Al-Qarin: Into the Desert (3-1-24)

Just caught up with the last couple of episodes, and all I can say is "Holy **** Batman!" :eek:

Not a good outcome all round - no library, no captured dwerro. :( Still at least all the characters are alive this time. :D

The reincarnation of Shayla was incredibly cool, btw. :)

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Not a good outcome all round - no library, no captured dwerro. :( Still at least all the characters are alive this time. :D

Survival = victory in Galeman's campaigns, and we lived to fight another day. As Gorak pointed out, we were pretty lucky to be so close to 7th when Shayla got killed, although she lost almost a full level and a half after the reincarnation (not to mention fireball and a pile of hps from turning into an elf - she was pretty frail after this), dropping down to halfway through 5th. Still, we had a few rough sessions here - you can always count on Galeman not to pull any punches ;). It was a bit frustrating losing the Dwerro like that - and not only losing him, but actually contributing to the downfall of Caer Morag in the process. I don't really remember why we thought it was a good idea to move him to the tower, but it was probably along the lines of how I portrayed it. It was a bummer at the time, though, in retrospect, I'm not sure how well we would have done if we didn't move the Dwerro, and that succubus had got the drop on the rest of us.

I remember Gorak agonizing over whether or not to try and kill the Dwerro when he ran into the devil, but he didn't really have much of a choice. He was set up to help defend the town, and didn't really have much other than call lightning to fall back on. I was chatting with him after I posted this last update, and it's really quite amusing how often we screwed up, ran away, or just plain failed at what we were trying to accomplish :D
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“So how much further is it?” Shayla asked, leaning back in her saddle and taking a long pull from her water skin.

“Ah, yes, well, I'm not exactly sure,” Khalid replied, studying the creased and faded map of the East that Arbaq had provided them so many months ago.

“Bah,” Azarek growled, “this road 'ere only goes ta one place. How hard can it be ta figure it out?”

“Ah, yes, all of these villages look the same,” Khalid complained helplessly. “Ah, I have no idea which one this is. Yes, quite.”

He felt he had a point. So far, every village and hamlet they encountered was depressingly similar: devoid of inhabitants and more often then not, burned to the ground by Dwerro raiders. After the fall of Caer Morag, they had spent a long, tense night debating their next course of action. In the end, frustrated by their failure to prevent the Dwerro from claiming the city, they had decided to follow the road to the east to a city known only as the 'The Hub' and warn them of the inevitable approach of the Dwerro army. They made good time on the back of Khalid's summoned mounts, gambling that the bulk of the Dwerro forces would be involved in the siege. Thus far, the road had been entirely empty of travelers, much less Dwerro, to Khalid's relief. Shayla and Azarek however, seemed almost disappointed and Khalid suspected that they were both secretly hoping to encounter a patrol, to exact a little revenge.

“It can't be much farther.” Shayla added, corking her water skin and looping the strap over her saddlehorn.

“Indeed,” Khalid replied. “A day, perhaps two at the most.”

The sound of flapping wings heralded Gorak's return. In eagle form, he swooped low overhead and then shimmered back into his own body. “This ain't no picnic,” he growled. “If you keep stopping every half mile the only thing we're gonna find at the Hub are Dwerro.”

Khalid dismissed the jibe without comment. They'd all been a little short tempered since the fall of the Caer Morag. By his reckoning they had to be at least two days march ahead of the army, which in all likelihood was tied up with dealing with the populace and probably hadn't even moved yet. They were confident enough to ride out on the road during the day, with Gorak constantly scouting and searching for signs of pursuit. “Ah, well, the mounts will hold for a few more hours, and it's not quite dark yet,” Khalid said, tossing the reins of the summoned horse to Gorak.

A few hours later, they turned and headed south towards the forest, before dismounting. Wearied from the long day spent on the road, Khalid stretched and then stumbled through the words to a spell, conjuring up the magical portal. He was as tired mentally as he was physically, having spent most of his time in the saddle reviewing the final formula to a new spell. Sure now that it was ready to be tested, the thought was enough to the spring back into his step. It had been some time since he'd added new weapons to his arsenal but now, with his increased skill, several new options became available. The culmination of several months of work was about bear fruit. He began to mumble through a few of the phrases, measuring his rhythm and inflection. Dropping his pack, he moved away from the portal, drawing out his battered leather tome from his robes.

“Oiy,” Azarek called out. “Where ya ofta?”

“Ah, yes, I have a new spell I plan to enact.”

Swinging his saddlebags off his shoulder, Azarek rasped, “This I gotta see.” He sounded genuinely interested, much to Khalid's surprise.

Shayla released the rope, “Me too. Hey Gorak,” she called up into the portal.

Gorak's head emerged into view through the open portal. “No way” he growled. “I still remember what happened the last time.” He vanished again. “I'll leave the rope out, just in case...”

“Very well,” Khalid agreed absently, stopping at edge of a small rise looking back over the meadow towards the road. Against the backdrop of trees, they'd be hard to spot by anyone passing on the road. The light was beginning to fade, but it was sufficient for his purposes.

“So whut's this gonna do?” Azarek asked curiously.

“Ah, yes, well, my search continues for new allies,” Khalid replied cryptically. “I fear that my usual servants have been, compromised, yes, compromised.”

“Angels then?” Shayla asked.

“Ah, no, not exactly.” Khalid replied. “It seems, ah, well, somehow improper, to order an divine being to hack something into tiny, yes, tiny pieces. I seek to cast my net a bit wider, shall we say.” Furrowing his brow, he finished the conversation by launching into the start of the ritual.

Several hundred feet away, a pinprick of hazy purple flame flashed into view. It quickly expanded outwards in a perfect ring, leaving behind a black, endless void instead of scorched earth. For a few seconds, nothing happened as Khalid struggled to hold open the portal with magic while imposing his will upon the creature on the other side. Slowly, the flawless black sphere began to ripple, then a thin, tiny tentacle emerged. Almost tentatively, the milky, translucent appendage reached out, uncurling in the air.

“Ugh,” Shayla muttered, as a half dozen more tentacles exploded from the portal, flailing about wildly. The base of each was easily the thickness of Gorak's leg. Beneath the surface, cloudy purplish lumps of muscle bunched and flexed. One, near the edge of the expanding flame coiled around a thick ash tree. “That's repulsive. Hey Gorak, you should check this out,” she called out over her shoulder. “Khalid just summoned the biggest, angriest squid you've ever seen.”

“No thanks.”

“Uh, Khalid,” Azarek rasped, carefully watching the expanding boundary of the spell. “How big is that thing gonna get.”

“Ah, do not worry,” Khalid said grandly as he completed the last of the phrases. “It is completely under my control, yes quite. Release the tree.” he commanded with a wave. The tentacle continued to flow around the tree, bending it down almost in two.

He tried again directing the full force of his will at the beast. Release the tree!. With a groaning crack, the tree shattered at the roots, flinging clots of dirt into the air.

Shayla took a step backwards, away from the increasing reach of the creature. “Keep that thing away from me. If it gets any closer, it's gonna smell like burnt calamari around here. She turned and vanished into the portal.

