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Gaming W/Jemal: Planar Quest IC (Prologue)

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"That's because your people are a bunch of retrograde overgrowth cave men." mutters the sword hanging from Tutek's shoulder. The ogre in reply simply rolls his eyes.
Meanwhile Ur stands calmly by as the Legion argues in their now-comfortable way. For himself he pats the barely-moving flanks of their twin silver rams, Rohim and Brayhim, while his dark eyes brush over the mountainous scenery to the east, the morcelating forest down towards the far away valley of the White to the west, thinking how it reminds him of home. It only lacks sheep.

The dwarf is dressed in his usual style of flowing pants, simple rope belt and heavy chains-over-sashes criss-crossing across the corded barrel that is his chest, all in quiet hues of pale brown. His feet are bare and tattooed with the Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life; his arms are equally bare, and laid thick with hard-worked muscles; his beard is long, thick and flowing, down to his waist in barely channeled curls of russet brown and gold; his head is shaved, and marked at center by the strong sweeps of Thor's holy rune, right between the eyes. Aside from the simple golden earring piercing his left ear, numerous curios dangle from his belt, including a softly glowing red crystal chased in gold, twin rods of alabaster and jade, a plain jug of unadorned clay, a bag of swirly pale blue cloth and last but not least, a tiny metallic book, secured to its own leather holster via a deceptively small silver chain. On his knees are strapped pads shaped like two life-sized skulls with glowing red eyes, their pained grin eternally mocking the defeat of their original owner -- Gaorag Thousand Blows, first undead lieutenant of Iridex the Archlich.

OOC: Surveying the area for traps/ambush/anything hidden. Perception +26.
From inside the wooden cabin, through the open door a voice drifts out. "Okay, you can come in now. The door is open and I have pie!" There is a slight pause. "Also it's not a trap. If it was you'd already have sprong it."
"Gerard is the winner," Ur points out, lightly addressing his companions: the 'trap', whatever it turns out to be, has indeed been 'sprung'. Without further ado - and there never is with him - the dwarf simply steps into the cottage first, intent on bearing the brunt of any possible traitory -- and not incidentally giving his companions time to react. Also as always, he is preternaturally quick about it.
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The inside of the cabin is rather simple yet richly decorated. Bisecting the building is a hall way leading to what must be the back door. There is a closed door on the left and an open space on the right furnished like a den. The intire building is only 20' x 20'.

[sblock=stealth check 59]
Part way down the hall a young man leans against the wall cloaked in shadow. He walks into the side room and calls out before walking back into the hall by the back door.[/sblock]

From the side room comes the voice again. "Come on don't be shy. Some of you might have to squeeze a bit. What's wrong you don't want to learn about... POWER?"


"Gerard is the winner," Ur points out, lightly addressing his companions: the 'trap', whatever it turns out to be, has indeed been 'sprung'.

"By luck he may be." Hefting his silvery round buckler, Braham is not impressed.

It might be more a trick, than an immediate trap.

He follows Ur inside. Still scanning for magic, he heads into the den and finds a seat.


First Post
Mei-Ying gives Tutek a long-suffering look, but lets the conversation die a merciful death as the inhabitant of the hut invites them in. She stands aside to allow the doughtier members of the Legion in, then glides in after them, hardly seeming to touch the ground.

She selects a corner to stand in...less because she's concerned about an attack and more to give the larger individuals space without having to be mashed up against them.

"We thank you for your hospitality," she says, completely straight-faced and apparently honest, despite the very inconvenient location and housing offered, "Will you be joining us, or will this business be conducted with a disembodied voice?"

Voda Vosa

First Post
Tutek makes his way in behind the nimble dwarf, who scurries in dodging his bulk. He hunches over, trying not to hit the ceiling with his head. In this way his arms hang loose, more near to the ground, in a rather simian pose. "Show yourself merchant, and then we shall speak business."

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"Yes, good host", says Gerard as he enters. His tall slender frame has to slightly duck as he enters, "As we have shown Ourselves, It might be good form to show your self.


Braham's magic sense goes off as soon as he enters the house. Everything, everywhere, is magical. Further study reveals that the entire cabin is formed of strong conjuration magic.

Tutek hunches over instinctively as he enters, before noticing that the ceiling is much taller than he had anticipated from the outside.

OOC: The voice is not disembodied, it's coming from the next room. Do you stop in the front room or go into the next room as invited?
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First Post
[sblock=stealth skill mastery 59] The younge man opens the door and calls out.[/sblock]

The back door swings open revealing thick leaves. "Oh sorry about that. I'm out back you caught me at an odd time, come on back."

[sblock=bluff skill mastery 44] The voice sounds much closer then out the back door.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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