First Post
Murder at Midnight!
Adventure for Levels 6 - 7
Adventure for Levels 6 - 7
I made these rules a long time ago. I'm older and wiser now, but I still think they're good rules <- I stole these from [MENTION=79440]H.M.Gimlord[/MENTION], thanks
[sblock=Rules and other fine print]
Player Info: I encourage you to include mini stat blocks in your posts, or at least a link to your character sheet in your signature. Mini-stat blocks allow you to keep track of your own healing surges, power usages, acquired items, etc... without having to ask the DM all the time (Don't worry. I won't be a jerk if you forget).
[sblock=Example mini-stats]
Arkavas - deva artivicer 4
Initiative: +2, Passive perception: 20, Passive Insight: 15
AC: 21, For: 16, Ref: 18, Will: 17
HP: 41, Surges: 4 AP: 1
Common, Goblin, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Supernal
Basic Attacks:
Melee: +11 vs AC, 1d12+6
Ranged: +4 vs AC, 1d8
Thundering Armor, Magic Weapon
Scouring Weapon, Force Infusion
Caustic Rampart
Staff of Ruin +1, Vengefull Fullblate +1, Repeating Crossbow, Amulet of Protection +1
Healing Infusions 2:
Choose From:
Curative Admixture,
Resistive Formula,
Passive checks: I will roll passive checks from time to time.
If these checks result in information (i.e.: there are arrow holes in the walls of this corridor, that dragon has one eye open, etc...), I will reveal the information in a spoiler specifically addressed to one or more characters. If you are not one of the intended characters, please do not read these spoilers. The character, however, is welcome to, in character, reveal the contents of the spoiler to the others. I'm not going to police this or anything, but the story goes more like a story, when it's done this way. Please feel free to get into your character with the information you have (or don’t have).
If the passive check results in a turn of events (i.e.: a trap springing, a monster gaining surprise, failure to realize that the guy was lying all the time) the passive roll will be posted at the time that the event happens.
Combat: Malenkirk Rules! I’m taking on too much already to worry about keeping track of initiative and who got hit when. I’ll post monster stats from either the Compendium or the Adventure Tools offered by D&D Insider. Some of the bad guys have been customized for this adventure.
DM Posts during combat will include:
Status of all players, monsters, NPCs etc... indicating Name, Location, HP/MaxHP, State, Healing Surges Left, Action Points left (i.e.:: Arkavas I6 -1/41 Dying HS 0 AP 1)
Map in the form of a grid with Battleship style coordinates
Enemy Mini Stat Blocks including HP, AC, Fort, Refl, Will, Immunities, Resistance, and Basic Attack. If there are more specialized powers, I will post them at the time of their use.
Time's Up!: I will give players 48 hours to post, at the end of which time I reserve the right to RP the player's character on his behalf. I will use the most appropriate actions and At-Will powers only.
(this is rule created by Velmont, strict adherence to which ensures a good game pace)
Exceptions: If you will be out for a long time and unable to post, please let the party know and assign responsibility to either myself or another, willing player for RPing your character, or I can write in a scenario that takes you out of the picture until your return (The former is preferred).
OK, so I'm a hypocrite, I've been pretty delinquent lately, so I've no moral right to enforce this, but just saying that if, after two days, I do end up moving on, just be assured that I'm going to do so out of fairness for the others, not out of spite toward any individual.
[sblock= What are Malenkirk Rules?]
Ok, it should be called Malenkirk's rules, but I find it funny that people have called it Malenkirk rules....
Named after their inventor Mal Malenkirk
In a nutshell:
Treasure: If you use wishlists, cool, I'll use them as a guide, but if I think something is more appropriate, then I'll award that. If not, I'll find something cool.
Die Rolling: Roll your dice on Invisible Castle. If invisible castle is down (and it is down a lot), try Dice Room using your character name and the name of this adventure (title above, punctuation and everything) as the room name. In either case highlight the die roll in your post and use the 'Insert Link' button to post a link to your die rolls.
Out of Character Content: Post out of character content (i.e.: complaints, tactics, mechanics, etc...) in a spoiler with the letters 'OOC' in the title.
I'm sure I missed something, but we'll handle that as it comes up.
The eladrin sits quietly in the back room of the Hanged Man, waiting for a group to enter.