“Ah, yes, of course,” Khalid replied, hastily tying off the weaves. “That should do it.” The last part was muttered under his breath. He exhaled heavily and the portal seemed to stabilize, almost forty feet from edge to edge. Pouring out from the void were dozens of the tentacles, desperately clawing at the empty sky.

“So whut in tha hell is it? Azarek rasped.

“Ah, I'm not exactly sure, but it doesn't appear to be able to fit through the portal.” He sighed with disappointment. “I can only assume, this is but a part of some vastly larger creature. Not exactly, what I was hoping for, yes, quite. Although I suppose I could find some use for it.”

“That right there,” Azarek pointed at the mass of squirming appendages, “hasta be one of the most disgustin' things I've seen, an' tha's saying sumptin, coming from me. If you let it out near anybody, it's gonna do terrible, awful things to 'em.” He let loose a sharp barking laugh. “I love it.”

* * * * * * * * * *​

Forty miles later, Khalid got his first glimpse of the Hub. He black mood only darkened as he surveyed the shantytown that surrounded the city proper. Unlike Caer Morag, with its stone walls and fortified tower, the Hub seemed little more than a rambling jumble of houses and tents, laid out in no particular order. Beyond the refugee encampment, a timber palisade interspersed with stone towers split the town in two, encircling the more permanent and prosperous looking dwellings. They guided their horses through the milling press of people, towards the western gate of the city. The tension and fear of the populace was all too noticeable, though they lacked the hopeless desperation that had pervaded Caer Morag. For the moment. Approaching the wall, Khalid could see the signs of hasty improvement, which failed to inspire much confidence in him. If Caer Morag had been unable to turn away the Dwerro tide, these people had little chance. The only encouraging sign was a significantly larger number of regular infantry, dressed in a mix of leather and chain, sporting green and black tabards that mirrored the flags hanging limply from the stone towers.

Near the gate, they pace slowed to almost a crawl. Despite being open, it seemed as though the guards were turning most people away, preventing them from entering the inner city. Sweating under the warm spring sun, they waited anxiously, growing more and more impatient, until finally they reached the front of the crowd.

A middle-aged guard stepped in front of them as they approached. Barrel chested, his cheeks were flushed from the heat and sweat dripped from under his steel helm, running down into a thick grey mustache. “We ain't letting nobody into the city,” he announced before they had a chance to speak. “There's no room for any more refugees. Yer gonna have to find someplace to camp out there.” He gestured at the tent city behind them with the tip of his pike.

“Do we look like refugees to you?” Gorak growled, his patience exhausted from the long wait.

The guard's gaze scanned their worn, dust covered clothing, lingering on Gorak's thick dreadlocks and Khalid's mangy, tattered beard, he replied. “Well you sure as shyte don't look like the sultan of Gem-Sharad. Now move along, there might be some folk behind you that actually belong in the city.”

“We want to speak to somebody in charge,” Gorak growled.

“I'm in charge here!” The guard replied angrily, his face turning a deeper shade of red.

“Somebody more important than you,” Gorak retorted.

Khalid, trying to head off an unpleasant situation, injected before the guard could respond. He leaned down out of his saddle. “Ah, we have just come from Caer Morag. Unless you would prefer, yes, prefer that we inform all of these people here that the city has fallen, perhaps there is some place a little more private we could go to speak to your superiors?”

The sergeant's face turned deathly pale. Realizing the chaos that would engulf the crowd if the news that Caer Morag had fallen spread among them, he glanced around hastily to see if any one had overheard. “Why didn't you say so? Stay right here,” he ordered, then spun on his heel, heading for the walls. “Lieutenant! Lieutenant!” he called out, heading to a small group of soldiers conferring together on the other side of the gate. A youngish looking man glanced up at the guard's approach. The sergeant whispered hastily into his ear, and the young man nodded, then waved away the line of guards to allow them to enter the town. Leading them to a small building attached to the base of the wall, the young man ushered them inside. “Wait here a moment,” he said as he closed the door.

A few minutes later, he returned followed by another soldier that, given the resemblance, Khalid had to assume was his brother. Both had light, sandy blood hair, cut military short and pale blue eyes. They could have been twins, although Khalid suspected that the one who had greeted them was slightly older. They wore the same insignia of rank, a red armband emblazoned with two gold chevrons.

Gesturing at them to take a seat around the small wooden table in the center of the room, the older of the two spoke. “I'm Jared, and this is my brother Jakob.” After Khalid made the introductions, he continued. “So do you mind telling us what you said to get Gustav so upset.”

“Ah, yes, well, we have information that your senior officers will find most, yes, most interesting,” Khalid replied.

“Oh I'm sure the Captain will be along shortly. The good sergeant has gone to find him. In the meantime, why don't you start with us?”

With a glance at Gorak, who shrugged, Khalid forged ahead. “Caer Morag has fallen.”

The brother's jovial expressions turned grim and they exchanged a long look. “Maybe you should go see what's keeping Gustav,” Jared suggested, straightening in his chair. Jakob stood up and left the room, while Jared turned his attention back to them. “Go on.”

“Five days ago. The Dwerro have a new type of siege engine they call a bombard. When they brought it to the field, they breeched the walls of Caer Morag in mere hours.”

Jared exhaled slowly. “Hours?” He shook his head, almost in denial. “We'd almost begun to hope that maybe they'd manage to hold out until we figured out a way to lift the siege.”

“Ah, yes, well as far as we can tell,” Khalid continued, “the army has not yet decamped. You still have time to evacuate the civilians. Yes quite.”

“Evacuate them where?” Jared replied, frustration evident in his tone. “The Hub is the last of the free city states. The towns and villages nearby have been destroyed or abandoned.” He looked at them shrewdly for a moment. “But you might not know that, seeing as how you're not from around here. What are two Westerners, a desert Orc and...” he paused, looking at Azarek carefully, “...whatever you are, doing wandering around in the middle of a war?”

“Ah, yes, well,” Khalid stuttered, trying to think quickly. “Ah, just passing through.” he concluded lamely, unable to come up anything better and not really wishing to get into their personal motivations.

“Of course,” Jared replied with a mocking smirk.

“Look,” Gorak growled, “we just thought you might like a little warning is all. What you choose to do wit it, that's your business.”

Jared rubbed the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger, weariness making him look older than he was. “No, I understand and I do appreciate what you've done. But if Caer Morag can't hold, we don't have much of a chance.”

Khalid had pulled out the map and was studying it carefully. “Ah, this map indicates there are more settlements further east. Across this land bridge. Surely they will not turn you away? Yes, quite.”

“They will spare us no aid,” Jared said, bitterness lacing his words. “Not that they could if they wanted too, now.” Reaching out his hand, Jared took the map and laid it out on the table. “The road's blocked. It's raining.”

“Raining?” Gorak scoffed.

“Yeah, raining. Right here.” He pointed to a dull green area south of the road. “And it has been, for six months straight.”

“Ah, is that a swamp?” Khalid asked, squinting at the map.

