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The Malazan Book of the Fallen: The Burning of Kindle


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This is the in-character thread for the The Malazan Book of the Fallen game using the Mutants and Masterminds 2nd Edition system. The game is based in the world of Steven Erikson's Malazan Book of the Fallen novels, and details can been found in the OOC thread:

In the Free City of Kindle, a small city that sits to the north of Greenwater Lake on the Rhivi Plain. Its position is neither strategic nor particularly advantageous in terms of trade or resources but Kindle has prospered. It may not match the tall spires of Pale or the cosmopolitanism of Darujhistan, but it has its own charms.
Kindle is governed by the Five Houses:
House of Blades, essentially the city’s own assassin’s guild which serves the functions of keeping petty squabbles amongst the other Houses from spilling out onto the cobbled streets of Kindle
House of Faith, these are representatives of the many religions that have temples within Kindle’s walls
House of Wyrd, a collection of prominent mages and scholars
House of Manners, the nobles of Kindle that can trace their lineage back to the city’s founding
House of Coins, arguably the most influential House as it comprises the city’s most successful, and therefore wealthy, merchants
The expansion of the Malazan Empire had appeared to pass Kindle by, lying so far to the west it was believed that this small city had been largely ignored by Malazan strategists. Boasting little of import save its excellent relations with the Rhivi tribes and as such indirectly support the efforts of the mercenary company the Crimson Guard, and the Ascendant Caladan Brood, to drive back the encroaching forces of the Malazan Empire.
But news has arrived of Pale’s fall, and the Empress has turned her eye from the ‘glittering jem of Genabackis’ that is Darujhistan to the west. The legendary Moon’s Spawn, which had been described as: “ ..Ragged as a blackened tooth, the basalt fortress was home to the most powerful enemy the Malazan Empire had ever faced. High above the earth, Moon’s Spawn could not be breached by siege. Even Laseen’s own undead army, the T’lan Imass, who travelled as easily as dust on the wind, were unable, or unwilling, to penetrate its magical defences.”, was said to have been driven off by the Malazan High Mage and his cadre. Even now a Malazan company as detached itself from the clearing of Pale and is moving towards Kindle across the Rhivi Trail towards Greenwater Lake…

You have been hired into the service of a merchant known as Goble Fenn, known to have a great deal of influence within the House of Coins, and while he has not laid out the specifics of his needs for your services he has offered a substantial amount of coin for them (or 'houses' as the currency is imaginatively known in Kindle...). Goble has asked that you all meet him in the Griffin's Nest this evening where he will elucidate somewhat.

The night begins in the Griffin's Nest, a small but well known inn on the edge of the Fisherman's Quarter. The night air is cool with a slight breeze, carrying with it the almost palpable sense of tension through the crowded streets of Kindle. Something about this 'tension' sets those with magical sensitivities a little on edge.
The Nest is abuzz with talk of the approaching Malazan force, on its way to stake the Empress' claim for Kindle.
Rumour has it the Houses are locked in a bitter argument over how the Malazans should be dealt with. The nobles and merchants clamour for peace and surrender, for Kindle to welcome the approaching army in the hopes that the Malazan hegemony will not crush them. However the mages and priests of the city hold no hope for a peaceful strategy, having heard of the nearby city of Pale's struggle against the Malazans and its subsequent fall. Tales of slaughter, virulent sorcery and the devastating Moranth munitions have become the cornerstone of their arguments.

[sblock=OOC]I do have a small, badly drawn, map of Kindle but I need to get it scanned in and so I'll try to do that this week, if would make the place names make a little more sense and be handy for you guys to refer to as well...assuming you can make out my scrawl!
Feel free to holler if you have any questions, or if you think I've missed anything out![/sblock]

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Voda Vosa

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Helicrates enters the inn, helmet in hand, displying his black hair a beard, strained with a few silver and white hairs. His heavy tunic obscures the metalic armor that covers his body. The armor could not be removed since he doned it the first time. Nor his sword could be taken away from him, or he would suffer the illest of curses.
He walked parsimoniously by the place, searching for his employee. A sword for hire he was, and although not entirely happy with that fact, he found mercenarisms was more than suitable for a person like him.




Durzo is feeling a little put out this evening. Rumors of an impending invasion have many people jumpy and the archer is feeling inconvenienced for the changes it promises to bring to the city. An invading army is never good for business. They usually aren't hiring and the victim's don't pay enough for the risks involved to save their backsides.

