[Proposal]Bazaar of the Bizarre (Dr 369)


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I'd like to include the items from Bazaar of the Bizarre from dragon 369. {sorry, don't have link}

Bazaar of the Bizarre
- Feral armor; has a built-in weapon.
- Pact Bow. Does what it sounds like. Elves only.
- Winged Bracers (Level 12) Hang Glider. Situational usability.
- Fleetrunner Boots. Level 5+. Bonuses on running.
- Ghoststride Boots. + to ac and insubstantial while running.
- Giantkind Gloves. At will, throw Rocks. +2 melee damage(encounter power)
- Mask of the Eye Leech. Daily power; blind someone and gain immunity to blindness. Sustain Minor. Requires attack; Any mental + 2 at heroic tier.
- Periapt of Cascading Health. Encounter Power; Minor Action to auto-save against one effect.
- Baldric of Dividing Ranks. + to AC vs Opportunity attacks from minions. OPD you can move through minions' squares until end of next turn.
- Flagon of Ale Procurement. Find water or alchohol within 60 sq.
- Treeform Box. Polymorph into a tree. Ends at will (minor action).

So, what does everyone think? I'd like to start off with one of these item myself. A cookie if someone can figure out which one. :)

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Yeah just thinking back I don't recall anything broken, but I'll have to pull out my laptop and take a look at the article later this morning to re-read.

I personally hope it's the treeform box so that the first time you use it someone in your party can try and cut you down with a herring.


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I personally hope it's the treeform box so that the first time you use it someone in your party can try and cut you down with a herring.

I was hoping for the Treeform Box too, but apparently the ability to turn yourself into a tree is so powerful that it deserves to be a level 10 item. So I stuck to the level 7 or lower items.

Hmm, apparently I screwed up the link. I'll fix it in a sec.


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I have some concerns about the Ghoststride boots and the Giantkind Gauntlets.

They seem very powerful for their level. The ability to go insubstantial at will is pretty valuable, the 1/2 damage let's those who might accidently get caught in melee get out with much less of a risk.

For the gauntlets it gives the melee focused PC's a fantastic ranged attack (keyed off their main stat) that (IMHO) that they can throw pebbles with to cause a substantial amount of damage. The damage is better than all other ranged weapons available and they don't really have to worry about running out of ammo because as I read it a coin can be thrown to cause the damage.

Oh and Treeform Box seems to be overpriced, but that's less of a problem I guess.


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I'd agree with renau abou those two items.

The boots are less problematic, I think because you only gain the bonus when running, but still quite strong for their level. More discussion needed I think on this one.

The gloves are considerably stronger than other items. Compare them to gauntlets of ogre power(lv 5 item), an at-will ranged attack with a good bonus to attack and great damage, plus an encounter power for +2 bonus damage. vs, a bonus to athletics checks and str ability checks and a daily power of +5 bonus damage.


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For the gauntlets it gives the melee focused PC's a fantastic ranged attack (keyed off their main stat) that (IMHO) that they can throw pebbles with to cause a substantial amount of damage.
As it lists an upper range and no lower range on throw weights pebbles would work.

The damage is better than all other ranged weapons available and they don't really have to worry about running out of ammo because as I read it a coin can be thrown to cause the damage.
Well it's not a weapon attack or a basic attack, which helps a bit. I think the only thing you need to do is limit the missle to 1/2 or 1/4 the max weight limit. So at 4th, that's 15 or 7.5 lbs. This put a limit on the amount of missles you'll be carrying and also brings back the 'boulder throwing giant' feel.

Treeform Box seems to be overpriced, but that's less of a problem I guess.
I've thought many of the items are overpriced in 4e. You can add this one to the list.

The boots are less problematic, I think because you only gain the bonus when running, but still quite strong for their level. More discussion needed I think on this one.
Well, when you run you get speed + 2, AC +1 and insubstantial. You also have a –5 penalty to attack rolls and grant combat advantage to all enemies until the start of your next turn plus provoke opportunity attacks.

So it makes running less sucky. ;) The thing to remember is that they only gain insubstantial and +1 AC WHILE you run, so it only helps with OA attacks. Once the run action is over, if you haven't provoked any OA, these boot do nothing for you.​



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I'm not overly concerned with the boots. They're good, yes, probably one of the better lvl 6 boots out there (although the Goblin Stompers from AV are pretty nice), but not as good as some of the lvl 7 boots, like Boots of the Fencing Master, which gives you an bonus to AC and Ref when you shift, and gives you an encounter minor action two square shift.

Clearly, what these boots are for is either running out of combat, or running past enemies. But in either case you're looking at a -5 to hit at the end of your movement. So you can't rely on being able to land an attack after you've moved. And there's a decent chance that whatever you ran from will be able to get to you next turn.

I wouldn't mind seeing a minimum weight requirement on the gauntlets' missile weapon, although flicking needles at people for 2d6+Str would be wild. It is also an inaccurate attack. The attack bonus progression is what you normally see against secondary defenses, not AC.


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It is also an inaccurate attack. The attack bonus progression is what you normally see against secondary defenses, not AC.
Well it all depends WHEN you get the gloves. You pick them up at it's earliest, it's got the same accuracy as any heavy throw weapon. Once you move some levels, it does drop off but it's no worse than a non-magic thrown weapon. So it ends up being a high damage attack when you HAVE to use ranged or you have a low AC target. Seems like a cool option if someone like to have a ranged weapon 'just in case'. Plus who can't use free bonus damage once per encounter?

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