“Yep, except now it covers most of this area here,” he traced a circle some fifty miles wide, stretching almost from the northern coast of the land bridge to the south. “The road is all but gone. This village here,” he touched a small unnamed dot along the road, “had mostly been abandoned by the time we made it through. It's probably under water by now. There's nothing but mud and pools of stagnant water, and more reeds and swamp shrub then should reasonably grow in that amount of time.”

“Dwerro?” Khalid asked.

Jared nodded. “They have to be involved somehow. We suspect that there are several hundred of them hiding out in the foothills here.” He pointed at a shading of mountains, two or three days north east of the city. “My brother and I made that run a few months back. As far as we know, we're the last to make it through, either way. The road is littered with traps and obstacles, not to mention Dwerro raiders. There's no way to get these people through.”

“So there is nothing that can be done?” Khalid asked, sympathizing with the young man.

“We'll fight.” Jared shrugged. “What else can we do? If we had more horses, maybe we'd be able to deal with them. Horses are faster than those pigs they ride, so our light cavalry fares pretty well but we don't have any heavy horse to speak of, and our infantry doesn't measure up. Hell, there isn't a man alive in the army that's seen a real war.” He sighed. “But that isn't your problem. Thank you for your warning. I'm going to ask you to remain here, as I'm sure the Captain would like to hear the account, first hand.”

They didn't have to wait long until Jared returned, with the Gustav and the Captain in tow. Waving the sergeant away, the Captain ordered the two young lieutenants to act as scribes, and proceeded grill them about the siege. Given their unique involvement, Gorak in particular was able to provide a highly detailed disposition of the Dwerro forces, although he was rather circumspect as to how he came by it.

Several hours later, the Captain released them. As they turned to leave, Jared fell into step beside them. “You have the run of the town of course, to resupply if you need to,” he offered. “Although prices are like to be dear. Food is being controlled by the council now, so it's hard to come by, but for the right price, you should have no trouble finding what you need. I can perhaps, show you a few places.”

“Chaperon?” Gorak grunted, tactful as always.

“Ah, well, I just though perhaps I could be of some service,” Jared offered with a grin. “That's the official line, anyhow,” he continued with a smirk. “Listen, if it's not me, it'll be somebody else that's not nearly as useful. They just want to make sure you don't go stirring up panic until things have gotten organized.”

“Ah, yes, fair enough,” Khalid replied, not seeing any choice in the matter. “We shall collect what we need and be on our way quickly then.”

Jared turned out to be telling the truth about the useful part, quickly introducing them to several merchants able to provide them with supplies. Having had little opportunity or need to spend any of the wealth Arbaq had supplied them with in Gem-Sharad, they quickly spent sums of money Khalid would have once considered fortunes. Seeing no real need to stay in the city, given their alternative, they headed for the city gate.

“The east gate?” Jared commented, as they walked. “After what I told you, you're still going to head east?” he said, his voice twinged with a mixture of admiration and disbelief.

“What's it to you, where we go?” Gorak growled.

Stopping in front of the barred gate, Jared waved at one of the guards to unlatch a small sally port. “Nothing at all. But damn me if you aren't the oddest bunch I've seen come through these parts lately.” He grinned at them. “What are you people doing here?” he asked once more.

“Ah, passing through,” Khalid replied with a wink, stepping through the gate. They made their way to the outskirts of the refugee camp before sunset, taking shelter out of sight from any curious onlookers.

They struck out the next morning, leaving before the sun was more than put a pale smudge on the horizon. Their hurried pace chewed up the miles quickly and the city was soon far behind. After the first day, they encountered no more people on the road.

The second day, proved far more eventful. Gorak was off scouting ahead when the road in front them exploded in a shower of dirt and debris. Reigning in hard, the summoned mounts reared and pawed at the air, as two enormous stone statues emerged from the ground, facing one another across the ten foot wide expanse of road. Vaguely humanoid, they were so crudely cast as to be almost unrecognizable. Unfinished stone plates covered their body, and thick, stumpy fingers curled into fists at their sides. They towered over the road, and Khalid guessed them to be about fifteen feet high.

Dropping down out of the clouds, Gorak swooped in low and shifted form. “Where'd those things come from?” he growled.

“Outta tha ground,” Azarek rasped, urging his skittish mount forward another step. The statues pivoted on their base, expressionless faces now staring blankly at them.

“Azarek” Shayla muttered darkly under her breath, an unneeded warning in her tone.

Studying the statues carefully, Khalid suddenly clued into where he'd seen their kind before. Gorak had summoned a creature almost exactly the same, albeit smaller, in Malakai's caves. The two statues were earth spirits, bounded to a rocky form on the material plane. But this was a different type of magic, to hold them here as guards indefinitely. Khalid studied them carefully, noticing that both had a shiny metal collar wrapped around their necks.

“Ah, they seem to be bound here, against their will, I should think, yes quite.” Khalid said, as Azarek backed away. “By those collars around their necks, I suspect. I should think they will be easy, yes, easy enough to get rid of,” he continued, muttering a few words and briefly suppressing the magical bonds.

“Hey, wait a minute,” Gorak growled, but before he could grab hold of Khalid, the spell left his fingers. The elemental on the left bulged at the neck, shattering the collar and sending fragments of mental flying through the air, then vanished into the ground as quickly as it had appeared.

“Khalid,” Gorak growled dangerously.

“Ah, yes, well I thought perhaps, yes, as they say, the enemy of my enemy,” Khalid stuttered, glancing around nervously. He was practically thrown out of his saddle as the ground behind him erupted. Swelling to twice its previous size, the elemental towered over them. It brought its massive fists crashing down, shattering the paving stones of the road and roared in a voice that sounding like moving mountains. “RETURN ME!”
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“SEND ME BACK!” the elemental roared, once more bringing its fists crashing down upon the road.

Khalid doubled over in his saddle as a wave of rage washed over him. “Ah, we can't!” Khalid gagged, struggling to form coherent thoughts through the static of anger that was not his own. Azarek wheeled his mount around, interposing himself between the creature and Khalid.

“Khalid!” Gorak growled. “What's it saying?”

Answers fell into place. Only he could understand the creature, but he had never studied the terran tongue to communicate with earth spirits. He brought his will to bear, clearing his mind of any thoughts but his own. We can not do that. None of us have that ability and attacking us will not change that. Forming the image of a Dwerro in his mind, he forced it upon the elemental. They are responsible. Only they can return you. He wasn't entirely certain about the last part, but confronted with several tonnes of highly agitated and impressively mobile rock, he was prepared to stretch the truth a little.

“WHERE?” the being demanded.

“Somebody do something!” Azarek hissed, fingering the hilt of his sword and clearly not relishing the idea of attacking a block of angry stone.

“Ah, do nothing until I tell you.” Khalid admonished. To the west, several days. The thought had barely formed in Khalid's mind when the elemental vanished into the earth. Khalid glanced around nervously, half expecting the angry spirit to emerge from the ground beneath him.

