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Adventure: Delivery of Death (DM: Luinnar, Judge: renau1g)


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After a dinner of stewed rabbit, potatoes and mushrooms and much fussing by Ryana at RAM TIGER for only eating the meat; the the children are put to bed. The door at the back of the wagon opens to reveal a pretty young woman with dark, expressive eyes. She smiles shyly, then settles nearby, beside the fire. “This,” Scarengi proclaims proudly, “is my beautiful daughter Valana. She will tell your fortune.”

Valana gazes at each of you in turn, with the firelight shining in her large, black eyes. “The trouble began when I cast the runes for that quiet and lost young man,” she explains sadly. “Perhaps it will end with another casting.” She holds a flat pan in her lap and stone tiles in her hands. Then, after gazing once again into your eyes, she drops the tiles into the pan.

"The lost one has called you!” Valana gasps. Each member of her family hastily makes a protective gesture. “The dead will walk with the coming storm, and you must find a way to put them to rest. If you cannot, the rain will turn to blood! It will drown you—you and all of Marais d'Tarascon!”

Scarengi quickly ushers his wife and daughter into the wagon. “No charge for your fortune,” the old man adds hastily. “It is time to rest after the adventures of the day. Be our guests and sleep beside the fire.” he says before going inside. Only the younger man Carloni remains outside, settling upright into the driver's seat of the wagon with a heavy cloak around him.

As you begin to settle for the night, you see Valana's form outlined in the wagon doorway. She speaks barely above a whisper, but you can hear her clearly. “Beware the madman,” she says. “Beware his blood.” Then the door closes and Valana is gone.

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Kasha sits picking her teeth, more than a little nonplussed by all the sudden fuss. "Huh," she comments with a shrug. "What weird people. Good stew though! Is there any more in the pot there or what?"


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Kasha looks around, but it seems like they cleaned up all that was left of today's meal.

GM: Does anyone want to do anything before taking an extended rest?


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OOC: We should probably set a watch since we're sleeping outdoors in a giant-frog-and-crocodile-infested swamp. Kasha would not suggest that, but if somebody else does she won't mind taking a turn.


How can the others even think of sleeping after a warning like that?!, Jax thinks incredulously. While the others are getting ready for bed, Jax climbs onto the highest perch that the wagon provides and draws his daggers. He keeps a watch for crocodiles, walking dead, and certainly for madmen with bad blood.

When he starts getting drowsy, Jax gently wakes up Kasha. "Hey. Can you stay up for a while with Ingot? I don't want to wake up inside a frog's belly."


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Shaken from dreams of undead frog's blood and mad crocodiles raining from the sky, Kasha wakes up with an enormous yawn and nods sleepily, dragging herself upright. "Yeah... you... yaaAAAWWN.... you got it buddy. No frogs gettin' past me, nosir." For a moment it looks hit and miss whether she's about to go back to sleep on her feet, but with a brisk shake of her head she moves over to a decent vantage point and pulls out a dagger, twirling and tossing it to keep herself occupied and stop from getting drowsy.


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It is spooky sitting up in the dark at night in the swamp. Once Jax hears a loud identifiable screaming noise not too far away, but it stops as soon as it starts... Another time Kasha hears a loud croak off in the distance and the splash of water, but she never see its source.

On the second watch dispute all efforts Kasha fails into slumber. She dreams of undead frogs who tell her that, though they prefer Eladrin, they would eat half-orc as well. They approach her and as soon as they reach out with their giant tongues, she wakes up.

It is dawn, or at least the sky looks a little brighter. Clouds still blanket the sky making it appear dark and dreary. The party notice that the gypsies are gone. You look around for tracks but cannot find any, they must have left while you were asleep. After a quick breakfast you decide it is probably best to head back into the swamp once again.

GM: Is the party going to head in the direction of the town?


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[sblock=ooc]Sorry for absence, internet was out this weekend.

Also, ENWorld is slow! :([/sblock]

Ingot seems oddly excited by the gypsy's dark prophecy. It shakes its hands rapidly, its fingers making a loud clattering noise. "A prediction of doom! Just like in the epics! How wonderful!"

In the morning, the warforged is surprised to find the gypsies gone, but takes it in stride. "Let's head into town. No need to stay out here in this muck any longer than we must."


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Ingot seems oddly excited by the gypsy's dark prophecy. It shakes its hands rapidly, its fingers making a loud clattering noise. "A prediction of doom! Just like in the epics! How wonderful!"

Dorn raises his eyebrow at his mechanical friend and then quickly lowers it, realizing the futility of using subtle facial expressions.

In the morning, the warforged is surprised to find the gypsies gone, but takes it in stride. "Let's head into town. No need to stay out here in this muck any longer than we must."

"Impeccable logic as always, Ingot. Let's be gone from this place."

Voidrunner's Codex

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