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Legacy of the Silver Dragon - Day 2 (Interlude)


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"Oh Ja, oh ja. The treasure of dragons is thing of legends." Beatrix explains as she takes another bite of her potato. "My superior, Kellie Roxburgh, once fought a wicked dragon along side her fellow Sister Castle-Sentries. Is fearsome task, but dragon had be terrorizing village for many years and is job of Sister Castle-Sentries to help those in need. But anyway, after Roxburgh smash skull of dragon, they find his mighty treasure horde. Huge piles of gold coins. Jewels bigger than your head. All colours of rainbow. So many beautiful necklaces. Fit for royalty. Some even glowed with magical light. Course, they use most of gold to repair the town, but I think they kept most of the jewels. Especially the necklaces."

"As Sister Wall-Sentry, I came to town in hopes of meting this Silver Dragon, since am hearing she is force for good. But if she has left and leave all her treasure behind, then maybe someone should make sure it not fall into hands of evil, ja?"
Beatrix adds with a sly smile.

"But am rambling. Please tell me more about life in village. How long have you been part of temple of

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Teacher Dysare's abode

Her sometimes student walks up and stops some distance away, politely waiting for her to notice them...

<When she does:
The young mage formally bows, as is proper from a student to his teacher -- though he is trying not to smile too wide as he does so, genuinely pleased to see her: "Lady Dysare, I do hope this day finds you well?" And in the mood to talk, he lightly adds in his fore, not really doubting. (Ack! He should have brought a gift!)

OOC: Is there anything about her that's different from the way she was before she left, Gambler?



Siarla's eyes get wider and wider as she listens to Beatrix's stories, especially with regards to the jewels and necklaces. She forgets to speak, spending the time in silence, mechanically eating. And then reflexively nods at the cleric's last comment about keeping the hoard from evil hands, "Oh yes. If there's anything I can do to help, I mean.. I'm not able to swing a weapon, or heal, or do magic... But.. something?" She manages to chase the visions of glittering jewels from her thoughts to answer the other questions, "Um. Well, life is pretty simple, as you can see. Not much metal here so almost everything is made of wood. It's something Ehlonna has problems with at times - as the loggers don't always seek out the already dying trees, or those that are inhibiting the growth of other plants. I don't really understand it all. I've been a part ever since I was born. My mother worshipped and she dragged me to every service."


Antares, Muzdim, Stellan

"It does indeed, Antares!" replies Dysare. She is not the reserved elf that most humans think of when they think of elves in her mannerisms, and she is pretty much the same as Antares remembered. "And Stellan, and Master Stonehand. So good to see the two of you as well!" Then she looks back at Antares, "And what brings you to my door this early in the day?" A gentle jibe regarding the times when Antares was late for a session with his teacher due to reading too late at night.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The younger elf looks down, colour coming to his cheeks at the memory. Then gazes up, head still lowered, "Though the night has been short this day as well, Teacher, the day dawns all the brighter for your return." Making it all worthwhile. "What student would not wish to greet his returning Teacher at earliest opportunity? To hear what else there is to learn in the wide world outside his doors, to perhaps mention what small events occurred in recent times," the shine in his eyes clearly putting the lie to that deliberatly casual estimation of size, "and to thank her for her generous gifts? Surely such a person does not exist?"

This last with a subtle gesture of his right hand, where sits the unpretentious wooden circle of the memorizing ring.
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First Post

Siarla's eyes get wider and wider as she listens to Beatrix's stories, especially with regards to the jewels and necklaces. She forgets to speak, spending the time in silence, mechanically eating. And then reflexively nods at the cleric's last comment about keeping the hoard from evil hands, "Oh yes. If there's anything I can do to help, I mean.. I'm not able to swing a weapon, or heal, or do magic... But.. something?"

"Maybe you should join Sisterhood." Beatrix quite boldly suggests. "You learn how to fight and cast spells. Get to see world, discover lost treasure, never go hungry. Is taking strong guts to become Wall Sentry, but am thinking you could have them." She adds with a confident smile.