“What the hell did you do?” Gorak growled. “You jus sat there staring at 'em while it was grinding and grumbling, and then it went away. An I might buy a harem girl trembling in fear at the sight of yer pretty face, but that big heap of rocks din't look like the type to jus toddle off because of one skinny wizard.”

Khalid, having grown more practised in the use of his newly discovered talent, explained. “Ah, my time with Ruwayd gave me some rather specific insights into his rather unusual method of communication. Yes, quite. It seems that not only have I become able to broadcast my own thoughts, I am becoming adept at deciphering the thoughts of others, at least to the extent of discerning the meaning of their words.”*

Gorak exhaled slowly. “Next time,” he growled at Khalid, “maybe a little more warning is in order.”

“Ah, yes, well, as I suspected, they have no cause to be angry with us,” Khalid replied with a bravado that was belied by the tremor in his voice.

“So what do we do about that one?” He pointed at the other elemental, still standing motionless beside the road.

“Ah, yes, well, I hate to see any creature enslaved by the Dwerro. I propose we free it as well. Yes, quite.”

“What if it's crazier then the first one?” Shayla asked.

“Ah, I should think we can manage one of these creatures, if it is indeed hostile beyond reason.” He glanced at Gorak, who nodded.

“Easy for you to say,” Shayla muttered. “You both can fly.”

“Don't worry darlin',” Azarek rasped, “I'll pertect ya.”

“I feel safer already,” Shayla replied dryly, rolling her eyes. “Well, whatever then. If you're gonna do it, get on with it.”

“Ah, yes, quite,” Khalid said, launching into the ritual that would suppress the magic of the collar. Like the first, as soon as the spell took effect, the elemental reached up and seized the band, tearing it free and casting the twisted scrap of metal away. It turned slowly and seemed to study them each in turn with its glittering, coal-black eyes.

“Thank you for freeing me from that enslavement,” the elemental rumbled. “Can you return me my native realm?”

No. We have no knowledge of the magic that brought you here. It was merely within my power to disrupt the shackles that held you.

The elemental emitted a low grinding noise that Khalid took for the equivalent of a sigh. “Where is the other that was bound here?”

“So what's this one want?” Gorak grunted, looking from the elemental to Khalid, who waved him silent.

Unfortunately, we set him free first. He was not quite so self possessed as you. He left, heading west, seeking out the architects of your imprisonment.

“The length of time we have been imprisoned here weighs heavily on us both.” The creature curled its hand into a huge fist and Khalid could see a stream of grit and stone drifting down to the ground. “The earth of this place is too weak. Maintaining our physical presence requires constant effort. In time, our strength will fail and we will crumble into dust.”

I wish there was more that we could do aid you. The sympathy that accompanied the thought was genuine.

“You have done enough. We will find our own way back.” The elemental began to sink into the ground as it flowed toward them. “I must find the other now.”

“Where'd it go?” Azarek rasped, looking around at the ground.

“Ah, it's leaving. It's going to follow the other. If they don't find a way back soon, they will, undoubtedly die. Yes, quite.”

“How depressing,” Shayla muttered. “At least they'll get a chance to get their revenge on a few Dwerro, if nothing else.”

“Yah,” Gorak grunted. “If they both don't go nuts and carve a swath through the Hub first.”

Khalid frowned, staring back toward the west. He hadn't really thought of that. With a sigh, he turned his mount around and rejoined the others on the road. They put a few more miles behind them before breaking for the evening. The next few days brought no new surprises and except for the occasional break to eat, they rode on uninterrupted.

It was well past noon on the third day when Gorak returned from scouting. Changing form in front of them, he dropped the last few feet to the ground and landed on his feet. Shayla took one look at him and remarked, “So do you actually picture yourself scowling like that while you're shifting, or is that just your natural expression?”

“Funny.” Gorak grunted. “You won't be laughing in a few days when you're soaking wet. Our friend Jakob wasn't kidding. From up there, I know what he was talking about. That rain cloud stretches for miles, farther than I can see.”

Mid morning on the following day brought a bruise coloured smudge to the horizon, eerily reminiscent of the black cloud that precipitated their adventure, what felt like a lifetime before. Its presence cast a pall over their already strained mood. Conversation, which had been sparse, almost completely ceased and Khalid, Shayla and Azarek rode in silence while they awaited Gorak's return. Unsurprisingly, he alone among them seemed unfazed by the perpetual storm clouds that darkened the sky ahead.

Shayla in particular seemed troubled by what lay ahead. Khalid had been surreptitiously watching her since the events in the forest. In the days immediately after, she had worn the magical earring almost constantly, using it to mimic a form similar to her old appearance. Recently she'd practically abandoned it, choosing instead to appear in her new form. The tight fitting black leathers she'd acquired in the Hub served to make her pale skin stand out all the more, and she rarely bothered to even pull back her long, straight, black hair. Occasionally, Khalid caught glimpses of the old Shayla in her banter with Gorak, but she almost never smiled. It was clear that while Gorak's magic had removed all traces of physical wounds, there were others of a deeper sort that still plagued her.

Offering her his hand, Khalid helped her into the magical dimension he created that night, and then pulled in the rope, sealing the entrance. Breathing a sigh of relief, as he often did when he was once again protected by the security of his magic, Khalid began to unpack his bedroll. Drawing out a hard baked biscuit from the supplies they'd acquired in town, he sat down with his spellbook, absently nibbling on the bread. He barely had time to review his recent notes when Shayla spoke.

“So I think it's time we discussed exactly what we're doing here.”

“I thought we was gonna go check out this rain cloud,” Gorak rumbled, looking up from his pack.

“What exactly is that going to accomplish?” she asked.

“Ah, well, the people of the Hub...” Khalid began.

“Can save themselves,” Shayla interrupted. “We're not going to win this war alone, and nobody else seems to give a damn enough to try. You heard Jakob. This road is littered with traps. Eventually we're going to run into one we can't handle.”

Khalid frowned. “Ah, well, when you put it that way. The Dwerro are undoubtedly watching the road.”

“I still think we should check out this swamp,” Gorak rumbled.

“Of course you do,” Shayla replied, somewhat causticly. “It's the most miserable, unpleasant, dangerous place nearby. But we could spend months wandering around in there without finding any clue as to what's causing it. And while that might be your idea of a good time, it sure isn't mine.”

“So we just run away?” Gorak growled.

“Run away?” Shayla retorted. “From an unwinnable war against an implacable foe? If that's what you want to call it, then sure. But in case you forgot, we made a deal with Arbaq. And while we never promised him we'd succeed, if we're just going to give up on that, he at least deserves to hear it from us.”

“Ah, she has a point, Gorak,” Khalid said. “It pains me to see what the Dwerro have done, but to throw ourselves heedlessly against their might, well, perhaps our current course of action merits a sober second thought. Yes, quite.”

“Even after what we went through at Caer Morag?”

“At least there, we had a reason for what we were doing,” Shayla replied. “This is just aimless wandering. And you can bet that the Dwerro have a measure of our skill now.” She looked rather pointedly at Khalid. “Zarum owed you a favour for saving his life, but the rest of them won't be that friendly. Given what he told us, you have to believe that they're searching for you.”

