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D&D 5E Spell & Crossbones


First Post
"Dese will be useful," Nia decides. "A draught of healing, and a dose dat will let you cling to walls as a spider or insect."

She eyes the monkey for a moment, wondering if those are perhaps 'bad dates.' When the monkey doesn't keel over dead, she relaxes a bit.

"De climbing potion may be useful gettin' dis treasure back to de top."

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Blaise walks to stand near Kat and stares off into the distance in front of them, "It's been a long day already, captain, and it seems like we'll see the sun again before we get any real rest. We need to be ready for what's coming. Do we have a plan for Blackbeard?"


Queen of Everything
"The nights do seem to be short around here, and not in the bueno, fun way," Kat smirked at the handsome man.

She plucked two dates from Bella and offered one to Blaise while they spoke. Leaning casually up against the tree she started, "The plan for Blackbeard is to not get asesinado (murdered). That's generally the plan when it comes to him."

She gave a short chuckle. "In all honesty, I don't have anything planned. It would be helpful to keep the magic, I planned on skimming some of it but obviously we can't keep the book. The potions, yes. I am hoping those two," she nodded her head towards Flynn and Zef, "Can nab something useful out of the book before we have to turn it over. It must be muy powerful if the Captain's willing to give us that entire ship for this."

She turned her body, leaning her hip against the tree, purposefully turning her back away from the rest of the crew. She lowered her voice, "I am also wondering what else we left behind. I am having some regrets for leaving so early. I wasn't sure the others could take much more in there but meirda there has to be more."


Blaise took the offered date and ate while he listened. "Blackbeard is not a man to be casually crossed, but he is just a man. A shrewd and powerful man, but still just a man. His eyes were sharp when we met with him, but he wasn’t able to hide everything. When I tried to get a feel for who we were talking with, I noticed him subtly tense when I looked towards his library. His books are important to him. I’m willing to bet that this book that our friends are looking over now is more than just important. I’d wager that it’s vital.”

“Blackbeard’s youth is long behind him. He’s not concerned with gold. He’s made his riches. He’s not interested in mere fame as a legacy. No, he’s a man who is reaching the evening of his life. My guess is that he either wishes to delay the final night or protect those he loves when the sun rises and he’s no longer here. Either way, that book is part of his plan for the future. Whenever I hear the old salts speak of L’Ollnais, they say that he sold his soul before he met his end. Blackbeard has a fear of djab, but perhaps he’s wondering what price his soul could fetch and reckons that book has the path to the market.”

His eyes stare into the night sky for a long moment and in that moment, a power seems to subtly radiate from the pirate. As he speaks again, his voice carries a new intensity, “We all seek La Gloriosa for our own reasons, but I need you to know, captain, that if Blackbeard seeks Ge Rouge du Petro, then he and I will cross blades. If that gem is what I think, then Blackbeard may not be thinking of offering up his own soul for trade, and that is an evil that I will not allow.”

The moment passes and Blaise turns back to Kat with a sly grin and a wink, “However, he doesn’t need to know that. The best way forward that I can see is to stay close to him and gain his trust. If my suspicions are even half right, that book is not the solution to Blackbeard’s problem. It’s just the map to set his course. He won’t go after whatever he needs next himself. He’s already seeing the sunset and will have no desire to run off into the night. He’ll send others. That’s the job we need to have. We need to be the first people to get whatever he’s ultimately after. We could try and sneak into his library and discover it for ourselves, but how much easier if he decides to send us after it. After all, we are the ones who found the treasure the eluded him in a day. When we find whatever it is that he’s after next, then we can decide if Blackbeard should have it.”

“We have a little time and Blackbeard tipped more of his hat. I say we hold the treasure for a few more hours and seek out the Van Djik’s secret that he’s kept from Blackbeard. I heard some men in the tavern talk about him. He lives in town. Well, lives may be a strong word for a man dying from a curse. Still, if we can convince him to talk, then we have an option on what to give Blackbeard for the ship. Whatever Blackbeard wants to know, I want to know too. After we have it, we can make our decision. If the secret is more valuable, we keep it. If the book, we keep it. Either way, we fulfill our bargain with Blackbeard, gain a bit of his trust, and get the Coral Curse. If we give him the treasure, then I say we give him all of it. Lying about the potions isn’t worth the ship or a potential relationship with Blackbeard. The ship will take time to make seaworthy. If we’re going to be spending so much time on his island, then we would do well to keep him from being an enemy.”

Blaise cocked his head in the direction of the cave as he continued, "As for the cave, you may be right. There was another path that we didn't go down and those cannons are still there, but we don't have to disclose where we found the treasure. Our bargain was just to bring the treasure not to tell him where we found it. We finish our business with Blackbeard and deal with this djab first. Then, we can get to work on making the ship ready to sail. While that work is being done, there will be time to go back to the cave and see what else may be there."

OOC: A few things to catch up, in case folks have forgotten (like me – I went back and reread).

The treasure we were sent to find was L’Ollanais’ whom was rumored to have sold his soul and killed by natives on an island. The party ran into him (not dead) and he is a werewolf and part of the rival crew of the Sea Wolf. I don’t believe that Blaise knows about your run-in with L’Ollanais so he assumes the rumors are true and that he’s dead.