- Papolstaanas (Mewness): Male Kobold Battlemind, Level 7
- Kaeysari (BenBrown): Female Shifter Fighter, Level 7
- Eloan (Velmont): Male Eladrin Warlord, Level 7
- 7 Rabbit (JoeNotCharles): Male Dwarf Dwarf Star Pact Sorcerer, Level 6
- Illarion Merielle (Neurotic): Male Changeling Sorcerer, Level 6
- Gil (CaBaNa): Male Human Artificer/Wizard, Level 6
[sblock=Rules and other fine print]
OK. Sit back, get out your legal dictionary and settle in for a good cure to insomnia.... No. Seriously.
Player Info: I encourage you to include mini stat blocks in your posts, or at least a link to your character sheet in your signature. Mini-stat blocks allow you to keep track of your own healing surges, power usages, acquired items, etc... without having to ask the DM all the time (Don't worry. I won't be a jerk if you forget).
[sblock=Example mini-stats]
Arkavas - deva artivicer 4
Initiative: +2, Passive perception: 20, Passive Insight: 15
AC: 21, For: 16, Ref: 18, Will: 17
HP: 41, Surges: 4 AP: 1
Common, Goblin, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Supernal
Basic Attacks:
Melee: +11 vs AC, 1d12+6
Ranged: +4 vs AC, 1d8
Thundering Armor, Magic Weapon
Scouring Weapon, Force Infusion
Staff of Ruin +1, Vengefull Fullblate +1, Repeating Crossbow, Amulet of Protection +1
Healing Infusions 2:
Choose From:
Curative Admixture,
Resistive Formula,
Passive checks: I will roll passive checks from time to time.
If these checks result in information (i.e.: there are arrow holes in the walls of this corridor, that dragon has one eye open, etc...), I will reveal the information in a spoiler specifically addressed to one or more characters. If you are not one of the intended characters, please do not read these spoilers. The character, however, is welcome to, in character, reveal the contents of the spoiler to the others. I'm not going to police this or anything, but the story goes more like a story, when it's done this way. Please feel free to get into your character with the information you have (or don’t have).
If the passive check results in a turn of events (i.e.: a trap springing, a monster gaining surprise, failure to realize that the guy was lying all the time) the passive roll will be posted at the time that the event happens.
Combat: Malenkirk Rules! I’m taking on too much already to worry about keeping track of initiative and who got hit when. I’ll post monster stats from either the Compendium or the Adventure Tools offered by D&D Insider. Some of the bad guys have been customized for this adventure.
DM Posts during combat will include:
Status of all players, monsters, NPCs etc... indicating Name, Location, HP/MaxHP, State, Healing Surges Left, Action Points left (i.e.:: Arkavas I6 -1/41 Dying HS 0 AP 1)
Map in the form of a grid with Battleship style coordinates
Enemy Mini Stat Blocks including HP, AC, Fort, Refl, Will, Immunities, Resistance, and Basic Attack. If there are more specialized powers, I will post them at the time of their use.
Time's Up!: I will give players 48 hours to post, at the end of which time I reserve the right to RP the player's character on his behalf. I will use the most appropriate actions and At-Will powers only.
(this is rule created by Velmont, strict adherence to which ensures a good game pace)
Exceptions: If you will be out for a long time and unable to post, please let the party know and assign responsibility to either myself or another, willing player for RPing your character, or I can write in a scenario that takes you out of the picture until your return (The former is preferred).
OK, so I'm a hypocrite, I've been pretty delinquent lately, so I've no moral right to enforce this, but just saying that if, after two days, I do end up moving on, just be assured that I'm going to do so out of fairness for the others, not out of spite toward any individual.
[sblock= What are Malenkirk Rules?]
Ok, it should be called Malenkirk's rules, but I find it funny that people have called it Malenkirk rules....
Named after their inventor Mal Malenkirk
In a nutshell:
- Players roll initiative individually, bad guys roll on initiative roll
- Players with higher init than bad guys go before bad guys
- Bad guys go, good guys go, bad guys, good guys, etc...
- Good guy turns happen in first post - first acted order.
- Illegal post-overs will be resolved in that round
- Legal post-overs stand even if each didn't know the other was posting.
Treasure: If you use wishlists, cool, I'll use them as a guide, but if I think something is more appropriate, then I'll award that. If not, I'll find something cool.
Die Rolling: Roll your dice on Invisible Castle. If invisible castle is down (and it is down a lot), try Dice Room using your character name and the name of this adventure (title above, punctuation and everything) as the room name. In either case highlight the die roll in your post and use the 'Insert Link' button to post a link to your die rolls.
Out of Character Content: Post out of character content (i.e.: complaints, tactics, mechanics, etc...) in a spoiler with the letters 'OOC' in the title.
I'm sure I missed something, but we'll handle that as it comes up.
The eladrin sits quietly in the back room of the Hanged Man, waiting for a group to enter.