It's too bad, he was coming to like Kindle and that serving wench over at the Rusty Nail Pub was always good for a romp in the hay. Maybe he should finish up this quick job and take the maid off to somewhere else, as he looks at the boats in the water.

He shakes his head, "Baah, no more thoughts of the wench's bosom." He continues down the street to the Griffin's Inn. He walks in and notices the liveliness of the common room, peering around to casually check faces for this Goble fellow. Not seeing him yet, he heads over to the bar to get some ale, admiring the cleavage of a passing barmaid in the process, "Yo, Sal! Give me a stout one, if you please."

He leans against the bar, elbow resting on the top, while he holds his ale in the other hand. He settles in to wait.

Walking Dad

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Just after Helicrates enters a man with a dark but not black robe, his left hand and arm covered by the robe's sleeves. Teth Narkil looks like he had originally a darker complexion, but got paler somehow. As he moves through the room, the candles on the tables flare slightly up as he passes by. He sits down near Durzo and asks: "This time you are sure we are expected here?"




Durzo looks down at Teth with a nod of greeting, but speaks again to the bartender, "Sal! Get me two more mugs and small cask, if you please." Once delivered, he places the money on the counter and joins Teth at the table pouring him an ale.

"Aye, not my usual haunt, but the Goble fellow probably thinks this where we like to hang out. Service is better over at the Rusty Nail, at least when Trixy's working, especially when she's working me. I see Helicrates is here too, he should spot us shortly and come over. I expect we are going to need a more private table though. Mayhaps Mr. Fenn has arranged such."

He calls back to the bartender, "Hey Sal, did a Goble Fenn reserve a private room or booth tonight?"

Voda Vosa

First Post
At the shouting, Helicrates can't avoid to notice the pair sitting on a table. There's a mug for him already. With thirsty eyes and a grin in his face, he approaches the assambled pair.
"My greetings to you my comrades. Is our employer here already?" he asks loudly. "I hope he has enough houses to pay for a fine group such as us." he sits down.


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Supper at the Griffin's Nest

Short and balding, with sweat beading on his grimy forehead, Sal the bar-keep grunts at the shout from the mercenary. He nods sharply at Lari, the youngest barmaid who makes her way deftly through the other clientele to the table the three mercenaries sit at.
Eyeing the three somewhat nervously, Lari toys with the fabric of her grubby dress.
"Um...Sal says that Mr Fenn arranged dinner out back, loadsa fancy stuff, and he'll be along soon"
With a hurried nod and curtsy, Lari points vaguely towards a door at the rear of the inn and scurries away.

[sblock=Interior of The Griffin's Nest]http://www.theguild2.com/images/screens/Tavern.jpg[/sblock]

You make your way to the Griffin's 'private dining' room, such as it is. In reality, a small backroom with a table and chairs hastily dragged in to it. A shutterless, grimy window that looks out onto stables at the rear of the tavern allows dull moonlight to cast eerie shadows into the room.
Candles on the table sputter into life at Teth's presence, illuminating someone already seated opposite the door. Flickering light draws a narrow, wisened face into sharp relief. Lank grey hair sits on her shoulders, resting on torn and dirty clothing. Eyeless sockets still give the impression that you are being watched.
"Reign in your Warren sorcerer" rasps the figure, "I suspect I am somewhat flammable[\i].
Five places have been set at the table, the withered creature motions for you all to sit. The rooms smells oddly of damp and mildew, despite looking simply dry and dirty.
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Durzo gives Helicrates a look that says, apparently not yet. He looks up at the timid girl, "Thankee lass, we'll be there shortly." He hands her the money for the ale and gives her a friendly pat on the bottom as she turns away.

Durzo agrees with the latest arrival, "Aye, better get some money up front too. Credit ain't gonna do any good with the city facing a potential siege. Shall we take our ale and see about this splendid spread the girl mentioned?"

Walking Dad

First Post
Teth inhales deeply, sucking his power deeper into himself, like the air. There is a strange taste to the air in there. "So, what can we do for you?" he asks professionaly, but still curious about the 'being' before him.

will add here my standard 'spell list' ASAP.

Voda Vosa

First Post
"What sort sorcery is this?" asks Helicrates to Teth, with doubt in his face. He stands ready, for in such a strange creature he would never trust.

Voidrunner's Codex

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