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Uh... since when was this an issue.


Not really. If DDNFAn meant OD&D then he would not be so happy with Pathfinder. So, I'm curious what he means when he says Classic D&D.

Anything that feels like D&D, basically. Pathfinder is definitely D&D, for sure. 3rd edition made big changes but it still felt solidly D&D-esque to me.

It would likely offend you if I told you what I don't consider feels like D&D, so I won't bother.

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Their complete lack of transparency here strikes me as dishonest.
What lack of transparency? They are a publishing company. Their products are, overwhelmingly, bits of paper and cardboard with writing on them. How much more transparent can you get? When their product is published, it will be crystal-clear what it contains. And in the meantime they're even releasing free previews.

The cynic in me thinks this is just to coerce people into playing the game due to hype.
I don't understand how including a rule in a game is coercive. Where's the threat?


maybe espousing the virtues of 4e isn't the best solution when trying to sell 5e
I don't have any idea what you're talking about.

I wasn't "espousing the virtues of 4e". I was answering a question about how DoaM worked in 4e, including making the point that I was not (and still am not) aware of any balance problems that it has caused. (Contrast, say, charging, where I understand that there are feat and item combos that do cause balance problems, though I've not seen them first-hand.)

Nor was I trying to sell 5e. That's WotC's job. I haven't got a horse in the 5e race.

Balance wasn't really addressed, as it isn't the issue being addressed now either. On the contrary, 4e is seen by many of its detractors as TOO balanced.
So you agree with me that DoaM in 4e does not create balance issues. Which is what I asserted in the post you objected to. So what is your objection again?

The reason I'm asserting that is because that is how it works for every other martial based attack. No other martial attack that succeeds represents a LACK of wounding, just as no other martial attack that fails to succeed represents a GAIN of wound. So, yes I am ALWAYS saying that the game works that way - EXCEPT this one mechanic for this one class which goes completely counter to that assumed base.
Why would you assume something which you know to be false?

Some spells in AD&D allow a save for half. Others allow a save to negate all damage. When I first started playing I assumed that all spells which allowed a saving throw for damage avoidance did half damage on a miss. Then I learned that for some spells, a saving throw negates all damage. And for other spells, damage is determined by an attack roll rather than a saving throw. Hence I corrected my assumption.

By the way, plenty of martial attacks that succeed represent a LACK of wounding. For instance, a hit with a dagger for 1 hp, against a dragon with 300 hp, represents a LACK of wounding. Whatever exactly has happened to that dragon, it has not been wounded!

The game contains a SINGLE damage on a miss mechanic, the one we are debating. Yes. You can't then use that single mechanic to say the game works a certain way.
Well I can, and I have. I'll note that only one of us is having trouble making sense of the game as actually presented, including DoaM. The fact that I'm not having any trouble suggests, to me at least, that my understanding of how the game works is the sounder one.

excluding this singular ability the game gets better and remains more consistent and coherent. With this ability it becomes LESS of those traits.
As I've said, there is no incoherence or inconsistency unless you adopt a premise which the game itself neither asserts nor implies. You're making a rod for your own back.

With Damage on a Miss, you describe it as causing the kobold Yto trip and fall over and die.
You could describe it that way for damage on a hit, too. In the real world, people in combat suffer injury from all sorts of things, of which being skewered by their opponents is only one.

I simply suggested the "wrongfooted and falls over, hitting its skull on a rock in the process" as one possible account of how someone might die without actually being touched by a weapon.

Another possible narration, of course, is that the fighter lops off the kobold's head with a deft swing of the greatsword. You can describe it however you want, changing from moment to moment as the whim takes you!

But a fighter who doesn't have this ability who, for example, specializes in trip and thus causes a kobold to trip NEVER has the same chance of death that this fighter with DoaM gets EVERY SINGLE ROUND. It is broken and nonsensical.
A fighter who specialises in longsword fighting, and who also specialises in Stealth, can never get the chance to backstab or assassinate that a thief or assassin gets. A pious fighter, who learns all the prayers and rituals of his/her god, can never cast even as many cleric spells as a first level cleric. That sort of thing is an inevitable byproduct of a class-based game where different abilities are rationed out.

If you think it will upset the player of your trip fighter to narrate DoaM (or on a hit) as tripping the kobold over, then narrate it some other way.

