Welcome to the Bundles, Freebies, and Sales News, the weekly column at EN World that helps make sure you don’t miss out on big tabletop RPG bundles, charity fundraisers, and sales from around the internet.
Freebies and Pay What You Want
Note: While “Pay What You Want” downloads are available for free, please support the creators if you are able!
Monolith Board Games SARI released the quickstart for the licensed title Batman Gotham City Chronicles. In addition to streamlined rules and an adventure, the quickstart includes pregen stats for Alfred Pennyworth, Renee Montoya, Harvey Bullock, Julia Pennyworth, Kate Kane (Batwoman), and Dick Greyson (Nightwing).
Gwenbombyms posted Pocket Basic Rules for OSR, a one-page rules summary with only 200 words to get you ready to play your favorite OSR adventure.
Inspired by the pulp adventure of R.E. Howard, The Lost Oasis from Waldenworld is a Dragonbane adventure where the party stumbles across a seemingly tranquil oasis only to find they’re not alone.
Skyforge Games released Skyforge (2024), a new RPG using a unique system about ships sailing through the clouds with the threat of skypirates, islands to explore, magical items to collect, and mysteries to uncover.
The Guild Masters Guides has a 5e mini-adventure The Abandoned Shrine where the 1st to 4th level party must uncover the msyery of an ancient, forgotten shrine hidden deep in a haunted forest.
Over on the Dungeonmasters Guild, C2 Cackling Fang Gnolls is the second in the C-series “Consortium” adventures from Michael LeBossiere. The 1st to 3rd level part is hired to take down the brutal gnoll band the Cackling Fang.
On Storyteller’s Vault, Jack La Breton offers alternate rules for Wraith: The Oblivion in The GOATed Wraith Companion. A refined summary of character creation, discussion of Passions and Haunts, completed creation rules for Shadows, advice on creating and roleplaying a Shadow, and more.
The Lightning Round this week features player and gamemaster/DM resources like monsters, maps, random generators, one-page adventures, drop-in encounters, new classes/subclasses, and more. All products are Free or pay what you want with the suggested price in parentheses
Holiday Products
This year, there were so many free/PWYW holiday-themed products that they deserve their own section. If you want to run a one-shot at your holiday party or take a break from your campaign to save Christmas, these products are for you.
To start, Kobold Press is continuing their ADVENTure Calendar featuring a new free PDF every day. Head over to pick up the previous days’ giveaways and be sure to come back every day until Christmas.
Scrooge and Marley: A Ravenloft Domain of Dread from Thomas and Rachel Kolar is the product of their podcast Wonderful World of Darklords. Based on A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (and, as is their theme, the Disney animated retelling), this dark realm always stays on the eve of yuletime haunted by the ghost of the miserly and greedy Jacob Marley who treated his debtors brutally in life and now haunts the counting house seeking to damn all he can to his own fate.
Tabletop Unglued has a 2d printable papercraft holiday gingerbread dice tower. Print on cardstock (or on paper and clue to cardstock) and make your own gingerbread dice tower with modular pieces to create your own.
The Winter Festival in Brightwater Hollow is disrupted by a curious creature called a Mogwai in the 5e adventure Gremlins in the Dark. Taking cues from the classic holiday horror film, this adventure pits the party against puzzles and pranks from the mischievous gremlins.
Steven Stoermer has a family-friendly holiday one shot with Saving Giftnaught: Saint Nicholas and the Holy Order of Gifting. Once again gremlins are to blame having stolen the light-up nose off the gnome Saint Nicholas’s lead deer-bot, and the party must retrieve it in time to save Giftnaught.
Kymerik Kreations released The Twisted Twelve Days of Yule where the annual 12 Days of Yule celebration in Garland’s Hollow has been corrupted by the mysterious Partridge Prophet. The party must protect the town from unique and vicious creatures while working to unravel the curse.
