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Legend of Drizzt: A Dungeons & Dragons Board Game


First Post
Heck with that. The man did a cover of Nine Inch Nails song ("Hurt") so well that Trent Reznor said, "I pop the video in, and wow… Tears welling, silence, goose-bumps… Wow. [I felt like] I just lost my girlfriend, because that song isn't mine anymore… "

Johnny Cash is cool enough to transcend genre boundaries.

Yep. It's a strong enough cover that KROQ plays it nearly as often as the NIN original.

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First Post
This thread is REALLY funny, in that, WotC has already (as in, they are in stores right now!) TWO (count them, two) D&D board games out.

The other funny thing is that they are great. They've received high marks from basically everyone. I was just at the PAX East con this last weekend, and the lines to "learn to play" the board games were full the whole weekend. There were constantly tables in the massive "Table Top" section with people playing these game. Every "game store" vendor booth had the games, and they were selling like hot cakes.

So in reality, D&D as a board game is already here.

They've already announced that the Drizzt game is going to be Compatible with the Ravenloft and Wrath games. I imagine much like Wrath, it'll have the "standard" rules/mechanics and just add new hero choices, new monsters/traps/encounters, and maybe an additional mechanic (like the doors and treasure rooms that Wrath added).

I suggest you head down to your local game store, ask for a demo of the game, and then have fun. (or just flat out buy it).


This thread is REALLY funny, in that, WotC has already (as in, they are in stores right now!) TWO (count them, two) D&D board games out.

The other funny thing is that they are great. They've received high marks from basically everyone. I was just at the PAX East con this last weekend, and the lines to "learn to play" the board games were full the whole weekend. There were constantly tables in the massive "Table Top" section with people playing these game. Every "game store" vendor booth had the games, and they were selling like hot cakes.

So in reality, D&D as a board game is already here.

They've already announced that the Drizzt game is going to be Compatible with the Ravenloft and Wrath games. I imagine much like Wrath, it'll have the "standard" rules/mechanics and just add new hero choices, new monsters/traps/encounters, and maybe an additional mechanic (like the doors and treasure rooms that Wrath added).

I suggest you head down to your local game store, ask for a demo of the game, and then have fun. (or just flat out buy it).

I completely agree.

Run on down to your local Hobby Shop and ask to play a demo of the D&D Board game.

WOTC will end up having a niche on the RPG Board game market and phase out their paper and pencil RPG.

Thus passing the torch to Paizo so they can be named the reigning paper and pencil RPG Kings!!. :lol:

And while the demo is going on I can pull a sly move like, "LOOK..........A BIRD!" and snag the minis from the D&D board game. :lol:


I am literally laughing at how ignorant both of you are.

Ravenloft board game owns, and neither of you have clearly ever looked at it, much less talked to someone who played it, much less played it yourselves.

For a professor, your not very bright.

I never said the D&D board games were lame at all. (May have made a joke or two but thats it)

Never played them actually. They might be cool.

I was just saying that it kinda looks like WOTC is shifting from a Paper and Pencil D&D RPG to a board game format for the D&D intellectual property.


Or maybe, just maybe, they're leveraging their well-known brand name across platforms and potentially promoting other products with them. Especially with teh resurgeance in board game sales.

Nah, that couldn't be it.

Or maybe, just maybe, they're leveraging their well-known brand name across platforms and potentially promoting other products with them. Especially with teh resurgeance in board game sales.

Nah, that couldn't be it.

No, don't you get it? All WotC decisions are made by bottom-feeding morons, and Paizo is staffed entirely by MENSA-member decathletes.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I really want WotC to bring back the Dungeon board game. I still have the original purple box version, complete with the folding vinyl "board" (more of a picnic tablecloth, really). I'd buy an updated version in a heartbeat, and one for my brother, as well.

We played a LOT of games of that, he and I, over the years, especially our modified version, "Cleanout," where we, yes, each competed to get the most treasure out of all nine levels of the mega-dungeon.


I probably will get this, I was merely making a speculation on the fate of the brand. As it is, the board games do look pretty cool.

I'd really like to see an eventual 5th Edition Basic D&D handled via the boardgame approach. With everything self contained in the box, tactile/visual components and relatively simple ruleset its an ideal stepping stone into Dungeons & Dragons. Plus it would make a great present for non-gamer families.

I think if you isolated a number of different locations and themes you could keep the boardgame franchise going for 5-10 years easily (with maybe 1-2 releases a year).

Hopefully future boardgames will include:

The Isle of Dread...Dinosaurs/Apes/Pirates/Giant Crab/Savages
Queen of Spiders...Drow/Spiders/Demons/Mind Flayers
Desert of Desolation...Mummies/Yuan-ti/Scorpions
Expedition to the Barrier Peaks...Aliens/Robots

As long as they all had a strong enough identity I think they could co-exist on the shelves.

Voidrunner's Codex

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