• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

My phone call with Creg Leeds


Well, Ed can be a little too verbose at times. I am really not sure that "Roof Tiles of Iriaebor" and "Drainpipes of Sembia" would sell...

On the other hand, I would pre-order "Gutters of Sembia," a sourcebook on street gangs, dark alleys, and backstabbing merchants - in a heartbeat. Of course, it would have to be the REAL Sembia, not the "we ran out of inspiration so we had the Shades conquer it" 4E mockery.

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Obviously Wizards believes that there are possibilities to sale electronic content that is mostly pirate-proof.

If they believe that, they are dreaming. If it makes it to a hard drive it can be copied, period.

Encryption works, but not the way the content industry would like. You can't give people the lock and the key and expect it to only be opened on your terms.

Dire Bare

Yes new pre-spellplague Realms material.
He did not get into detail, but I sounded very much that they embrace the idea.
Well then, that's pretty cool.

On the other hand, I would pre-order "Gutters of Sembia," a sourcebook on street gangs, dark alleys, and backstabbing merchants - in a heartbeat. Of course, it would have to be the REAL Sembia, not the "we ran out of inspiration so we had the Shades conquer it" 4E mockery.
While I think that WotC releasing new pre-Spellplague Realms material either stat-free or with 4e stats (that can be ignored if you want) is an okay idea and well within the realm of possibility . . . . I can't see WotC backtracking and spending tons of resources on a project like this rather than pushing forward with the current version of the campaign setting.

While there has been a lot of "WotC killed my Realms" grief on the boards, I truly wonder if that segment of the fanbase is large enough to affect sales in any sort of meaningful way. It's certainly possible, but I doubt it. I love the "old" Realms, both the gamebooks and novels, and I love the "new" Realms, again both gamebooks (all two of them) and the novels. New Realms material pre and/or post Spellplague are a win situation for me!


First Post
Wait wait. Are you absolutely sure he said they'd publish NEW, Pre-Spellplague Realms Material? Cause that'd be amazing.


Community Supporter
* We know you were gripe about our decision (So, the thread about the topic on the Gleemax forum was stopped. Check it.)

FWIW, the first thread was closed because it got too long (over 2000 responses IIRC, which ends up doing bad things to the WotC forums.) The second thread was also closed because it had turned into a massive flamewar.

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