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The Walking Dead Episode 2.8 - Nebraska

Fast Learner

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The reality is that deaths throughout human history have primarily been from "stupid" stuff: slipping on wet rocks, tripping on a hidden root, sitting on a snake. Stupid mistakes are the norm.

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One of my players, who also watched WD wrote this up and I would be remiss if I didn't share:

So the scene at the end in the bar what the 2 guys walk in, here's my take on it.

It starts off as a skill challenge to gain Rick's trust. Complexity 2. 4 successes before 2 failures.

Diplomacy - Success When the American guy says that they've had to do some bad things just to survive. DC on diplomacy checks increases by 2.
Insight - Success When the American guy figures out that they live on a farm.
Diplomacy - Success When the American guy says that a couple more people aren't going to make much difference. Diplomacy checks go up by 2 more.
Endurance - Fail The fat guy can't hold his bladder and relieves himself on the floor.
Diplomacy - Fail The American guy says that something about if there are girls on the farm so he can get a piece of ass. (And that's why you don't keep using your best skill.)

Now the pair of new guys decide that they're going to engage in combat. (I know it doesn't make sense from a story perspective, I mean, what do they gain by killing Rick, Glenn and Herschel? It doesn't matter really, they failed the skill check, so they have to fight, that's the way it works.) They ask the DM if they can try to get into a better position for the battle, and maybe get a surprise round. The DM agrees to another skill challenge, but this time it's pass/fail; one try only.

Intimidate (assist) Success. The fat guy uses his intimidate skill as a distraction to allow the American guy to get into flanking. He's successful and the American guy gets +2 on his roll.
Stealth, NO, Streetwise. As the die is landing, the American guys changes from a stealth check to Streetwise check, by saying that he's looking for the good booze. Good thing he changed his mind. He only beat the DC by 2, and his stealth isn't as high as his streetwise. (Let's face it, this guy has more Cha than Dex.) He sucessfully gets into flanking and he has surprise, but the fat guy does not.

They roll initiative.

American guy
Fat guy

The American guy is going to use a rogue class ability standard action to try to draw and fire his pistol at Rick. But Rick says to the DM "I'm gonna interrupt that" and get's an immediate interrupt on the American guy. He rolls well, hits and kills him.

Now we're into normal combat. But this is just Rick and the fat guy. Glenn is still surprised and so is Herschel.

With the American guy dead, Rick acts first. His weapon is already drawn he only needs his standard action to turn and attack the fat guy. Rick rolls well enough to hit and kill him.

Combat ends.

Another player responded: The only thing I'll add to that to make it a legitimate D&D 4e experience is the combat with Rick and the two american guys - although it lasted just six seconds in the game - actually took about 4 hours to complete.


(I know it doesn't make sense from a story perspective, I mean, what do they gain by killing Rick, Glenn and Herschel? It doesn't matter really, they failed the skill check, so they have to fight, that's the way it works.)

They're not going to kill them, they're going to draw on them and then make them take them to the farm and probably bring their buddies to rape and pillage.

When the slimy psychopathic murderer from True Blood turns up and starts a polite conversation with you, you KNOW someone's going to die soon :D


My problem with Laurie wasn't so much that she flipped the car because she was looking at the map while driving, so much as the sheer stupidity of her having been in the car in the first place. Consider:

1. She was driving to town to let Rick, Glen, and Hershel know that Hershel's daughter had collapsed and he was needed back home. But Rick and Glen had already gone to town specifically to go get Hershel and bring him back to the farm - there was no real need for her to go.

2. In a zombie apocalypse scenario, it's generally not a good idea to travel alone if you don't have to (unless you're doing something stealthy, where increased numbers would be a hindrance). Traveling alone (while pregnant, even!) is generally not a good idea, and there were others there who could have gone with her. (How about unnamed farmhand - or is he Maggie's brother/stepbrother? - that we keep seeing in the background but doesn't ever seem to have any actual lines of dialogue? Surely he'd know the layout of the town.) But again, there was no real reason for her to have gone in the first place.

3. Glen knew where the bar that Hershel would likely be at is located. Laurie did not. How did she think she was going to even find them before Rick and Glen had already found Hershel and were bringing him back?

4. Her son Carl's just recently recovered from a gunshot wound and surgery. How about not having both of his parents be gone from him at the same time for awhile?

I have to say, I wouldn't mind terribly if Laurie's stupidity caught up with her and she became a tasty meat-snack for the walkers next episode. She's starting to tick me off.

On another topic, anybody else think that the woman who collapsed has been infected with the zombie virus? (Wasn't she the one who was attacked by her zombie-mother immediately after the mass barn shooting?)



2. In a zombie apocalypse scenario, it's generally not a good idea to travel alone if you don't have to (unless you're doing something stealthy, where increased numbers would be a hindrance). Traveling alone (while pregnant, even!) is generally not a good idea, and there were others there who could have gone with her. (How about unnamed farmhand - or is he Maggie's brother/stepbrother? - that we keep seeing in the background but doesn't ever seem to have any actual lines of dialogue? Surely he'd know the layout of the town.) But again, there was no real reason for her to have gone in the first place.

Umm... huh?

In the highly likely event of a Zombie Apocalypse, I intend to keep to myself and shoot anyone, be they zombie or breathing, if they get in my way... or piss me off. I intend to stay away from people as much as possible because people are stupid and stupid gets you dead. In my opinion, my survival percentage goes up significantly if I'm alone.

Also, I'll be eventually settling down into a secure location with a good water supply and farming space and buying nubile women to start my nation, Kzachistan.


First Post
On another topic, anybody else think that the woman who collapsed has been infected with the zombie virus? (Wasn't she the one who was attacked by her zombie-mother immediately after the mass barn shooting?)

Good call Richards! I hadn't noticed that, but you're spot on!

Fast Learner

First Post
In the highly likely event of a Zombie Apocalypse, I intend to keep to myself and shoot anyone, be they zombie or breathing, if they get in my way... or piss me off. I intend to stay away from people as much as possible because people are stupid and stupid gets you dead. In my opinion, my survival percentage goes up significantly if I'm alone.

Isn't that pretty much your "any scenario" plan?

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