The Mage’s Hand knows who the true harbinger of the holiday season is with a s5e tat block for the one and only diva pop star Mariah Carry. All she wants for Christmas…is you.
In The Curse of Krampus, your 5e party must assist Santa Claus, who has been transformed into the anti-Christmas Krampus by the Winter Witch Gryla.
Bundles and Sales
Note: I have included end dates when listed for the following sales, but please be warned that those without published end dates may end suddenly so be sure to plan purchases accordingly.
DriveThruRPG’s Haunted Holiday Sale embraces the long tradition going back to Dickens of adding horror to the holiday season. Pick up discounds on Wraith: The Oblivion and Geist: The Sin Eaters core rulebooks along with over 100 sourcebooks, setting books, rule sexpansions, adventures, and more for the World and Chronicles of Darkness games of the afterlife.
Onyx Path also has a bundle with a pair of puppy RPG books with the Realms of Pugmire Duo featuring Realms of Pugmire Core Rulebook and the antagonist book Realms of Pugmire: Threats & Curs.
If you want a lot of maps for a low price, CZRPG released the CZRPG Map Mega Bundle featuring over 150 maps covering pretty much every environment you could possibly want.
If you want a holiday one-shot that’s ready to go for your favorite VTT, Zrave, Apacolyps has a bundle of their adventure Winterfest at Kuldahar in PDF format plus ready to run VTT options for Roll20 and Foundary.
Ever had your players talk into a tavern and put you on the spot asking for a menu? Worry no more with the 150 Food Items & 70 Drinks for Your Tavern Bundle. This trio of random tables – 100 Taven Food Items, 50 Desert Ideas for Your Tavern, and 70 Beverage/Drink Ideas for Your Tavern – will make sure you always have a fresh and interesting selection for your players when they make a stop to rest.
Charity Bundles and Sales
I’m starting off a bit self-serving as this is my GoFundMe for medical bills. Since October 27, I’ve spent a total of a month in the hospital spread across three visits. I currently am unable to stand and walk, though with physical therapy I will again hopefully. Due to that, transportation costs for my medical appointments stack up fast as I have dialysis three times a week due to kidney failure and wound care twice a week for my legs. It costs between $50 to $200 to get me to my appointments depending on which transportation service is available that day, so expenses are adding up fast. Every donation helps.
Over on Bundle of Holding, Free League has The One Ring 2E Bundle featuring the core rulebook for The One Ring Second Edition, The One Ring Loremaster Screen, and the solo play alternate rules Strider Mode. The Bonus Collection adds on the location book Ruins of the Lost Realm and the adventure book Tales from the Lone-lands.
Mongoose has not one but two Traveller bundles for the second edition of the classic space exploration roleplaying game. The Traveller 2024 Updates Bundle includes the Traveller Core Rulebook 2022, MGT Companion Update 2024, the ship books MGT Adventure Class Ships and MGT Small Craft Catalogue, and the MGT Robot Handbook.
Now that you have your Traveller core rulebooks, you’ll want more options and locations, won’t you? The Traveller Sectors Bundle core collection has MGT Sector Construction Guide to build your own ships, MGT World Builder’s Handbook to create your own planets, The Third Imperion setting book, and three core adventures. The Frontier Collection adds on MGT Spinward Extents, MGT Behind the Crew, MGT Deep and the Dark, MGT Trailing Frontier, MGT Rim Expeditions, and Aliens of Charted Space V3 & V4.
Bundle of Holding has not one but two retro Shadowrun bundles featuring 4th Edition books. The first, the Shadowrun 4e Core Mega Bundle, features all the core books you need with the Shadowrun 3e 20th Anniversary Core Rulebook, Runner’s Companion and Toolkit, Arsenal (gun sourcebook), Augmentation (cyberware sourcebook), Street Magic and Digital Grimoire (magic sourcebooks), Unwired (hacking sourcebook), On the Run, and SR4 GM Screen. If that’s not enough, the Bonus Collection adds on several more gear, setting, NPC, and rules options books including Attitude, Street Legends, Street Legends Supplemental, Runner’s Black Book, Black Book 2074, nine mini-sourcebooks, and the throwback Shadowrun 2050.
