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Fortune Cards: and randomized collectible cards come to D&D

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Ycore Rixle

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One aspect of the new cards that WotC is experimenting with has me curious, the different game functions of the Gamma World cards and the D&D Fortune Cards. They are both going to be packaged in random boosters, but how they are used will be different.

The Gamma World cards represent powers and gear your character has access to. You randomly choose what you get during character creation, and certain triggers in the game can cause you to randomly draw new powers and/or gear to either supplement or replace what you started with.

The Fortune Cards (as far as we know) DON'T represent your D&D character's powers and gear, but rather random events of fortune or fate that can change the direction of the story (perhaps in a small way, or perhaps significantly).

Does anybody like one of the functions above and dislike the other? Or, as I mentioned in another similar thread, are folks more bothered by how the cards are used in game . . . or how they are packaged (random boosters) . . . or both?

I like gaming stuff, and more gaming stuff on the market is fine by me.

I love the game Once Upon a Time from Atlas Games, and the Plot Twist and Fortune cards remind me of that game. That's not an RPG though.

For RPGs, I think the idea of randomized gear and powers/mutations a la the Gamma World model is not fun. At all. I'm not sure I would even play in such a game if someone else ran it and gave me all the cards. Aw who am I kidding, sure I would if I liked the group. But I sure wouldn't go out of my way to play it.

I like collectible stuff. I love opening up D&D minis boxes for that "What did I get?" feeling. But I don't see that for these PLot Twist/Fortune cards. For one, I like minis more than cards. For two, well, I'll have to see the art work, but I doubt it will be anything that makes me buy the cards instead of, if I want to use them, just printing them myself. That's what I do for the Apples to Apples games I play in school: I tailor the cards for the students to get them talking about certain subjects in homeroom/advisory.

I like the idea of cards in RPGs. Why not? But I think they should be cards that support the theme of the game. Like, here's a Dark Vengeance pack of cards. And it has in it lines of dialogue like, "You spit upon all those who loved you. Did you think this day wouldn't come?" and you get a bonus action point/bennie/Mood point when you use that line or paraphrase it (that's an option I included in Spellbound Kingdoms). So the DM can stack the deck with cards that support the type of campaign that's going on. Doesn't have to be just dialogue - for the Dark Vengeance pack, you could get cards where you filled in the name of someone who wronged you, then play them for a bonus on your Vengeance... just thinking out loud. But I like the idea of cards that are little things that push play in one themed direction to support a particular campaign more than I like cards that are just "Random X happens."


So, the appropriate comparison here is DDM rather than M:tG?

*shrug* No particular interest here. I don't think it's a sign of D&D going to the dogs or anything, but it doesn't appeal to me.


First Post
They're saying it's not collectible.

But it is randomized?

Why not one full deck?

They figure they'll sell more?

I just can't see how it's not at least as collectible as "garbage pail kids" ...

It seems like they're designed to be used in place of say a random table in a book. Only this table is constantly expandable instantly every time you open a pack of cards.

I think part of the fun is intended to be grabbing a random pack or two before the game and opening them and playing them right on the spot... Releasing them as a complete deck spoils this part a bit.

It would still be random sure, but unwrapping the surprise is kind of fun.

I wonder if at the end they'll release the whole set at once.

Also... Grabage Pail Kids??? Dude you are OLD! ;) (Adam Bomb FTW!)



Ok my first reaction when hearing this is: MtG
Sorry but that is initial reaction when hearing this.

I think it's a wrong step to go, at least in my games it would be for me. Sure I might glean ideas from it for a random encounter, but to allow for it to have game changing aspects. Nay it would be like having a life Deck of Many Things mixed with a Rod of Wonder. Honestly what harm could it do.............. oops.

But it does harkin a bit back to 2E and the Card Packs we had than. They were 'collectible' and random in the individual packs. Or you could buy the full set (think it was released a month or two later) as a full box set. I did use that for planning purposes, if it was a cool card I would build an adventure around it.
Also in 2E I recall having Priest & Wizard Spell cards with all their spells as cards to collect. Again random packs with full sets later.

Now if it is just like those use to be, I wouldn't get too upset over them. I found them fun accessories. But if it makes for actual in play game changing aspects, i.e. turning a miss into a hit and vice versa, it won't make it to a game I run.

Don't like them, don't buy it. Seems pretty simple to me.
Most of us grognards can't get too upset over it, as many of us recalled the card decks of 2E and mentioned we liked them in previous threads. Can you fault a WotC rep seeing that possibly and seeing the opportunity to cash in on the randomness portion?


First Post
Before I can pass judgement, I'd have to see them.

If it's as simple as something to enhance the scene (fog or strange smoke pours in giving everyone a minor conceilment bonus) then I'm all for it since that sounds interesting under the right circumstances.

Keeping in mind that the DM always has veto power over these things, I cannot see the harm. Doesn't mean I like the random/collectible aspect of it.

Vyvyan Basterd

It seems like they're designed to be used in place of say a random table in a book. Only this table is constantly expandable instantly every time you open a pack of cards.

I think part of the fun is intended to be grabbing a random pack or two before the game and opening them and playing them right on the spot... Releasing them as a complete deck spoils this part a bit.

Exactly. And if you want a "full deck" I'm sure someone on eBay will have them at a reasonable price.

Ok my first reaction when hearing this is: MtG
Sorry but that is initial reaction when hearing this.

The only way these cards will be able to be compared to MtG or any other CCG is if we end up with Fortunes that are Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Mythic Rare (or some other rarity designation). Without rarity each card is equal and the collectibility factor stays even, making finding whole sets for those that don't like the random thing much much easier.


The fortune deck sounds like Whimsy Cards from Lion Rampant. Play a card to alter the gameplay - everything from direct mechanic effects like "Spectacular Success", character (PC or NPC) choice constraints like "Excessive Caution", to sudden changes in environment like "Abrupt Change of Events".

The whole collectible/randomised features are different and no doubt set up to drive sales from completionists.

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