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Converting original D&D and Mystara monsters


If you've got the stats handy, bring it on.

Let's see... according to Echohawk's index their AD&D stats are in the Mystara Compendium under "Lizard, Xytar". They've also got BECMI stats in a bunch of places.

I'd have to dig them out and do some typing. If you don't have them easily accessible yourself, it'll have to wait a day or so.

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I'd have to dig them out and do some typing.
Never mind, here's one I prepared earlier. I should have been a boy scout or (for our UK members) a Blue Peter presenter.



Armour Class: 3
Hit Dice: 5+1*
Move: 120' (40')
Attacks: 1 bite or 1 breath
Damage: 1-10 or 3-18
No. Appearing: 1-6 (1-12)
Save As: Fighter:2
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 4
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 400

A Xytar is a large, 8-foot-long, lizard-like creature. Its hide is predominantly yellow, with red and orange mottling along its back. Xytars have sixe legs and long tooth filled jaws. They live in hot desert areas and can survive for weeks without water.

Xytars are carnivorous creatures who normally hunt in packs. Human or other settlements on the fringes of deserts are often attacked by hunting xytars, as are any caravans unlucky enough to run into them. There are usually no survivors from xytar attacks.

Xytars attack with either their strong jaws or by their breath weapon. They can breath forth a cone of fire 30 feet long and 10 feet wide at its widest point. They always attack by breathing fire first and then closing to use their jaws in melee. Once in melee there is a 1-2 chance on 1d6 that a xytar will breath instead of biting its opponent.

Xytars are unaffected by normal fires and always make their Saving Throws against magical fires.

AC9 - Creature Catalogue 1986:



Climate/Terrain: Subtropical or tropical desert
Frequency: Rare
Organisation: Pack
Activity Cycle: Day
Diet: Carnivore
Intelligence: Semi- (4)
Treasure: Nil
Alignment: Neutral
No. Appearing: 1d6
Armour Class: 3
Movement: 12
Hit Dice: 5+1
THAC0: 15
No. of Attacks: 1
Damage/Attack: 1d10 (bite)
Special Attacks: Breath Weapon
Special Defences: Nil
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: L (8' long)
Morale: Elite (13)
XP Value: 650

Because of xytars' fiery breath, inexperienced travelers sometimes mistake these 8-foot-long lizardlike creatures for dragons. Xytar hides, though predominantly yellow, bear red and orange mottling along the back. Xytars have six legs and long, toothy jaws. They dwell in hot desert areas and can go without water for weeks.

The carnivorous xytars hunt in packs, often targeting passing caravans and settlements on the fringes of deserts. Xytars attack either with their strong jaws or their breath weapon. They can breathe a cone of fire 30 feet long and 10 feet wide at the base, causing 10d4 hit points of damage; creatures in the area of effect take only half damage if they make a successful saving throw. A favourite xytar tactic involves first breathing fire to 'soften up' the victims, then closing in tp snap and bite in melee. Alchemists seek out the throat sacs that create the lizards' fire, using them to concoct potions of fiery breath.

With much difficulty, xytars can be trained to attack (+4 penalty to proficiency checks). The creatures must be raised by their trainers and will not respond to anyone else. Only sis'thik lizard-kin are known to commonly raise xytars.

Monstrous Compendium - Mystara Appendix 1994
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First Post
A few initial thoughts...

Given it's breath weapon, Intelligence, and 6 legs a xytar is obviously a magical beast rather than a animal.

The two sets of stats are very similar except for the breath weapon damage - 3d6 (3-18) for BECMI and 10d4 (10-40) for 2E. I suggest a compromise of 4d6 or 5d6.

Xytars are unaffected by normal fires and always make their Saving Throws against magical fires.
Immunity to fire? or a large resistance plus a racial bonus to saves?

They live in hot desert areas and can survive for weeks without water.
We could 'borrow' the sis'thik's Desert Adaption ability and while we're at it the Sandwalking ability as well.

Stat-wise I'm thinking something along the lines of:
Str 19, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 4, Wis 10, Cha 11

with a natural armour of +5 to give an AC of 17 (the equivalant of the original's AC 3) (17 = 10 +3 Dex +5 natural armour -1 size)



It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to give them the dragon type. I kinda like that.

Yes, I was split between Dragon or Magical Beast.

Might as well make them Dragon.

Oh, there's a slightly tweaked version of these fellows called a Camarilla in module DA3 - City of the Gods (1987):

Armour Class:
Hit Dice: 6*
Move: 120’ (40’)
Attacks: 1 bite or breath
Damage: 1-10 or 3-18
No. Appearing: 1-6 (1-12)
Save As: Fighter 3
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: Nil
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 650

A camarilla is a 12-foot-long, six-legged, desert-dwelling lizard-like carnivore. Its tough yellow ochre hide is usually mottled on back and flanks with brown and orange. Camarillas are well adapted to their desert environment and can live for weeks without water.

Camarillas normally hunt in packs of up to half a dozen. Particularly strong packs may prowl the fringes of the desert, preying on human and demi-human settlements. The sand folk often domesticate camarillas and use them as mounts.

Camarillas have exceptionally strong jaws and large, razor-sharp teeth. They attack either by biting or by breathing. Each camarilla can breathe a cone of fire 30 feet long and up to 10 feet wide. Their favoured mode of attack is to breath first and then close to bite. Camarillas are unaffected by magical or non-magical fire.


Added to Homebrews. Make the Camarilla an underbar, or separate entry?

There isn't enough difference to make them a separate entry. Apart from being 4 foot longer the only difference is they're 6 HD instead of 5+1 HD. Oh, and having brown and orange spots instead of red and orange.

They could just be advanced examples of Xytars.

As for the proposed stats, I don't like the Dexterity of 16. I was thinking Dex 13 like a heavy horse, but with natural armour +7 like a Dragonne.

I'd accept Dex 14-15 and NA +6 if you prefer.


First Post
I've no problem with making them dragon type - it does however give them better hit dice, saves (well Will), and skills.

I've also no problem with reducing Dex and upping Natural Armour. I just tend to think of lizards as being quicker than mammals (then again most are only a few inches long).

I'd prefer the Dex 14-15 and NA +6 though rather than going any lower.

As for the Camarilla, how about something along the lines of:
'The xytar, also known in some areas as the camarilla, is...



I've no problem with making them dragon type - it does however give them better hit dice, saves (well Will), and skills.

I've also no problem with reducing Dex and upping Natural Armour. I just tend to think of lizards as being quicker than mammals (then again most are only a few inches long).

I'd prefer the Dex 14-15 and NA +6 though rather than going any lower.

As for the Camarilla, how about something along the lines of:
'The xytar, also known in some areas as the camarilla, is...



So Dex 14, NA +6, and the Camarilla as a synonym?

Although we could make the Camarilla a "Heavy Warhorse" breed to the regular Xytar "Heavy Horse"?

Oh, and I think we should increase either their Strength or their carrying capacity, since they are usually ridden by two Sis'thiks.

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