The second bundle is another Shadowrun 4e bundle but is useful for players of any edition because it’s all lore and setting information. The Shadowrun 4e Sprawl Mega Bundle includes the Sixth World Almanac, Shadowrun: Runner Havens, Seattle 2072, two Sprawl Sites guides, and Corporate Guide. The Mega Bonus adds on Clutch of Dragons, five campaign books, four setting guides, and four Sixth World mini-sourcebooks.
Rowan Rook and Decard released the Spire: The City Must Fall Bundle on Bundle of Holding. The bundle includes the core book Spire: The City Must Fall along with the sourcebook Strata and three campaign frames. The Bonus collection adds on Shadow Operations, Spire – Black Magic, Codex of the Deep Space, Book of Masks, Secrets Kept from the Sun, and seven Spire audio tracks.
There’s another bundle set in the world of Spire, the Heart: The City Beneath Bundle. This bundle includes Heart: The City Beneath core rules, Burned and Broken, Vernissian Black Ops, Sanctum, and Doors to Elsewhere.
Over on Humble Bundle, Paizo has the Pathfinder Happy Birthday Remaster Bundle with the base tier featuring the Pathfinder Second Edition Beginner Box Remastered Edition, the GM screen, character sheet pack, the Iconics pregens, and the player’s guides for the Stolen Fate and Frozen Flame adventure paths. The second tier jumps up to a total of 37 titles including flip maps, the Frozen Flame adventure path, severan Pathfinder Society and Pathfinder Quest adventures, and more. The top tier is a full library of 72 titles with all the core books including Player Core, GM Core, Bestiary, Bestiary 2, Bestiary 3, and many more adventures, sourcebooks, setting books, maps, and more.
Free League has the RPG Mega Bundle featuring a wide selection of titles from the publister. The base tier has Coriolis – Atlas Compendium and Symbaroum Advanced Player’s Guide, while the second tier gets you three Tales from the Loop adventures along with adventures for Mutant: Year Zero and Coriolis. The top tier is where it’s at, though, with the core rules for Mutant: Year Zero, Tales from the Loop, Symbaroum, Forbidden Lands, Dragonbane, and Twilight: 2000 plus more adventures.
Monument Studios has the TTRPG Audio Compendium Software Bundle, The base level starts with a one month subscription to Fantasy+ along with a bundle of magic sound effects and the Fantasy Locations Vole 1 sound design files. The second tier adds on four more collections while the top tier has 17 bundles of sound effects, audio tracks, music scores, and more.
That’s all for this week! If you know of any bundles or sales starting soon, please contact me on the EN World Discord, tag me on Bluesky , or send me a message here on EN World. Discount percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number and are based on the standard retail price provided by the site. Note: Links to Amazon, Humble Store, Humble Bundle, Miniature Marketplace, Fantasy Grounds, and/or DriveThruRPG may contain affiliate links with the proceeds going to the author of this column.
Freebies and Pay What You Want
Note: While “Pay What You Want” downloads are available for free, please support the creators if you are able!
Monolith Board Games SARI released the quickstart for the licensed title Batman Gotham City Chronicles. In addition to streamlined rules and an adventure, the quickstart includes pregen stats for Alfred Pennyworth, Renee Montoya, Harvey Bullock, Julia Pennyworth, Kate Kane (Batwoman), and Dick Greyson (Nightwing).
- Price: Free
- Also available in French
Gwenbombyms posted Pocket Basic Rules for OSR, a one-page rules summary with only 200 words to get you ready to play your favorite OSR adventure.
- Price: Free
Inspired by the pulp adventure of R.E. Howard, The Lost Oasis from Waldenworld is a Dragonbane adventure where the party stumbles across a seemingly tranquil oasis only to find they’re not alone.
- Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $2.00)
Skyforge Games released Skyforge (2024), a new RPG using a unique system about ships sailing through the clouds with the threat of skypirates, islands to explore, magical items to collect, and mysteries to uncover.
- Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00)
The Guild Masters Guides has a 5e mini-adventure The Abandoned Shrine where the 1st to 4th level party must uncover the msyery of an ancient, forgotten shrine hidden deep in a haunted forest.
- Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00)
Over on the Dungeonmasters Guild, C2 Cackling Fang Gnolls is the second in the C-series “Consortium” adventures from Michael LeBossiere. The 1st to 3rd level part is hired to take down the brutal gnoll band the Cackling Fang.
- Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $4.99)
On Storyteller’s Vault, Jack La Breton offers alternate rules for Wraith: The Oblivion in The GOATed Wraith Companion. A refined summary of character creation, discussion of Passions and Haunts, completed creation rules for Shadows, advice on creating and roleplaying a Shadow, and more.
- Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $2.52)
The Lightning Round this week features player and gamemaster/DM resources like monsters, maps, random generators, one-page adventures, drop-in encounters, new classes/subclasses, and more. All products are Free or pay what you want with the suggested price in parentheses
- Hedge Maze Day and Night (Battle map) from PlanarInk Editions (Free)
- 10 Cantrips with Bludgeoning Damage (5e spells) from Mark Richard Francis ($2.99)
- 12 Cantrips with Strength Saving Throws (5e spells) from Mark Richard Francis ($2.99)
- 11 Spells with Charisma Saving Throws (5e spells) from Mark Richard Francis ($2.99)
- Path of Hunger (5e Barbarian subclass) from Cheeky Gargoyle (Free)
- Paranormal Power: The Esper Class and Powers (5e and A5e psionics) from Steampunkette ($1.00)
- Fantasy TTRPG Roll Table Winter Events (Random encounter table) from Hero Level Games ($3.00)
- Two Dice Weather Generator (System-agnostic random table) from Sick-D-Six Games ($1.00)
- Draconic Character Options Remastered (Pathfinder character options) from VestOfHolding ($2.99)
- Frightful Encounters Volume 2 (5e encounters) from Justin Blasdel (Free)
- First Captain of the Ice Fang Kobolds (5e monster) from Cheeky Gargoyle (Free)
- Tiefling Alpha Lycanthrope Pack Master (5e monster) from Kymerik Kreations ($5.00)
- Alpha Lycanthrope Pack Master (5e monster) from Kymerik Kreations ($2.00)
- 50 Aberration Plot Hooks (5e plot hooks) from Idian Kramarge ($1.00)
- Heroes Summit (Tavern location) from Suus ($1.00)
- The Wandering Merchant (System-agnostic NPC) from Mellow Golum Games (Free)
Holiday Products
This year, there were so many free/PWYW holiday-themed products that they deserve their own section. If you want to run a one-shot at your holiday party or take a break from your campaign to save Christmas, these products are for you.
To start, Kobold Press is continuing their ADVENTure Calendar featuring a new free PDF every day. Head over to pick up the previous days’ giveaways and be sure to come back every day until Christmas.
- Price: Free
Scrooge and Marley: A Ravenloft Domain of Dread from Thomas and Rachel Kolar is the product of their podcast Wonderful World of Darklords. Based on A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (and, as is their theme, the Disney animated retelling), this dark realm always stays on the eve of yuletime haunted by the ghost of the miserly and greedy Jacob Marley who treated his debtors brutally in life and now haunts the counting house seeking to damn all he can to his own fate.
- Price: Free
Tabletop Unglued has a 2d printable papercraft holiday gingerbread dice tower. Print on cardstock (or on paper and clue to cardstock) and make your own gingerbread dice tower with modular pieces to create your own.
