[Adventure]: Murder at Midnight (DM: renau1g, Judge Ozy)


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Eloan then asks Ryado. "Is there any dwarf of Eladrin that have been killed up to now by our werewolf? If there is any, could you give me as much detail as possible, it will come handy in our research."

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As Eloan lead the strategy meeting, the scholar approached 7 Rabbit, May I please have a sample of that wolfsbane specimen for comparison?

"Here you go. Be careful with it - I had a hellish time finding it."

Ok, maybe I'm blind or something, but does Wolfsbane actually exist in 4E? I'm trying to look up the price so I can buy some, and I can't find it anywhere.

Lord Sessadore

[sblock=Wolfsbane]I doubt it actually exists in a 4e rulebook. r1 will probably have to come up with a price for you.

Heck, I had to do some searching to find shackles, and I don't think you can get actual silver weapons.[/sblock]


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Ryado shakes his head at Eloan's question. "No dwarf's were killed, not too many of them around here either" he says

It didn't until very recently.


Category: Gear
Price: 5 gp
Weight: 1/10 lb
Published in Heroes of the Feywild, page(s) 135.

Silver - there is only the alchemical treatment and a single weapon (Triflik's Blade from HS1: Slaying Stone).

So just to confirm, the group is splitting up right? :devil: This is turning more like Scooby Doo all the time ;)

Here's what I've got as distribution of group, please confirm and i'll update tomorrow:

1) Illarion, Tristan and Papol as sneaky team - sneak at Vilk's home and one crime site (presumably the most recent one?)
2) Gil and Kaeyseri as our think tank team - gather information about lyncathrope, wolfbane and any other knowledge that could come handy
3) Eloan and 7 rabbit as our Public Relation team - go question people and authorities

[MENTION=13739]Velmont[/MENTION] & [MENTION=79945]JoeNotCharles[/MENTION] - just need to know what you'll be asking about.


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OOC: Gil and Kaeysari are first gathering Wolfsbane itself, and then the information about lycanthropy, wolfsbane etc...


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[sblock=sneaky team]Not sure how many murder sites there are, but we want to see as many as we have time for. Priority to the most recent if we don't have time, I guess.[/sblock]


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OOC: As we are late, I would start to go in a tavern. I would go find one near one crime site, preferably one that is known to travel, and I would pretend to be a friend of that person (beinga relative, as there is no dwarf or Eladrin as victim would be hard). If Ryado could fill Eloan with as much background as possible on the victime before going would greatly help.

"What do you know about the victims? I mean there personal background." asks Eloan to Raydo.


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Heroes of the Feywild? Wow, no wonder I couldn't find it - I don't have anything that recent.

Before we left Daunton, I bought 21 sprigs of wolfsbane - enough for us to carry 3 each - for a cost of 105 gp. If that many are available.)


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
1) Illarion, Tristan and Papol as sneaky team - sneak at Vilk's home and one crime site (presumably the most recent one?)

Actually it's as much of crime scenes as we can realistically search and Vilk's home AND WORKPLACE.

Lord Sessadore


Actually it's as much of crime scenes as we can realistically search and Vilk's home AND WORKPLACE.
You mean the judge's home and workplace, right?

Though Vilk's home and workplace are good things to add to the list. Even if he doesn't frequent either anymore, we might be able to break in and find some useful info.[/sblock]

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