I can understand that YOUR playstyle preference doesn't care as you seem to refluff, or narrate, or basically completely alter the effect after the dice rolls.
What does this sentence mean? What do you mean to "refluff" after the dice rolls? Refluff what? What do you mean "completely alter the effect after the dice rolls"? Alter what effect? I can read the words, but they're empty. You're not actually describing anything.

As for "narrating after the dice rolls", when do you narrate the effects of an attack roll? Before the dice are rolled? In that case, what do you use the dice for? In my game the dice are used to determine the outcome of action declarations, so until the dice have been rolled and the results of those rolls tabulated the outcome can't be narrated.

I understand why you are participating in this conversation and why your position never seems to move. But that doesn't mean that your position is inherently correct or better - just more rigid and inflexible.
More rigid and inflexible than whom? You - who are insisting that (i) the game should be interepreted on the assumption that it does not contain DoaM and then (ii) complains that, when you do it like this, DoaM is incoherent?

More rigid and inflexible than [MENTION=6776483]DDNFan[/MENTION], who is going to stop playing a game he enjoys if published rules, that he can download for free from the publisher, contain DoaM?

pemerton said:
As to the fact that the fighter with DoaM is able to kill every kobold that s/he engages in combat, I regard that as on a par with the fact that a mage with fireball is able to kill every kobold that s/he catches in the blast of a Burning Hands spell. Namely, it shows that some creatures in D&D die easily when confronted by competent opponents.
Is this an example of flexibility and a lack of rigidity? I'll take notes!

The mage can fireball many opponents he meets. Many, maybe even most. But he cannot kill EVERY SINGLE ONE on the opening round of a fight with a single class ability 100% of the time.
Nor can a fighter with DoaM. At 1st level, for instance, that fighter has 1 attack per round, and hence can at most kill one opponent in that round.

At the VERY LEAST there are limits on spells per day, concentration checks, saves, class features that already exist to counter his spells, and terrain/line of sight concerns.
In the last version of the playtest there are no "concentration check" rules for casting Burning Hands (or Fireball). Both are single action spells.

Saving for half damage won't help a kobold against a spell that does more than double its hp.

Kobolds have no class features (whereas most monsters have a "class feature" that prevents them dying automatically to a GWF attack, namely, more than 5 hp).

Terrain and line of sight concerns are more severe for the fighter, who must actually close into melee in order to deploy his/her great weapon attack.

If you WANT to be able to kill hordes of monsters with a single spell then there is a class for that.
First, I think it's probably good for the game if fighters are good at fighting hordes of monsters. It fits with the whole Conan/Aragorn vibe.

Second, fighters in D&Dnext don't cast spells and don't get to kill "hordes" of targets with a single action - they peak at 4 attacks plus action surge - so a 20th level fighter can, in a single round, lay waste to 8 kobolds, which is probably about the same number a 1st level mage can kill with Burning Hands.

I think you are radically exaggerating the actual effects of DoaM.

I didn't attack the content of your character, I attacked the content of your comments.
You imputed to me something that I didn't say.

So, I'll retract nothing.
I added the sneeze part.
OK, so you in fact admit that you attributed to me something I didn't say, but you won't withdraw the attribution. Can you explain why not?

But you DID give tripping over and dying from this ability as valid. I'll admit it was sarcastic (that may not have been well conveyed) but I'll retract nothing and certainly not apologize. You refluffed and I refluffed your refluff. Since mechanically they are exactly the same it makes no difference - actually why I use the sneeze example. It just points out how silly the mechanic is.
Well, Tovec, as it happens, in your game you have refluffed all longswords to sneezes, and all plate armour to ballet tutus! So your game is competely ridiculous - people die when hit by sneezes, but wearing ballet tutus helps protect them from sneezes (and from maces, too). What a stupid set of mechanics you use!
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First Post
Anything that feels like D&D, basically. Pathfinder is definitely D&D, for sure. 3rd edition made big changes but it still felt solidly D&D-esque to me.

It would likely offend you if I told you what I don't consider feels like D&D, so I won't bother.

Honestly, unless you are going to make stupid comments like others have and say tumors are like D&D you won't offend me. I can already tell I'm not as attached to what I think D&D is as you. Hell, D&D for me barely rates in the top 5 for best RPGs.