- Price: Free
The Winter Festival in Brightwater Hollow is disrupted by a curious creature called a Mogwai in the 5e adventure Gremlins in the Dark. Taking cues from the classic holiday horror film, this adventure pits the party against puzzles and pranks from the mischievous gremlins.
- Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $5.00)
Steven Stoermer has a family-friendly holiday one shot with Saving Giftnaught: Saint Nicholas and the Holy Order of Gifting. Once again gremlins are to blame having stolen the light-up nose off the gnome Saint Nicholas’s lead deer-bot, and the party must retrieve it in time to save Giftnaught.
- Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $0.50)
Kymerik Kreations released The Twisted Twelve Days of Yule where the annual 12 Days of Yule celebration in Garland’s Hollow has been corrupted by the mysterious Partridge Prophet. The party must protect the town from unique and vicious creatures while working to unravel the curse.
- Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $5.00)
The Mage’s Hand knows who the true harbinger of the holiday season is with a s5e tat block for the one and only diva pop star Mariah Carry. All she wants for Christmas…is you.
- Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $0.51)
In The Curse of Krampus, your 5e party must assist Santa Claus, who has been transformed into the anti-Christmas Krampus by the Winter Witch Gryla.
- Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00)
Bundles and Sales
Note: I have included end dates when listed for the following sales, but please be warned that those without published end dates may end suddenly so be sure to plan purchases accordingly.
DriveThruRPG’s Haunted Holiday Sale embraces the long tradition going back to Dickens of adding horror to the holiday season. Pick up discounds on Wraith: The Oblivion and Geist: The Sin Eaters core rulebooks along with over 100 sourcebooks, setting books, rule sexpansions, adventures, and more for the World and Chronicles of Darkness games of the afterlife.
- Price: Up to 50% off
- End Date: December 28, 2024
Onyx Path also has a bundle with a pair of puppy RPG books with the Realms of Pugmire Duo featuring Realms of Pugmire Core Rulebook and the antagonist book Realms of Pugmire: Threats & Curs.
- Price: $36.99 (10% off)
If you want a lot of maps for a low price, CZRPG released the CZRPG Map Mega Bundle featuring over 150 maps covering pretty much every environment you could possibly want.
- Price: $29.11 (90% off)
If you want a holiday one-shot that’s ready to go for your favorite VTT, Zrave, Apacolyps has a bundle of their adventure Winterfest at Kuldahar in PDF format plus ready to run VTT options for Roll20 and Foundary.
- Price: $4.99 (58% off)
Ever had your players talk into a tavern and put you on the spot asking for a menu? Worry no more with the 150 Food Items & 70 Drinks for Your Tavern Bundle. This trio of random tables – 100 Taven Food Items, 50 Desert Ideas for Your Tavern, and 70 Beverage/Drink Ideas for Your Tavern – will make sure you always have a fresh and interesting selection for your players when they make a stop to rest.
- Price: $1.90 (24% off)
Charity Bundles and Sales
I’m starting off a bit self-serving as this is my GoFundMe for medical bills. Since October 27, I’ve spent a total of a month in the hospital spread across three visits. I currently am unable to stand and walk, though with physical therapy I will again hopefully. Due to that, transportation costs for my medical appointments stack up fast as I have dialysis three times a week due to kidney failure and wound care twice a week for my legs. It costs between $50 to $200 to get me to my appointments depending on which transportation service is available that day, so expenses are adding up fast. Every donation helps.
- Charity: Darryl Mott’s medical bills (all proceeds)
Over on Bundle of Holding, Free League has The One Ring 2E Bundle featuring the core rulebook for The One Ring Second Edition, The One Ring Loremaster Screen, and the solo play alternate rules Strider Mode. The Bonus Collection adds on the location book Ruins of the Lost Realm and the adventure book Tales from the Lone-lands.
