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D&D 4E Is there a "Cliffs Notes" summary of the entire 4E experience?

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Tequila Sunrise

When you get involved with something for a long time, you get used to its quirks. Hell, sometimes you don't even notice they are quirks. Even when I agreed that the quirk needed fixing, I found I rarely agreed with the solution.
Yup, this is the only explanation I can think of for why stuff like martial dailies and wish listing provoke nerdrage, but things like hit points and AC-dissociated-from-level* get a free pass. Familiarity softens the hard edges of what we know, and makes the new edges all that much more cutting.

*How's that for a dissociated mechanic?**

**Yes, I know that I'm probably using the meme wrong, but I'm too dissociated to care.***

***I just wanted to slip another 'dissociation' into this post.

Tequila Sunrise

Please consider that as you plan your next post - are you saying something that hasn't already been said? Do you have any chance of actually making the person you're responding to gain a bit of understanding? Do you *care* if they understand, or is it that having drawn your personal line in the sand, you must now defend it, for honor and ego?
But I can win the internet, I know I can! ;)

Please consider that as you plan your next post - are you saying something that hasn't already been said? Do you have any chance of actually making the person you're responding to gain a bit of understanding? Do you *care* if they understand, or is it that having drawn your personal line in the sand, you must now defend it, for honor and ego?

What if the goal is not to convince the person I'm arguing with, but those outside the argument who might read it?

Pickles JG

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Yup, this is the only explanation I can think of for why stuff like martial dailies and wish listing provoke nerdrage, but things like hit points and AC-dissociated-from-level* get a free pass. Familiarity softens the hard edges of what we know, and makes the new edges all that much more cutting.

Yeah I keep saying this - there is no such thing as common sense or intuitive rules* there is just stuff you are familiar with.**

*Actually there probably is some general stuff that fits these descriptions as we are wired in partricular ways but mostly if I find a set of game rules intuitive it's likely because they follow the same patterns as the 100s of other game rules I have read.

**It's the same with some explanations such as wave particle duality. The subatomic particles being described can be "explained" as particles sometimes or waves others. This just means there is no macroscopic analogue & the best we can do is use one explanation sometimes & the other at other times. It does not means our subatomic particles are conflicted as to their identity.


Yup, this is the only explanation I can think of for why stuff like martial dailies and wish listing provoke nerdrage, but things like hit points and AC-dissociated-from-level* get a free pass. Familiarity softens the hard edges of what we know, and makes the new edges all that much more cutting.

See, the issue is always a matter of degree.

George Carlin once did a bit where he claimed if you believe in the supernatural, you have to believe in ALL of it; if you believe in God, you have to believe in aliens. (the inverse would also be true: if you don't believe in religion, you can't believe in ghosts).

D&D and "disassociation" seems to be the same issue.

I can accept flat AC and hp, but not martial dailies or healing surges. Why? Who the blank cares? I also believe there is a better chance of finding aliens than having ESP. I can justify my rationale, but if you think you have psychic powers but believe we've never been visited by extraterrestrials, my rationale is a load of bunk.

And its not like HP and AC exactly the most "accepted" concepts either: find some "Second Wind" threads here to prove that.


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I just finished reading all 83 pages of this GD thread (which in itself may be sign of sickness). It really makes my head spin to see how hard people will work to disprove each others experiences and opinions.
I think both sides in the war should meet in the middle hug it out and just play 13th Age! ;)

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