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Way of the Wicked - A Campaign for Evil PCs [PFRPG] Discussion (FULL)

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Probably Blasphemy, if you want to go that route. He had been in training for the service of Mitra, yet something had not settled with him. His faith was pulled elsewhere, and eventually, upon stumbling upon some ancient pamphlet with the ideals of Asmodeus, he then knew that he had a true calling.

He openly defied an order that would have went against his newfound belief, refusing to burn some hidden books and relics that were in honor of Asmodeus. He was immediately beaten and thrown out as a blasphemer. He was imprisoned, given no quarter, sentenced to death so that he could 'face his god' in person, and sent to prison to await his death.

The guards openly ridiculed him, taunting him with statements of 'Where's your patron now?". A cruel smile was his only reply, as he knew that he would meet his patron, and there would be hell to pay, if he had any say so in it.

His favored form of combat is 'up close and personal', as he likes to watch the horror in his opponents eyes, as they realize their demise is coming. Possibly sword and shield combo. I would like to know what domains Asmodeus uses for his followers, as that would help me flesh out a character.

He could also go with the quick strike type of combatant, setting up the foes for flanks, teamwork, etc. Possibly even working with another character to setup a background as knowing each other.

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I'd like to throw in for this as well. I've always wanted to get an evil campaign going myself, and I'm curious as to how this plays out.

I might like to go with an assassin type - sneaky, devious, perhaps a master of disguise. In terms of class and race, I'll have to look through the PF materials to see what interests me.


hafrogman - Undecided, guilty of High Treason
I think I'll go with a half-elven rogue. The grandson of a noble who fought with King Jaraad. His grandfather survived the battle and bent a knee to the new king to save his life and his holdings. But he never changed his true allegiance, he raised his family to be loyal to the true line.

[sblock=Background]Hail House Barca!

I was raised by my grandfather. I learned much from him about loyalty, about power, and about the history of our realm. I also learned patience. Eighty years have passed since he fought for our king. The Darian fools that now attempt to lord over us pay no heed to the viper they nurture at their breast. The Battle of Tamberlyn overtaxed House Darius even as it took our rightful king from us. They declare it as a great victory, but as soon as it was over, to weak to secure their own victory, they turned to House Barca. My Grandfather feigned obeisance to their weak human king, watching and waiting. He raised me to be the instrument of House Barca's vengeance.

My father was his first effort, eager for the task, but flawed in execution. From my father I learned subtly. He was killed in a duel of honor shortly after I was born. He could not hold his tongue, and nearly ruined everything with his temper. From that failure, my grandfather learned to teach me the skills that would allow me to blend in and fade away as needed to secure our efforts.

Throughout my life, I have lived as two men. To the outside world I cultivated a bland, inoffensive youth, lacking in any particular ambition or talent. Naturally this man was a perfect fit for the king's service. He obtained a position as a minor clerk, making friends easily. The kind of man you could tell anything to. The other man was carefully trained from a young age in all manner of skills needed to topple House Darius from within.

The plan was working, I was in a perfect position to gather information, analyze it and send it out to my grandfather to pass along. And then he died . . . of simple old age. My grandfather shielded me from our allies just as much as our enemies. If they did not know the truth of me, they could not betray me. But it also left me isolated. I continued to accrue information in the hopes that I would find someone to pass it along to . . . but it left me vulnerable. When they found the detailed accounting of the king's guard details in my desk, well that was when it all went south.

At my trial, the number of fools who came to speak for the man they thought they knew was laughable. They were so convinced there must be a mistake. But there was enough evidence for the magistrate.

Now I languish in this prison. My grandfather taught me patience. He waited eighty years for justice, and now he is dead. The time for patience is over. Now has come the time to act.[/sblock]

EDIT: And that's what I get for taking so long writing my background. I'll defer to Insight if he wants to be a rogue and see if I can adapt my background to something else.


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First Post
Awesome, welcome to the fray Insight!

Updated interest list...

HolyMan - Undecided, guilty of Arson
Worg - Undecided (perhaps Cavalier, Antipaladin, or Magus)
Velmont - Witch, guilty of Consorting with Dark Powers or Attempted Murder
Fangor the Fierce - Inquisitor of Asmodeus, guilty of Blasphemy
hafrogman - Half-Elf Rogue, guilty of High Treason (pending Insight's proposal)
Insight - Future Assassin?

And that makes six! I had thought initially to not make this a first come first served type of affair, but as I look at the six interested players, I find myself quite satisfied. This is a good group!

I think it's time to update the post title from 'recruiting' to 'full'. :)


EDIT: And that's what I get for taking so long writing my background. I'll defer to Insight if he wants to be a rogue and see if I can adapt my background to something else.

I think my assassin will be quite different from what hafrogman has proposed. My idea is a sort of "church assassin", ie some fundamentalist member of an evil church that undertakes missions on behalf of religious interests. It's entirely possible that I will choose Asmodeus, since I understand that another character is using Asmodeus as a deity already.


I think my assassin will be quite different from what hafrogman has proposed. My idea is a sort of "church assassin", ie some fundamentalist member of an evil church that undertakes missions on behalf of religious interests. It's entirely possible that I will choose Asmodeus, since I understand that another character is using Asmodeus as a deity already.
Yeah, thematically we'd be quite different. I'd just want to make sure we don't step on each other mechanically too much either. But from the sounds of it, you might be more of a infiltrator/eliminate type rogue, while mine would be more of a social/spy rogue. There's bound to be some overlap, but of course some synergy, too.

My skill list will probably look like this:
disable device
knowledge (history)
knowledge (nobility)
sense motive
sleight of hand
use magic device[/sblock]
That enough room to work in?


Are we allowed to have more than one crime? I find the following crimes to be pretty relevant to Osrin's backstory:

Attempted Murder, Blasphemy, Corsorting with Dark Powers, Heresy, Murder

Also, here are the skills in which Osrin will be trained:
[sblock=Trained Skills]Bluff, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Knowledge - History, Knowledge - Local, Knowledge - Religion, Linguistics, Perception, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth[/sblock]


Eh, thinking about it more and looking at your list, I think we'll make a nasty pair more than we'll step on each other's toes. So yeah, if you don't object, we'll just end up with two rogues, coordinating lies, disguises and scouting runs.

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