The mage can fireball many opponents he meets. Many, maybe even most. But he cannot kill EVERY SINGLE ONE on the opening round of a fight with a single class ability 100% of the time. At the VERY LEAST there are limits on spells per day, concentration checks, saves, class features that already exist to counter his spells, and terrain/line of sight concerns. The fighter gets around ALL of these and more. That is not a proper comparison and can't be used. It is like comparing a baseball bat and a volkswagon in their ability to cause a baseball to move. One is far better at it and will cause the ball to move further and the other one is a BASEBALL BAT (and doesn't require gas, maintenance, a pricetag in the thousands of dollars, insurance, driver's license, etc.)! If you WANT to be able to kill hordes of monsters with a single spell then there is a class for that. Every class doesn't need that ability, especially a fighter who can now never miss.

You may have me on ignore so I'm not sure if you'll get this. However, I'll give it a go. I'm pretty sure in this same post you said that DoaM wasn't a balance concern. It appears that the above is either (a) a complaint about balance or (b) a complaint about the Fighter having horde AoE ability which infringes on MUs.

I have to wonder if yourself and [MENTION=6776483]DDNFan[/MENTION] ever experienced the AD&D Fighter or perhaps you both started playing D&D with the 3e Fighter (which was brutally underpowered in every way possible when compared to AD&D Fighters)? The 1e (Weapon Spec + Fighting the Unskilled) and 2e Fighter's (Weapon Spec + WP + Heroic Fray) were absolute terrors against hordes of kobolds and the like (1 HD creatures). 1e Fighters would get an extra attack per level (so a 4th level Fighter was getting 4 attacks/round + their advanced attack rate due to weapon spec!) and 2e Fighters were doubling their main hand attack rate + 1 extra attack! They were absolute meat grinders against hordes and this was at-will! A 4th level 3e Fighter with full investment into the Cleave line can potentially pull this off but they have to hit a much higher AC target number than their AD&D predecessors did.

4e Fighters using Reaping Strike (At-Will DoaM - which did nothing against Minions) couldn't dream of touching AD&D Fighter's horde AoE. They have different tools to dominate the battlefield and can control/kill hordes in different ways and be implacable, nigh-indestructible choke points in and of themselves, but they can't chainsaw hordes due to DoaM. The same holds true for 5e Fighters with Great Weapon Spec (DoaM). A 5th level, 5e Fighter with DoaM and spending his 1/encounter AS can kill 3 minions in a round. Compare that to 1e or 2e where Fighters are hitting those mooks 85 % of the time and laying wastes to masses (5 - 6) of them every single round due to the advanced rate of attack. 5e Fighters can't dream of touching the kind of AoE beatdown against a horde of canon fodder that AD&D Fighters could, DoaM or no DoaM.


It's never too late to rebel. I know some of these guys at Wizards personally. I'll call them up on the phone and we will get our point across! :D

Please do call them and find out and report back to us if Daom is in the PHB. Seriously.

Either way would be doing us both a big favor. I have no problem if Daom is tucked away safely in a sidebar in the DMG, so that you can enjoy it to your heart's content and the rest of the game can rest easy, uncorrupted.

I don't like them wasting my / our time like this. I find it totally dishonest that they haven't clearly stated at this point whether it's in the game.


I have no problem if Daom is tucked away safely in a sidebar in the DMG, so that you can enjoy it to your heart's content and the rest of the game can rest easy, uncorrupted.

I don't like them wasting my / our time like this. I find it totally dishonest that they haven't clearly stated at this point whether it's in the game.
How is your time being wasted?

As to what's in the game, it will be obvious once it's published. They're not under obligation to give advance notice (though they may want to for marketing reasons).


First Post
Please do call them and find out and report back to us if Daom is in the PHB. Seriously.

This topic if really of so insignificance that I doubt I'd walk to the next room to inquire about it let alone bother someone with a phone call. We'll know when the books get released. It's called patience.


This topic if really of so insignificance that I doubt I'd walk to the next room to inquire about it let alone bother someone with a phone call. We'll know when the books get released. It's called patience.

Now, you're lecturing me about patience? LOL. I've been saying wait for a week this entire thread, then you come in and say you're going to launch an 11th hour campaign because you've got a direct line to the gods of game design.

LOL, So much LOL.

Thanks for the nice wake up laugh, dude.

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