"But if adventure is not being your thing, then I could use place to stay while in town. Can't stay in inn forever. Maybe I could teach you how to swing weapon in exchange, or maybe let you have a necklace or two if I run across dragon's treasure cove."

The large priestess finishes off her roast potato and orders another one for herself and her new friend.

"Do you know anything about Captain of Guard?" Beatrix asks. "Am meeting with him later on today. Hoping to know more about him before I do."
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OOC: I attempted to post this last week, not sure why I didn't! I'm on vacation this week and back full time on this next week!

Antares, Muzdim, Stellan

Dysare smiles again, slightly, "I am glad that you have found it acceptable, Antares." She tilts her head, "And what are these events you speak of? I admit that I haven't talked to many people since I've come back. Is it related to the growing tension that appears to be spreading throughout our village?"

Stellan catches the eye of Enderise, who has moved up to the doorway of Dysare's home to listen. She rolls her eyes slightly as she sees his interest, and he shrugs with good natured amusement before listening to the conversation.


Siarla's expression is a comical one of excitement and sudden chagrin. "My parents would kill me! And.. um.. Ehlonna might not be too happy either?" She seems uncertain just how upset a goddess might be at losing one of her flock. She grasps at the change of subject without answering the other queries, "Gregoff? I try to stay away from him. He seems dangerous. But maybe that's a good thing in these current times.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Antares, Muzdin and Stellan

"Ah, not as such, no," admits the lanky young mageling with his own greeting nod towards Enderise, suddenly slightly embarrassed that his news are of a more personal nature. "Though that is of some concern, of course... And as a matter of fact there is a Great Lady we met but yester, Mirelle by name and a staunch lover of brews herbal or finely steeped, which, perhaps-" Though that is probably, in truth, a topic for later conversation? "But no, I meant that we," An excited look that includes both of his comrades, "have formed an adventuring Company - the Behenian Company - and already we have discovered items cursed, foiled kidnappings foul, and in the process uncovered strange beings once human led from afar by entities stranger still, and dread in their powers over mind and bodies!" Her earlier words seem to finally register and without pause he segues into: "And more than acceptable, Teacher: truly a thing of wonder! And deep utility," he quickly adds, which quality she would likely favor much more than the former. An incipient shine kindles in his eyes, pulls at the corner of his lips as he holds up that hand: "How does it function, pray? Does it, perhaps, have history?"

Would that not be something.
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First Post

Siarla's expression is a comical one of excitement and sudden chagrin. "My parents would kill me! And.. um.. Ehlonna might not be too happy either?" She seems uncertain just how upset a goddess might be at losing one of her flock. She grasps at the change of subject without answering the other queries, "Gregoff? I try to stay away from him. He seems dangerous. But maybe that's a good thing in these current times.

"Dangerous? I am hoping so if he is being captain of guard." Beatrix states. "Still am not seeing what is so bad about this town that is needing a dangerous man as captain. Is seeming rather peaceful, boring even."

Beatrix coughs slightly and leans back on her chair.

"You know, if Ehlonna is a force for good as I've heard she is being, then I am not seeing why she would have have problem with you joining Sisterhood. Malborka too is force for good. She is protecting towns and cities just as Ehlonna is protecting nature. Together they are protecting lots of people. If you are becoming Wall-Sentry, then you could help a lot of people too. Or find a lot of treasure. Necklaces need protecting too." Beatrix adds with a chuckle and then a quiet sigh.

"Of course, family is important too. Should always respect your parents. Had to leave my father behind to join Sisterhood. I miss him sometimes. Well maybe more than sometimes. But then without Sisterhood
of Malborka, without Roxburgh, my father would be dead. All of my town would of been lost without her."

Beatrix's face then suddenly lights up. "Did I ever tell you story how my superior, Sister Castle-Sentry Kellie Roxburgh save my whole village from orcish horde?"

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