Khalid's frown deepened as he considered her words. “Ah, yes, well, I do now,” he muttered.

“Fine,” Gorak grunted. “Let's sleep on it. If you both feel the same way in the morning, I won't argue.”

The exchange soured Khalid's mood to the point where even the prospect of a few hours study wasn't enough to hold his concentration. Abandoning his work, he pulled his bedroll up around his shoulders, and drifted into a fitful, uneasy sleep. Beset by nightmares of grasping Dwerro pulling his spellbook from his cold dead hands, he awoke more tired then he had been the night before, but with his mind made up.

Gorak took one look at his expression and then glanced at Shayla. Without even asking, he knew what their answer would be. “So now where?” he growled.

“Home,” was all Shayla replied.

“Yes, quite,” Khalid agreed.

“Just to let Arbaq know we failed?” Gorak growled. “That's a helluva long way just to say we're sorry.”

“Ah, perhaps would should return to Martok on the way back. I suspect, yes, suspect that Vestalt had more on his mind then just ruining our day when he kidnapped the Dwerro we, ah, well, kidnapped.”

“Well, if he does, hopefully it will take him time to get organized on this side of the mountain. Either way, we still got that curse to think our way through. But it's something at least,” Gorak relented grudgingly. “North then?”

“It would seem the logical choice. Yes, quite.” Pulling out their map, he spread it out on the hazy floor of the pocket dimension. “Ah, I see no reason to return to the Hub. It is possible, albeit unlikely, that advance elements of the Dwerro army have already reached the city. I would suggest that we leave the road immediately. Save for these few scattered hamlets along the coast to the northeast, and some villages along the rivers and lakes, the northern plains seem relatively uninhabited. We should be able to avoid any unwanted attention with ease. Yes, quite.”

The decision made, they abandoned their shelter and climbed onto Khalid's summoned mounts. Turning off the road, they skirted the edge of the foothills to the north that Jakob had warned them about. While not as easy as the road, the grasslands were smooth and relatively flat, and their steady pace ate up the miles.

A few days after they'd left the road, Khalid awoke from a sound slumber, in the middle of the night. Glancing around the tiny extra-dimensional space, he tried to find the source of his disturbance. With some concern, he realized that the opening to the portal had been unsealed, and the rope had been lowered. Gorak and Azarek were in their bedrolls, asleep, but Shayla's blankets were piled in a rumpled ball. Moving quietly, so as not to wake the others, Khalid gathered up his robes, and climbed out of the shelter to investigate. Shivering in the cool night air, he pulled his robes over his head while his eyes adjusted to the dim light of a full moon. Overhead, a canopy of stars glittered around the enormous orb of the moon. Shayla was standing a few dozen feet from the entrance, with her back to him and seemed unaware of his presence. Hands balled into fists at her sides, she muttered a few words under her breath, then stood motionless. Khalid, unsure of what was going on, approached her cautiously. A few seconds later, her shoulders slumped and her head tilted down, her long black hair falling in front of her face.

“Ah, Shayla?” he asked. Jerking around at the sound of his voice, she quickly rubbed her sleeve across her eyes. “Ah, sorry, yes, quite. I did not mean to startle you. Is everything all right?”

“No,” she replied. Seconds passed, and then her words came tumbling out, frustration marring the melodic sound of her voice. “Nothing is all right. I can't seem to sleep much anymore and when I do, it's just nightmares of that place. Ever since I came back, everything is wrong. I feel weak and tired, and angry. I can't concentrate and I can't feel the flow of magic like I used to.” She closed her eyes and began to chant. Khalid could see her struggling, could sense the weaves gathering around her. Her eyes flew open and she pointed a long slender finger out over the plains. Expecting a burst of flame, Khalid shielded his eyes from the light, only to hear a faint hissing sound like a rustling breeze. Squinting into the darkness, he could see that the grass in front of her was curled and dead, still sizzling slightly from the noxious jet of vapour that streamed from her hands.

“Two weeks ago, there would have been a smoking crater out there the size of Arbaq's study,” she said bitterly. “Now that's the limit of my control. Magic I mastered months ago. And even that is tainted and different.”

Unsure of what to say, Khalid moved up beside her, and place a hand on her shoulder, in what he hoped was a reassuring manner. “Ah, yes, well, I'm sure that with practise you will regain your skill. The ordeal has been taxing, in ways I can not begin to comprehend.”

She sighed. “I suppose your right,” she replied, but Khalid could sense the doubt in her voice. “Just do me a favour, and don't tell Gorak what I said. I don't want him to think I'm not grateful for getting me out of that place.”

“Ah, yes. Of course.” He pulled his robes tight around his shoulders against the chill. “It's late, you should return to the portal and try to rest. Morning will arrive far too soon.”

Shayla shook her head. “I think I'm going to stay out here a bit longer.” Seeing Khalid about to object, she raised a hand to stop him. “Don't worry Khalid, I'll be fine. For all my complaining, I'm not completely defenceless.”

“Very well.” He left her to her brooding, and returned to his bed. Despite her assurances, he stayed awake until she returned, rolling over and pretending to be asleep, knowing that his concern would only make her feel worse.

They didn't speak of it again, and true to his word, Khalid said nothing to Gorak about their discussion. The unending sea of grass before them bore little signs of civilization. In places, stands of trees dotted the landscape, untouched by any axe, and teeming with wildlife. Able to outpace them easily in his animal forms, Gorak spent time hunting and foraging. More out of boredom then any real need to supplement their stores Khalid suspected, but he certainly wasn't going to complain about a little variety.

Khalid spent much of his time in the saddle, poring over his spellbook, putting the finishing touches on one of his newest endeavours. Having discovered a way to greatly fortify his magical invisibility at the expense of its duration, he was reviewing his notes to ensure he hadn't overlooked anything when Gorak returned from scouting. Reverting to his natural form, he joined them on foot, and they dismounted to stretch their legs a bit, after half a day on horseback. Gorak took the lead, ranging out ahead a dozen yards or so. Holding his reins in one hand, and his spellbook in the other, Khalid absently followed Shayla and Azarek, mouthing the words to the spell over and over.

A strange whistling sound caused him to glance up from his book. In front of him, Shayla had stopped, and oddly, a swath of the waist high grass around her was sifting to the ground. Before his mind could make sense of the scene, she turned around slowly.

“Khalid,” she managed weakly, a bloody bubble bursting on her lips before she sagged forward, reins dropping from her hand while the other clutched at the foot long ebony spine buried deep in her chest. Before he could so much as move, a hideous shriek split the air and chaos descended on them.

* * * * * * * * *​
* Heh, I'm pretty sure at this point in the game there was a fairly in depth discussion of just what telepathy allows you to do. The description of telepathy is a bit vague - if I remember correctly, it just says that it allows you to "communicate" with any creature that has a language. In the end, Galeman decided to allow Khalid to understand all languages as a result.