Blackbeard gave us two options for the ship. Get the treasure or discover a secret from the former caption of the Coral Curse (Van Djik). We’ve gotten the treasure. I want the secret too (especially because it might impact the ship).

Ge Rouge du Petro is the red gem that Blackbeard wants from La Gloriosa. Blaise thinks that it may be one of the gems that he’s after and is unwilling to let anyone else get it.


Queen of Everything
OOC: Thank you for that excellent post full of juicy details [MENTION=20005]Matthan[/MENTION]!

Has Blaise previously told Kat or anyone else that he's looking for Ge Rouge du Petro? I do not think so but I want to make certain before responding. I can't fully go back and search since we're missing 3 months of posts. I did go back and reread the entire game not too long ago. It makes for good reading :D

That's a good question for everyone I guess - has anyone revealed to anyone else their reasons for searching for La Gloriosa? Kat and Old Zef both know each other's reasons. Kat has purposely not directly asked anyone what their reason was and I do not *think* anyone has revealed that out loud in the game yet. I've read everyone's -awesome- backgrounds but I don't want that to bleed over into the game. We know what our benefactor is looking for but I think that's about it.


OOC: Blaise has not overtly shared that before. He did get animated when Blackbeard brought it up so it's fair game for someone to suspect something. I also bombed a roll with Blackbeard so he definitely suspects something.


Queen of Everything
Katerina slowly pet the monkey on her shoulder as she thoughtfully considered the man next to her. She had barely known him what - a day - and here he was proving that his senses were keen. She'd been keeping a lot of her intuitions to herself, not knowing who yet to trust. Her trust was extremely difficult to earn in the best of cases and this thrown together crew was far from “the best.” Yet…

There was, of course, her protector and guardian, her Opa, Old Zef. She trusted him with her life. Because she had known him literally her entire life, he'd been there for her birth.

The girl, Nia Steeleyes, the sea witch. Katerina couldn't put her finger on it, but there was something peculiar there she couldn’t put words to. Something drew her to the woman. Kat was leery that it was some sort of voodoo but her instincts told her it was something else yet to be revealed…

Both Flynn and Etienne were completely new to her. Flynn was known to Zef, and therefore mostly given a pass by Kat. She didn't trust him persay but she didn't not trust him... Etienne was still unproven.

Kat knew if this excursion was to succeed she would need to have a small group of dedicated people she could rely on to make decisions in her stead, when she couldn’t, when she wasn’t there or available or just to help her make the choices that would affect all their lives. This was going to be critical to their success and she constantly kept her eyes open for the moments that her crew would prove they could handle the pressure just as she was certain they were judging her every move as well.

Blaise had so far proven himself in battle, had shown his keen eye and wit and proven his bravery in standing up to Blackbeard the Pirate.

“Si, I like how you think Monsieur,” she managed in excellent French as the corner of her lips quirked up. “No one needs to know how long it took us to find this treasure. If Blackbeard could never find it, how would they imagine we would find it in mere hours?”

The captain nibbled on the juicy date. “I actually wanted to find any of the remaining crew myself, and speak to them and Van Djik about what happened on the ship. I am unsure how willing anyone left will be to speak to us, but I am hoping they will be willing to speak to one of their own in Zef, or perhaps they will speak to me because they know of my father. I only think it can help us.”

Kat paused for a long moment, gazing at the handsome man as she pondered what was behind his thoughts. “I have to wonder what your own motivation is for Ge Rouge du Petro. I had the feeling that the man was merely trying to keep it from his enemy but I could be completely mistaken in that. It seems you know something of this gem? I wonder if you’ll share with me your own reason of why you want it? I quite understand if this is private and none of my concern, of course.”

“But if we are to make enemies of the pirate Blackbeard, and cross swords with him, it’d be better if I knew the reason why.” Kat was back to grinning, a mischievous, playful grin as she sucked on her date and her tiny monkey played in her long, shiny hair. “I mean, it’s not like I haven’t made enemies without reason before, but we are talking about Blackbeard here…”


Blaise offers a smile for the beautiful captain, "It's a long story, captain. It's part of a debt I owe. The shortest version is that the gem was used for a horrific evil once. It's not a story that I care to repeat sober, but I will not allow it to be used in such a way again. It has a twin as well. Both of the gems should be on La Gloriosa. The gems have a rightful home and a rightful owner. I intend to recover them both and will not trust either to anyone else."


First Post
"Speak to de crew?" Nia asks, a little puzzled. "De crew of de ship that cursed treasure came from? And what's this about makin' an enemy of Blackbeard?"


Blaise turns to see that Nia had silently joined them. His eyebrows arched in slight surprise before smiling sweetly at her. "The captain and I were discussing the road ahead. I was hoping that we might take the time to speak with Van Djik to find out what secrets he is holding from Blackbeard before he dies. He was the former captain of the Coral Curse that Blackbeard offered as the other way to earn the ship. He might be able to tell us about the djab that we'll be facing as well. Blackbeard most likely didn't expect us to find the treasure as quickly as we did so we have some extra time to stack as much of the deck in our favor as we can."

"As for whether Blackbeard is our enemy or friend, I was just counseling the Captain that there may come a point where his interests and our own are no longer aligned. While we shouldn't hasten that day, we should be prepared for its coming."

Voidrunner's Codex

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