Converting Al-Qadim creatures

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Number 6

First Post
Perhaps Skill Focus using Knowledge (geography... because of their familiarity of the region) or Profession (vintner).

Perhaps Appraise... used to judge wines and analyze their qualities.
Perhaps Jump... because of their dog-like bodies (I'm just pulling that out of my ass, obviously).

Perform (singing or dancing)... for when they celebrate the wine season.
Knowledge (geography)
Knowledge (nature)

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Extradimensional Explorer
A warhammer of some type, then?

Let's say CL 2.

Know (nature)? Any other Professions or Crafts we can squeeze in there? I'm not sure what "vintner" covers.

Skill Focus sounds right.

Number 6

First Post
Surely they simply crush grapes with their feet and their snout.
... I'm not sure what "vintner" covers.
Vintners are wine sellers and wine makers... and, though I loathe to use Wikipedia much, wine makers do this kind of stuff:

  • Cooperating with viticulturists
  • Monitoring the maturity of grapes to ensure their quality and to determine the correct time for harvest
  • Crushing and pressing grapes
  • Monitoring the settling of juice and the fermentation of grape material
  • Filtering the wine to remove remaining solids
  • Testing the quality of wine by tasting
  • Placing filtered wine in casks or tanks for storage and maturation
  • Preparing plans for bottling wine once it has matured
  • Making sure that quality is maintained when the wine is bottled[1]


You're really an instigator now, aren't you? :p

Let's cut to Con 12. At 2HD, they're going to be pretty low CR anyway.

The breath weapon looks good! Full-round is probably fair for filling it, too.

I like to think of myself as more of an agitator.:lol:

The breath weapon looks great as it is.


Surely they simply crush grapes with their feet and their snout.

I agree. You don't want to use anything hard to press the grapes. If I remember correctly, if a vintner crushes & breaks the skins too much it makes the wine bitter.

A winemaker genie would probably carry a specialized blade for chopping, pruning or grafting their grape vines. I'd think it would be the equivalent of a kukri or a sickle. Probably a kukri, since it needs to be able to cut through a grapevine's stem, which can be quite thick.

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