EternalNewbie said:
“Khalid,” she managed weakly, a bloody bubble bursting on her lips before she sagged forward, reins dropping from her hand while the other clutched at the foot long ebony spine buried deep in her chest. Before he could so much as move, a hideous shriek split the air and chaos descended on them.


Nice cliffhanger.

I was wondering if the party had a clear goal in mind setting off after that rainstorm ... I guess not really.

Anyway, looking forward to more, whichever direction they go ... :)

We had a bit of an identity crisis here - for a while, we actually thought we were heroes, aiding people in distress for purely altruistic reasons. But as you see, we got over it pretty quickly and got back to serving our own self interests.

Heh, actually, I suspect there might have been a long break between games at that point, and when we sat down to play again, we reorganized our priorities, turning away from the war to focus on the Arbaq situation. For the most part, Galeman's perfectly happy to let players ignore the story arc and wander around causing mayhem, making up adventures on the fly. At this point however, we were pretty deep into it, so we figured we'd make his life a little easier, and play along... :D

In retrospect...maybe we should have gone to the swamp ;)

We had a bit of an identity crisis here - for a while, we actually thought we were heroes, aiding people in distress for purely altruistic reasons. But as you see, we got over it pretty quickly and got back to serving our own self interests.

Glad to hear it - wouldn't want you going all mushy on us. :D

In retrospect...maybe we should have gone to the swamp ;)

Well OBVIOUSLY ... that was always going to be the case ... unless you actually had gone to the swamp. ;)

I think we were dragging our feet. We set out originally to go into Martok, but we hit a serious snag: the curse - "to enter Martok you must give up what you value the most!". I'm not sure how that comes across in the Story Hour, but no-one wanted to do that so our next option was to go to Caer Morag and find a solution in the library and when that failed we were out of luck. I think our aimless wandering came from the fact that none of us wanted to face Martok. So our characters were putting off the inevitable. By the time we hit the edge of the storm, we decided to re-focus. This happens one other time later on in the story hour where we know what we have to do but, for some reason, put it off...

If you're wondering what the characters value the most, I think it's pretty fair to say it's their power - although for Gorak, it was a toss-up between that and his snake ;)

- Shayla's power is rooted in her force of personality and it defines her: from the beginning when her father gave her her inheritance then kicked her out because she was "different". I think she's trying to prove herself (but that's just my opinion);
- Gorak is trying to be omiscient/immortal/"one with the universe" - escape his mortal bonds;
- and Khalid...well I shouldn't speak for Khalid, but I think it's's all about the chicks!
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Khalid recognized the beast from his studies at the White Tower, although he could scarcely believe his eyes. Huge webbed wings, like those of a bat, propelled the feline body through the air with uncanny speed. The black mane that surrounded the feral, lion like head was mangy and tattered. A long, sinuous tail, studded with needle sharp quills of varying sizes arched high over the creatures back, as it wheeled in the air, turning for another pass. Oddly, a swirling cloud of ravens trailed in its wake, descending out of the clouds in large numbers.

With Shayla mortally wounded, Khalid saw little possibility of victory. Given the ease with which the creature had felled her, trying to drive it away without her considerable power would be next to impossible. His options for dealing with a flying opponent were severely limited and while Azarek had his bow, it would take incredible skill and accuracy to pierce the creature's thick hide as it raced past. Even if Gorak could manage to occupy it, there was little chance they could protect Shayla from another pass, out here on the open plain.

Azarek! Grab Shayla. Gorak, we've got to get away from this thing. Without Shayla we cannot hope to defeat it. Uncoiling the length of rope wrapped around his waist, he tossed it to the ground while he hastily went through the complex formula that opened their sanctuary. Azarek, sweeping the shield off his back, held it high over his head and ran to Shayla's crumpled form. Seizing her by the front of her tunic, he picked her up with one hand and threw her over his shoulder. Staggering back to Khalid, he flexed his legs and hurled her upwards through the magical portal.

The creature roared in anger when it saw its prey escaping into thin air. It swooped low toward Gorak, who was turning to rejoin the others. The long segmented tail whipped down, sending a cloud of spikes buzzing through the air. Barely able to raise his shield in time, Gorak grunted and staggered, falling to his knees. The largest of the spines were driven deep into his darkwood shield, but several more landed true, sinking into the thick muscles of his legs and abdomen.

Khalid grabbed hold of the rope as Azarek's boot disappeared above him. He stopped, looking back over his shoulder at Gorak, who was still several dozen yards away.

Seeing him hesitate, Gorak roared, “Go damn you! Don't wait for me!”

The creature banked hard above them, gaining altitude and position for another pass. Khalid's heart hammered in his chest and he saw the resignation in Gorak's face. Both of them knew there was no way he would make it to the portal before the creature attacked again. Dropping to the ground, he turtled under his shield. “Go!” he roared again, as the beast closed on him. Seizing the rope with his other hand, Khalid reluctantly heeded the command and climbed up.

Inside, Azarek was futilely trying to stem the flow of blood from Shayla's wounds. “She's still alive,” he rasped, pressing a tattered strip of cloth around the wound in her stomach. “Barely. But if Gorak don't get in 'ere right quick, he's gonna need to fetch her outta the underworld agin.” Khalid breathed a sigh of relief, fumbling around at his waist for a healing potion. Before he could administer it, Gorak's head appeared through the gateway.

“Little help?” he growled, clutching at the edge of the portal. Azarek leaned over and seized his arm, dragging him through the entrance, then pulled the rope up behind. Oozing blood from countless wounds, he dragged himself over to Shayla. “Sit her up,” he directed Azarek.

“Ah, can't you just heal her?” Khalid said anxiously.
“Ain't no magic of mine gonna fix her with that spike lodged in her guts.” He looked at Azarek. “We can't pull it out, the barbs will rip her apart. We're gonna have to time this real good. It ain't digging into anything too vital, so you're gonna have to drive it right through her at the same time I mend her up.”

Placing one arm around her shoulders, Azarek propped Shayla up and grabbed the spine in her abdomen with his other hand. “Khalid,” he rasped. “Yer gonna have to steady her. I'ma gonna need both hands fer this.” Moving to his side, Khalid helped hold her upright. Azarek took a deep breath, then, with a look at Gorak, nodded his head.

Gorak closed his eyes and gathered his focus. Sweat dropped down his face as he began to chant, his deep voice rumbling in his chest. Opening his eyes, he held his hand above the wound. “Now,” he barked.

Shayla's eyes flew open and she gasped in pain as Azarek drove the spike into her stomach, seizing it on the other side and pulling it clear through. Gorak plunged his hand into the wound, and completed the spell. Drawing it out, covered in blood and bile, he left behind a smooth patch of unbroken skin.

With a shuddering groan, Shayla leaned heavily into Khalid. “Why,” she muttered weakly, “does that always happen to me?”

Khalid held her close for a moment, until she stopped shaking. Turning to Gorak, he asked, “Ah, how did you escape the beast?”

