Welcome to the Bundles, Freebies, and Sales News, the weekly column at EN World that helps make sure you don’t miss out on big tabletop RPG bundles, charity fundraisers, and sales from around the internet. Buckle up because this week is epic-sized.
Freebies and Pay What You Want
Note: While “Pay What You Want” downloads are available for free, please support the creators if you are able!
Free League Publishing released a quickstart, Dragonbane: The Sinking Tower. The 60-page introduction to the long-running Swedish fantasy RPG includes everything you need to try out the game. Also available in Swedish.
The first free DLC for Cyberpunk RED from R. Talsorian Games is out for 2025, a map of Night City circa 2045 along with descriptions of important locations.
Handiwork Games has an interesting book for Cold City, Hot War with Reports 1-7, seven reports of behind-the-scenes info, extra historical inspiration, and ideas to read and learn more about the Cold War period in advance of the new editions coming this year.
Mind’s Vision also has a quickstart for trheir game, Nomad’s Unbound, with Doomed Soul Phase III. Take on the roles of Nomads, individuals capable of traveling between universes in this modern fantasy game.
Old Oak Games released a quickstart for Beyond the Woods, a 5e dark fantasy campaign setting with new rules including an updated hexcrawl exploration system, the introductory adventure Dead Wood, a guide to the shadowed lands of Tír Nascath, six pre-generated characters, and a map.
Phil Reed is back again, this time with the D20 Future zine Datastream. The 176-page PDF is packed with new options including starting occupations, feats, prestige classes, starships, mecha and mecha devices, cybernetics, and more.
Gavin Bastiensz has a scenario for Call of Cthulhu with Blackthorne Bridge Club – Opening Bid. The third in the series, the investigators are drawn into a mystery as unusual mutations and madness seem to be rife at Washington State College.
Over on Dungeonmasters Guild, Thomas and Rachel Kolar are back with another entry from their Wonderful World of Darklords podcast where they create a Darklord and Domain of Dread for Ravenloft based on the works of Disney. Runetown, inspired by Who Framed Roger Rabbit, describes the land of Langeles City where wild magic has spawned “living magic” called Runes who have become an essential part of the city’s growing wealth even as the Runes are looked down on and discriminated against. Especially by those in the halls of power, and nobody is more powerful than the sinister Judge Doom.
With the polar vortex hitting North America, it’s a good time for an adventure like Winter’s Wrath from Gaming Geek Shop, a 5e adventure for 3rd level characters. Spring’s thaw is coming, but it has also released something foul. Can the party stop it before it ravages the nearby villages?
Arthur’s Attic released The Necromancer’s Apprentice, a 4th level adventure for 5e that has the adventurers hired by a merchant to bring her son who had fallen in with a notorious mage known for dabbling in the dark arts of necromancy.
Granny Apple Greencastle seeks to open a new pie shop in the village of Saerloonans and needs help from some “younger adventuring types” in Eyes on the Pies, a 3rd level adventure from Dennis R. Halls.
The Lightning Round this week features gamemaster/DM resources like monsters, maps, random generators, one-page adventures, drop-in encounters, and more. All products are Free or pay what you want with the suggested price in parentheses:
Bundles and Sales
Note: I have included end dates when listed for the following sales, but please be warned that those without published end dates may end suddenly so be sure to plan purchases accordingly.
I decided to highlight a non-charity bundle from Bundle of Holding because I have a soft spot for the history of the tabletop roleplaying industry. The Designers, Dragons, and More Bundle is a great place to learn more about precisely that featuring Shannon Appelcline’s extensive Designers & Dragons series spanning four volumes, one for each decade of the 1970s (available in the base bundle), 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s (available in the Bonus Collection). Additionally, you can get the 40 Years of Gen Con and Family Games: The 100 Best in the base collection and Hobby Games: The 100 Best in the Bonus Collection.
Fantasy Ground users can pick up the Dragonlance adventure collection at a discount. Get the original adventure DL1: Dragons of Despair plus Tasslehoff’s Pouches of Everything and The Journals of Kaz the Minotaur.
The Encounter Bundle Volume One features four books of encounters ready to insert into your 5e D&D campaign. The collection feature combat encounters, roleplay challenges, and puzzles from Level 1 to 11+.
Every DM knows the feeling when the players ask a question about the tavern you don’t have an answer for. The Tavern Bundle is here to solve that problem with a collection of random tables including 100 Bard Song Names, 100 Tavern Food Ideas, 100 Tavern Names, and more
The Tales from Greyhawk bundle includes twenty-one adventures set in the world of Greyhawk spanning from levels 1 through 14 all ready to run witl the included Roll 20 conversion.
Over on Storyteller’s Vault, the Disciplines Remastered Bundle has updated versions of the Disciplines for Vampire: The Masquerade with new powers, abilities, optional rules, and guidelines for LARP play as well as tabletop.
