid.

Our kingdom has spent many years on a precarious border between salvation and eternal shadow. Due to constant conflict and undermining our legions are stretched thin. Word has come to my attention that a small village on what passes for a frontier in our war may be succumbing to the shadows taint. However I do not have the resources to spare a contingent, and all supplies we have sent in the last several months were unreceived.

For this reason I, and the empire, seek the aid of foreigners. Any who agree to help will be given a place in the Iron Legion, and will be rewarded handsomely.

As the aide finishes reading the scroll it flares a brilliant green before dissolving.

Now who here would help my kingdom and earn the favor of a man who is destined to be more then a man?

[sblock=ooc] By my count we got 6 people here, so if we do that's good to go. I'd like to get a quick head count just in case though. If everyone could include an ooc sblock with a link to their character that would really help me out, although for those of you who have it included in your sig no worries. If all goes well I'll be opening up the game thread tomorrow. [/sblock]


Cheysuli Sage

[sblock=ooc] By my count we got 6 people here, so if we do that's good to go. I'd like to get a quick head count just in case though. If everyone could include an ooc sblock with a link to their character that would really help me out, although for those of you who have it included in your sig no worries. If all goes well I'll be opening up the game thread tomorrow. [/sblock]

OOC: I, and i think some others here are still unapproved, can we still join?


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Hadarai stands up, finishing his wine in a gulp, and says: Good. This seems a worthy job. And the forces at your disposal seem to have somewhat increased, haven't they? I'm ready to go, dragonborn, anytime.


Cheysuli Sage

Bolstered by Hadarais bold agreement to the dragonborns request, Chey eyes the people sat about her, then speaks up;

I would maybe be interested, if my new friends are too? She makes sure her eyes include Miranna in that title. Is this Jade Kingdom far?

In an aside to Miranna she quietly says; I am keen to lay your fears to rest my lady, we have encountered one another on a off footing - both of us in a state of distress, yet i feel that somewhere in your life a deep wrong has been done that has led you to fear the Spirit-Woods. This is a great shame for there is much to be learnt from the place, and much love in the Spirit's hearts, i wish to get to know you, and to show you what has been hidden from you before now.

She turns to Brenwar and Patronis; And you two; my brave guardians, there is noone else i would rather have by my side in a real fight! She grins at them with an almost childish glee dancing in her eyes, her earring again glow softly for a few seconds.


Through the doors of the Tavern walks a slender man dressed in a decoratively embroidered, hooded, sleevless coat. His eyes glow, and as he pulls back the hood of his cloak a wreath of flames dances on his scalp where his hair would otherwise be. He is a Genasi, it would seem, of the Firesoul Manifestation, though he is more frail than other Genasi are known to be. Other flowing lines trace their way over his arms, though his palms seem to glow like coals igniting.

Rubbing his hands together as he surveys the room. His eyes are black orbs with glowing circles for irises, which dance as they flit from one patron to the next. Wowee, I'm surrounded by adventurers. Okay, now to make that oh-so-important first impression... He clears his throat, thinking of what to say. Ok, don't come on too strong, but you don't want to come on too weak or they'll think you're a loser, and no one wants a loser in the party... wow, I'm joining up!
Is anyone looking for a wizard? That's right, you're not because I'm here. Please don't rush me, I have magical powers.
With that he blows on his fingers, igniting a tiny burst of magical, sparkling flame over them.
After a moment of no answers, he clears his throat and speaks up again. I mean specifically magical *fire* powers. Man on fire here... but it's ok, I'm supposed to be... (dang it)

Voidrunner's Codex

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