“Bitch must have run outta ammo,” he grunted. “Gave me one more good dusting, but couldn't finished the job before I got in here.” He pulled his waterskin off his belt and held it out to Azarek. “Ya mind?” As Azarek unscrewed the top, Khalid realized that Gorak hadn't yet let go of his shield. Taking a long pull, he tossed the empty flask to Khalid. “My turn now,” he growled. Holding up his shield arm, Khalid could see half a dozen spikes buried in the wood. The largest, in the middle, had passed clear through, piercing the thick muscles of his forearm and protruding from the other side. Examining him closely, Khalid realized that Gorak was covered in wounds. Dozens of spikes, ranging from several inches to almost a foot long covered the length of his body, buried deep in his legs and shoulder.

“Drive 'er through or yank 'er out?” Azarek asked.

“Yank it out,” Gorak growled. “You'd have to pound on that bastard for an hour to get it through the darkwood and its thicker at the base then the tip. Gonna have to clip the barbs off first, and then cut the straps of my shield.

“Better bite down on sumthin'” Azarek growled, taking off his helm and setting it on the floor. “This is gonna hurt.”

“Don't I know it,” Gorak growled. “Jus get on wit it.” Leaning over, Gorak rested the barbed tip on the top of Azarek's helm.

Azarek pulled out the magical dagger from its sheath, he cut the leather straps that held the shield in place on Gorak's arm, then placed the edge against the spine. Raising the Dwerro hammer over his head, he brought it down on the edge of the knife without so much as a warning. Gorak grunted in pain as the tip snapped off.

“That wasn't so bad,” he growled with a shaky grin. “Now for the fun part.” He rolled over on his stomach and stretched out his arm. “Make the first pull a good one, cause I sure don't wanna do this twice.

Azarek stood up, placing one foot on Gorak's hand and the other on his shoulder. Bending over, he grabbed he shield with both and pulled, yanking it free. Gorak sat up, clamping his other hand over the wound. “Now take that knife and cut the one outta my shoulder, and maybe that big one in my leg too.”

Never squeamish, Azarek obliged him. By the time he was finished, Gorak's skin had turned ashen grey, and his breathing was uneven. Blood streamed over his skin, collecting in pools around him. “That oughta do 'er,” he grumbled. Muttering a few words under his breath, he directed his healing magic inward. The small spines clattered to the ground as his injuries mended. Looking at Khalid, he asked, “So jus what in the nine hells was that thing?”

“Ah, I've read about creatures such as that. It's called a manticore. It is the bastard offspring of cursed magic. Parts of various beasts fused, yes, fused together by a crazed magi. Supposedly, a pair of them maganed to escape, and breed, evidently. However, they have not been seen in centuries. I had thought them only legends.” He offered them a wry grin. “Ah, but then again, I probably would have said the same about dragons, a year ago. Yes, quite.” Falling silent for a moment, he replayed the encounter in his mind. “What did you make of the crows that trailed the monster?”

“Dunno,” Gorak grunted. “Seemed a bit off, eh? Crows is smart though. Maybe they're just opportunists. Too small to be a meal and lots of carrion left over. Anyhow, it ain't them we gotta be worried about. That thing won't get the drop on us twice.”

The took the day to recovered from the ambush. In the morning, Gorak cautiously dropped out of the portal and had a look around. Signalling the all clear after a few minutes of scouting, the others joined him and they resumed their trek.

Mid afternoon found them atop a small ridge, looking down over a shallow lake basin. A small cluster of houses surrounded the bank, spanning the single river that cut the valley.

“So we going in there, or what?” Shayla asked.

“Ah, well, we've been on the road for some time now. A hot meal and a decent place to sleep would be a welcome, yes, welcome change.” Khalid offered.

“Sure,” Gorak grunted. “There can't be Dwerro this far north already.”

Decided, they rode toward the tiny hamlet. As they neared, a sense of unease began to weigh upon Khalid, although he couldn't place it's source. Finally, he figured out what was bothering him. “Ah, it might be only early afternoon, but wouldn't you expect at least a few of the chimneys to be smoking? Surely, yes, surely someone in town should have a fire lit.”

“Yeah,” Gorak growled in agreement. “I ain't seen anybody moving around down there since we came over that hill. Better get ready.”

Azarek settled his helm and strapped on his shield. Unsheathing his sword, he nudged his horse into the lead. Nearing the town, Khalid noticed that the fields had been tilled but not planted, although it was well into summer. Weeds and grasses had taken root among the rows and the wildflowers hummed with the sounds of bees, but there little sign of any habitation. Turning, they moved onto the dirt track that passed as the main street of the town and headed toward the harbour. A lone crow watched them from the eave of a squat log house, cocking its head to the side as they passed. With a shrill cry, it took to wing, and vanished into the clouds overhead.

“Ah, that's ominous,” Khalid commented.

“There,” Gorak barked, pointing at one of the houses. “I just saw that shutter move. Maybe there's still somebody around here after all. Hang back a bit, I'm gonna go check it out.”

Staying close enough to help if need be, they watched him approach the small house. Abandoning all pretence of stealth, he hammered on the door. “Open up. I know yer in there,” he growled.

There was a faint sound of movement from within, then a querulous voice replied, “Go away! There's nothing here for likes of you but death. Leave now while you're still able!”

Gorak looked back over his shoulder and shrugged, at a loss for a course of action. Receiving nothing in the way of a helpful suggestion from the others, he pounded on the door again. “We're ain't going nowhere until you tell us what's going on. Now open up this door before I kick it down.”

The voice inside didn't respond to his challenge. Gorak dismounted and was preparing to carry through on his threat when the door on a house a few feet away opened with a bang. A wizened old man stuck his head out and called, “He ain't gonna open that door. None of 'em are.”

Khalid studied the old man for a second before responding. Tufts of white hair surrounded his bald crown, and his peasant garb was stained and dirty, hanging off his slight frame. His rheumy eyes were narrowed in a permanent squint, staring out from hollow cheeks. “Ah, then perhaps you can tell us what's going on here, why your fields lie fallow and the people hide in fear. Is it the Dwerro?”

“Dwerro? No, there ain't no Dwerro around here,” The old man replied. He was about to continue, when a shrill voice rang out from inside.

“What are you doing, you old fool! Send them on their way before you bring down doom on all of us!”

“Quiet woman!” he barked. “What doom could we suffer that's worse than this? Come winter, we're all gonna starve anyhow. And you heard the big fella. If we don't let him in, he's just gonna open the door with his foot, and I reckon a sore leg ain't gonna improve his mood none.” He waved them over. “You best get outta the street. It ain't safe.”

The followed the old man into his tiny house. The furnishings were sparse but the interior was tidy. A simple table and set of chairs adorned the room, which appeared to serve as both the kitchen and main living area. As they entered, the single door leading off the room slammed shut.

“Don't mind her,” the old man instructed. “She's always mad at me for some reason or another. Might as well be a good one.”

Cutting through the pleasantries with his usual tact, Gorak asked, “So you wanna tell us what's going on around here?”

“This town is cursed,” the old man replied simply.

Snapping his fingers, Khalid interrupted. “Ah, the monster yes? The flying beast? It is what keeps you trapped within your homes?”