Charity Bundles and Sales
Once again, I'm starting off with my GoFundMe for medical bills. From late October to mid November, I was hospitalized with kidney failure and infected wounds in my lower legs. I’ve been hospitalized three times since with various issues (numbness in one foot, pneumonia, symptoms of a stroke). I’m as okay as can be, but the bills are mounting up and I still have multiple outpatient appointments (dialysis three times weekly, wound care twice weekly, plus further appointments and tests). As I cannot walk, I require medical transport which I’m paying for out of pocket and, frankly, costs me more than my rent. Please consider donating as every dollar helps.
Over on Humble Bundle, the Adventures, Crafting, Monsters, and VTT Assets Bundle has a huge collection of third-party D&D products for your games. The base level starts with nine map collections, the second level adds on nine VTT token collections and another three map collections, while the top tier has 58 total products including maps, monster books, DMing guides, alternate rules, encounters, adventures, and a whole lot more.
Monte Cook Games has created a bundle for their super-premium RPG Invisible Sun. The bundle for the surrealist RPG has a prop crafting kit at the base level, a second prop set and the magic sourcebook The Van Houten Collection: Magical Praxis, and the top tier includes the Invisible Sun core rulebook plus the additional books Secrets of Silent Streets, Teraology, The Threshold, Book M, The Nightside, and Enchiridion of the Path.6
That’s all for this week! If you know of any bundles or sales starting soon, please contact me on the EN World Discord, tag me on Bluesky , or send me a message here on EN World. Discount percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number and are based on the standard retail price provided by the site. Note: Links to Amazon, Humble Store, Humble Bundle, Miniature Marketplace, Fantasy Grounds, and/or DriveThruRPG may contain affiliate links with the proceeds going to the author of this column.
Freebies and Pay What You Want
Note: While “Pay What You Want” downloads are available for free, please support the creators if you are able!
Free League Publishing released a quickstart, Dragonbane: The Sinking Tower. The 60-page introduction to the long-running Swedish fantasy RPG includes everything you need to try out the game. Also available in Swedish.
- Price: Free
The first free DLC for Cyberpunk RED from R. Talsorian Games is out for 2025, a map of Night City circa 2045 along with descriptions of important locations.
- Price: Free
Handiwork Games has an interesting book for Cold City, Hot War with Reports 1-7, seven reports of behind-the-scenes info, extra historical inspiration, and ideas to read and learn more about the Cold War period in advance of the new editions coming this year.
- Price: Free
Mind’s Vision also has a quickstart for trheir game, Nomad’s Unbound, with Doomed Soul Phase III. Take on the roles of Nomads, individuals capable of traveling between universes in this modern fantasy game.
- Price: Free
Old Oak Games released a quickstart for Beyond the Woods, a 5e dark fantasy campaign setting with new rules including an updated hexcrawl exploration system, the introductory adventure Dead Wood, a guide to the shadowed lands of Tír Nascath, six pre-generated characters, and a map.
- Price: Free
Phil Reed is back again, this time with the D20 Future zine Datastream. The 176-page PDF is packed with new options including starting occupations, feats, prestige classes, starships, mecha and mecha devices, cybernetics, and more.
- Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $5.00)
Gavin Bastiensz has a scenario for Call of Cthulhu with Blackthorne Bridge Club – Opening Bid. The third in the series, the investigators are drawn into a mystery as unusual mutations and madness seem to be rife at Washington State College.
- Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $2.00)
Over on Dungeonmasters Guild, Thomas and Rachel Kolar are back with another entry from their Wonderful World of Darklords podcast where they create a Darklord and Domain of Dread for Ravenloft based on the works of Disney. Runetown, inspired by Who Framed Roger Rabbit, describes the land of Langeles City where wild magic has spawned “living magic” called Runes who have become an essential part of the city’s growing wealth even as the Runes are looked down on and discriminated against. Especially by those in the halls of power, and nobody is more powerful than the sinister Judge Doom.
- Price: Free
With the polar vortex hitting North America, it’s a good time for an adventure like Winter’s Wrath from Gaming Geek Shop, a 5e adventure for 3rd level characters. Spring’s thaw is coming, but it has also released something foul. Can the party stop it before it ravages the nearby villages?
- Price: Free
Arthur’s Attic released The Necromancer’s Apprentice, a 4th level adventure for 5e that has the adventurers hired by a merchant to bring her son who had fallen in with a notorious mage known for dabbling in the dark arts of necromancy.
- Price: Free
Granny Apple Greencastle seeks to open a new pie shop in the village of Saerloonans and needs help from some “younger adventuring types” in Eyes on the Pies, a 3rd level adventure from Dennis R. Halls.
- Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00)
The Lightning Round this week features gamemaster/DM resources like monsters, maps, random generators, one-page adventures, drop-in encounters, and more. All products are Free or pay what you want with the suggested price in parentheses:
- Oath of Atonement (5e Paladin subclass) from Westley Braswell ($1.99)
- AEJUNK05 Junk Planet 5 (3D printable STL terrain) from Aether Studios (Free)
- Legacy of the Desert Prince (5e Artifacts) from Paul T Dean ($1.00)
- Legacy of the Vagabond (5e Artifacts) from Paul T Dean ($1.00)
- College of Dread (5e Bard subclass) from Bryce Ezekai ($0.00)
- 2024 Artificer Update (5e alternate class) from Jeff Ginger ($1.00)
- High-Stakes Resurrection Ritual (5e optional resurrection rules) from Dungeon Addy ($1.00)
- Wooden Golem Riding Horse (5e mount) from Matthew Schuster ($0.99)
Bundles and Sales
Note: I have included end dates when listed for the following sales, but please be warned that those without published end dates may end suddenly so be sure to plan purchases accordingly.
I decided to highlight a non-charity bundle from Bundle of Holding because I have a soft spot for the history of the tabletop roleplaying industry. The Designers, Dragons, and More Bundle is a great place to learn more about precisely that featuring Shannon Appelcline’s extensive Designers & Dragons series spanning four volumes, one for each decade of the 1970s (available in the base bundle), 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s (available in the Bonus Collection). Additionally, you can get the 40 Years of Gen Con and Family Games: The 100 Best in the base collection and Hobby Games: The 100 Best in the Bonus Collection.
- Price: $7.95 for the base collection (77% off)
- Variable-cost “beat the average” for the Bonus Collection
- End Date: January 29. 2025
Fantasy Ground users can pick up the Dragonlance adventure collection at a discount. Get the original adventure DL1: Dragons of Despair plus Tasslehoff’s Pouches of Everything and The Journals of Kaz the Minotaur.
- Price: $45.15 (20% off)
The Encounter Bundle Volume One features four books of encounters ready to insert into your 5e D&D campaign. The collection feature combat encounters, roleplay challenges, and puzzles from Level 1 to 11+.
- Price: $16.00 (20% off)
Every DM knows the feeling when the players ask a question about the tavern you don’t have an answer for. The Tavern Bundle is here to solve that problem with a collection of random tables including 100 Bard Song Names, 100 Tavern Food Ideas, 100 Tavern Names, and more
- Price: $3.75 (25% off
The Tales from Greyhawk bundle includes twenty-one adventures set in the world of Greyhawk spanning from levels 1 through 14 all ready to run witl the included Roll 20 conversion.
- Price: $29.98 (50% off)
Over on Storyteller’s Vault, the Disciplines Remastered Bundle has updated versions of the Disciplines for Vampire: The Masquerade with new powers, abilities, optional rules, and guidelines for LARP play as well as tabletop.
- Price: $50.00 (30% off)
Charity Bundles and Sales
Once again, I'm starting off with my GoFundMe for medical bills. From late October to mid November, I was hospitalized with kidney failure and infected wounds in my lower legs. I’ve been hospitalized three times since with various issues (numbness in one foot, pneumonia, symptoms of a stroke). I’m as okay as can be, but the bills are mounting up and I still have multiple outpatient appointments (dialysis three times weekly, wound care twice weekly, plus further appointments and tests). As I cannot walk, I require medical transport which I’m paying for out of pocket and, frankly, costs me more than my rent. Please consider donating as every dollar helps.
- Charity: Darryl Mott’s medical bills (all proceeds)
Over on Humble Bundle, the Adventures, Crafting, Monsters, and VTT Assets Bundle has a huge collection of third-party D&D products for your games. The base level starts with nine map collections, the second level adds on nine VTT token collections and another three map collections, while the top tier has 58 total products including maps, monster books, DMing guides, alternate rules, encounters, adventures, and a whole lot more.
- Price: $5/$15/$25 (97% off at top tier)
- Charity: Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (user-defined, default 5%)
- End Date: February 1, 2025
Monte Cook Games has created a bundle for their super-premium RPG Invisible Sun. The bundle for the surrealist RPG has a prop crafting kit at the base level, a second prop set and the magic sourcebook The Van Houten Collection: Magical Praxis, and the top tier includes the Invisible Sun core rulebook plus the additional books Secrets of Silent Streets, Teraology, The Threshold, Book M, The Nightside, and Enchiridion of the Path.6
- Price: $1/$10/$18 (92% off at top tier)
- Charity: Direct Relief (user-defined, default 5%)
- End Date: January 30, 2025
That’s all for this week! If you know of any bundles or sales starting soon, please contact me on the EN World Discord, tag me on Bluesky , or send me a message here on EN World. Discount percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number and are based on the standard retail price provided by the site. Note: Links to Amazon, Humble Store, Humble Bundle, Miniature Marketplace, Fantasy Grounds, and/or DriveThruRPG may contain affiliate links with the proceeds going to the author of this column.