It's 2025! According to the Chinese zodiac, this is the Year of the Wood Snake: a time of transformation, growth, and introspection ... and a perfect time to set goals for the New Year.
Finish the Latest Adventure in My Campaign
My campaign has been going on for years now. I anticipate we'll wrap up the latest adventure, 5E Quest: Hellspire Peak, in 2025. This is the fourth adventure in the series (Cake Castle, Mastherik Manor, Clockwork Carillon) and the characters will end the adventure at 12th level. Once we finish playtesting, I will publish the adventure.As is common with campaigns going on for this long, players come and go, so I'll be opening up the game to one additional player (seven seems to be the magic number). And then we're on to the next adventure in the series, which takes place in the wacky Oz-inspired Faerie (I just saw Wicked, and that's a very tame version of how absurd Oz can be).
No More Toxic Social Media
I've paid Facebook for years to get more traffic to my Patreon, and it's resulted in nothing. The majority of social media wants you to stay on the platform, and even paying them to help monetize links to your own content doesn't work. I also left Twitter after Elon Musk attacked members of the CAR-PGA's work. So, no more.On the new platform, I've given up on post-and-pray, hoping folks will see my content due to the algorithm. Bluesky is an opportunity to build a community, so I'm actively engaged there. I'm also watching carefully who I follow vs. who follows me, and if I see folks who are using the old methodology of expecting me to just follow their content, we're not going to be following each other. My goal is to reach 1,000 real, genuine connections before year end. Come join us in the DnD Welcome Tavern!
Spread the Love
In response to a recent wave of criticism coming at Dungeons & Dragons long after we've all grappled with the changes ourselves, I will continue to work on behalf of the Committee for the Advancement of Role-Playing Games (CAR-PGA) to spread love of the game and positive outreach to our local communities. It's the best antidote to the swirl that has consumed the industry lately.To that end, we'll continue working on growing our total membership by 12 and our YouTube channel by 12 subscribers. You can help: join us!
Revise Everything
The latest version of Dungeons & Dragons is significantly different. Despite claims of compatibility, customers are noticing, as I've seen my sales drop significantly. Whether or not this is a "pre-edition blues" dip or something more serious remains to be seen; it may well be that we'll see an upsurge again when the latest System Resource Document is released.Whatever the case, I've got work to do. Monsters are relatively straightforward conversions (saving throws and initiative matter a LOT more than they did in the older version). And then there's the matter of what to call the new game. Google analytics data argues that "D&D 2024" is more popular than "D&D 5.5" but the market will bear that out soon enough. My goal is to convert at least nine products to the latest version.
2025 Already?
2025, the Year of the Wood Snake, embodies transformation, growth, and introspection—a fitting backdrop for my goals this year. Like the Snake shedding its skin, it's a chance to start fresh: with social media, with a new version of D&D, with myself. I hope whatever goals you set for yourself, you make great progress this year. By all accounts, this is not going to be easy. Good luck to us all!Your Turn: Let's hear those 2025 goals!