“So you've seen it then?” The old man seemed surprised. “And you got away?”

“Obviously,” Shayla muttered.

“Well, don't that beat all. Usually when that thing shows up, somebody dies.”

“Ah, yes, that thing is called a manticore. It's an aberration, born of fell magics.” Khalid instructed, speaking slowly so as not to confuse the old man.

“Might as well call it death,” the old man replied, with a resigned shrug. “That's what it is. To this town anyhow. But it ain't no more then we deserve.”

“Maybe you'd better start from the beginning,” Gorak growled.

“I'm trying, but you all keep interrupting,” the old man grumbled. “It started showing up a few months back, after Edgar and Beowin and their boy were driven outta town.”

“I think I know where this is going,” Shayla muttered.

“Well, ain't you a clever one then. The boy always was a bit off, if you know what I mean, but not so much as to get everybody all stirred up. Had a bit of a reputation for being nearby when there was strange goings on. But his folks was well liked, so nobody really paid it too much mind.”

“Until?” Gorak grunted.

“Until all the pigs turned up dead and the cows milk went sour,” the old man replied. “After that, people weren't so forgivin'.”

“Always with the sour milk,” Shayla muttered bitterly. “That could have just been a coincidence.” Khalid glanced at her, somewhat surprised by the anger in her voice. “I couldn't sour milk if my life depended on it,” she muttered under her breath, scowling.

The old man nodded. “Maybe so, but when people's livelihoods is on the line, well, they don't think none to clearly. They drove the boy and his folks out of town. Now, Edgar and Beowin, they were begging and pleading with folks they'd known their whole life, not to do it but the boy, he just got real quiet like. With the whole village standing their at the edge of town, murder in their eyes, he just turnt around, calm like it were just another day on the farm, and levels a look cold enough to freeze water in high summer. In a voice like thunder, he tells them all their gonna regret what they done, and see their lives ruined the same way. Folks didn't pay no mind to him and just went back to their daily business. But the boy, well, he sure showed them.”
“And where were you during all this?” Shayla asked.

“Listen little girl,” the old man replied, bristling at the implication. “I ain't got but a few more years to make my peace with the gods, but I ain't in no rush ta get on with it. The boy din't kill none of my livestock, but if I'd put up a hollar, those pitchforks woulda been jabbin inta my behind just as quick.”

“So what are you gonna do now?” Gorak asked.

“Wither up and die, I suspect,” the old man replied in a hopeless tone. “The granary's bare and every time we try to go out and plant, a huge flock of ravens shows up and drives everybody out of the fields. People are too frightened to leave their houses.”

“Sounds like it's high time to pack it in and leave,” Gorak suggested.

“ Some folks tried to make a run fer it a while back, but that manteeker or whatever you call it dropped their bodies right there in the town square, to show us all how far that'd get us.” The old man sighed. “No sir. I think we're all done fer.”

“Ah, there are perhaps a few things we need to discuss,” Khalid said, motioning at Shayla for their magical pack. Digging out a cloth wrapped bundle of rations, he handed to the old man. “If you would perhaps adjourn to the other room, so that we make speak privately. Yes, quite.”

“Young fella, right now I'd just about sell you my house for that food. Take all the time you need.” The old man scooped up the package and left the room, closing the door behind.

“Ah, yes, well, are we going to involve ourselves in this?” Khalid asked.

“I don't see why we should,” Shayla snapped. “These people brought this mess on themselves, and I'd rather not have a repeat of yesterday. Once was enough.”

“Yes, quite,” Khalid agreed. “But nevertheless, we may have cause to return to the east in the future. With the Dwerro firmly in control of the south, we might come to rely on these remote villages. And it is in place such as this that rebellion might form.”

“Hah,” Shayla scoffed. “These peasants aren't exactly the guerrilla warrior types.”

“Yes, but still,” Khalid responded, looking at Gorak, “the value of supplies and sanctuary cannot be overestimated. What are your thoughts on the matter?”

“Seems like its got a lot of possibility of getting messy,” Gorak growled. “But I'm not sure we've got a choice. We can make a run for it. I can maybe get us clear before that thing finds us but if the weather holds, it's gonna be hard to avoid being spotted. If we risk it and get caught, we're gonna be easy pickings out on the plains. We already ducked it once but I'm guessing he ain't the sort to just let that go. Maybe its best if we pick the spot to settle it.”

“We are agreed then?” Khalid asked, looking back to Shayla.

“Fine,” she relented. “But my power isn't what it used to be. We're gonna have to pull it in damn close.”

“And the ravens will have to be addressed,” Khalid added.

“Right,” Gorak grunted. “I'm gonna go take a look around town, see what kinda options we got. You three stay put.” He raised his voice. “Old man.” The door opened and the old man stuck his head into the room. “Where's this granary?”

“Up the street, near the center of town.”

“Alright. We're gonna see if we can't fix your little problem here.” He pulled open the door, shifted form and flew out into the street.

The old man watched him go with a look of surprise on his face. “Watch out for them birds, it's how he keeps tabs on us,” he called out after him. Turning to the others, he said, “If he hadn't just done that, I'd have laughed out loud. But maybe you can at that. My thanks.”

“Don't thank us yet,” Shayla replied. While they waited for Gorak to return, they prepared themselves for the coming battle, knowing that the beast could descend upon them without warning.

Half an hour later, Gorak returned. “This might just work out,” he growled. “The granary should give us cover. It's solid, with lots of room for the three of us and the door is big enough for it to squeeze through.”

“That's not good,” Shayla commented with a frown.

“Ah, yes, on the contrary,” Khalid said, recognizing Gorak's intentions. “We might be able to goad him into your range if he thinks he can finish us off.”

“Whut about them birds?” Azarek asked.

“Ah, yes, if I take up a position near the front I should be able to deal with the vast majority of them,” Khalid replied.

“I got a few things that might help but if there's magic controlling them, we'll have to get rid of them the hard way.” Gorak added.

“So how we gonna get it down here? Azarek rasped. Gorak just looked at him, with an evil grin.

“Glad I asked,” Azarek muttered. He glanced at Khalid, who was looking at him hopefully. “Fine,” he growled. “I'll be the bait. When?”

“Tomorrow, if he don't come for us sooner,” Gorak rumbled.

They spent a tense evening within the dubious shelter of the old man's home, taking advantage of his hospitality though he had little to offer them. Early in the morning, shortly after Gorak had finished communing, they made their way quickly to the center of town. Throwing up the latch, Gorak swung the two heavy wooden doors open and walked inside. Khalid and Shayla followed him into the two story brick building. Taking up a position by the door, Khalid kept a close eye on Azarek while Shayla moved further back. At Gorak's signal, Azarek slipped of his shield and flipped it around, holding up the hammered steel back. Turning it slightly, he caught the rays of the early morning sun, causing it to flash into the sky.

The temperature inside the granary rose with the sun, and Khalid began to sweat heavily. Despite the heat, a shiver ran through him when Azarek finally put his shield back on and drew his sword. “Get ready,” he growled. “Here it comes.”

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