- Price: $7.95 (83% off) with variable-cost Level-Up option
- Charity: Diana Jones Emerging Designer Program (10%)
- End Date: January 8, 2025
Mongoose has not one but two Traveller bundles for the second edition of the classic space exploration roleplaying game. The Traveller 2024 Updates Bundle includes the Traveller Core Rulebook 2022, MGT Companion Update 2024, the ship books MGT Adventure Class Ships and MGT Small Craft Catalogue, and the MGT Robot Handbook.
- Price: $17.95 (88% off)
- Charity: Diana Jones Emerging Designer Program (10%)
- End Date: January 13, 2025
Now that you have your Traveller core rulebooks, you’ll want more options and locations, won’t you? The Traveller Sectors Bundle core collection has MGT Sector Construction Guide to build your own ships, MGT World Builder’s Handbook to create your own planets, The Third Imperion setting book, and three core adventures. The Frontier Collection adds on MGT Spinward Extents, MGT Behind the Crew, MGT Deep and the Dark, MGT Trailing Frontier, MGT Rim Expeditions, and Aliens of Charted Space V3 & V4.
- Price: $17.85 (86% off) with variable-cost Level-Up option
- Charity: Diana Jones Emerging Designer Program (10%)
- End Date: January 13, 2025
Bundle of Holding has not one but two retro Shadowrun bundles featuring 4th Edition books. The first, the Shadowrun 4e Core Mega Bundle, features all the core books you need with the Shadowrun 3e 20th Anniversary Core Rulebook, Runner’s Companion and Toolkit, Arsenal (gun sourcebook), Augmentation (cyberware sourcebook), Street Magic and Digital Grimoire (magic sourcebooks), Unwired (hacking sourcebook), On the Run, and SR4 GM Screen. If that’s not enough, the Bonus Collection adds on several more gear, setting, NPC, and rules options books including Attitude, Street Legends, Street Legends Supplemental, Runner’s Black Book, Black Book 2074, nine mini-sourcebooks, and the throwback Shadowrun 2050.
- Price: $17.95 (85% off) with variable cost level-up option
- Charity: Diana Jones Emerging Designer Program (10%)
- End Date: December 30, 2024
The second bundle is another Shadowrun 4e bundle but is useful for players of any edition because it’s all lore and setting information. The Shadowrun 4e Sprawl Mega Bundle includes the Sixth World Almanac, Shadowrun: Runner Havens, Seattle 2072, two Sprawl Sites guides, and Corporate Guide. The Mega Bonus adds on Clutch of Dragons, five campaign books, four setting guides, and four Sixth World mini-sourcebooks.
- Price: $17.95 (82% off) with variable-cost level-up option
- Charity: Diana Jones Emerging Designer Program (10%)
- End Date: December 30, 2024
Rowan Rook and Decard released the Spire: The City Must Fall Bundle on Bundle of Holding. The bundle includes the core book Spire: The City Must Fall along with the sourcebook Strata and three campaign frames. The Bonus collection adds on Shadow Operations, Spire – Black Magic, Codex of the Deep Space, Book of Masks, Secrets Kept from the Sun, and seven Spire audio tracks.
- Price: S12.95 (71% off) with variable-cost level-up option
- Charity: Diana Jones Emerging Designer Program (10%)
- End Date: December 17, 2024
There’s another bundle set in the world of Spire, the Heart: The City Beneath Bundle. This bundle includes Heart: The City Beneath core rules, Burned and Broken, Vernissian Black Ops, Sanctum, and Doors to Elsewhere.
- Price: $17.95 (71% pff)
- Charity: Diana Jones Emerging Designer Program (10%)
- End Date: December 17, 2024
Over on Humble Bundle, Paizo has the Pathfinder Happy Birthday Remaster Bundle with the base tier featuring the Pathfinder Second Edition Beginner Box Remastered Edition, the GM screen, character sheet pack, the Iconics pregens, and the player’s guides for the Stolen Fate and Frozen Flame adventure paths. The second tier jumps up to a total of 37 titles including flip maps, the Frozen Flame adventure path, severan Pathfinder Society and Pathfinder Quest adventures, and more. The top tier is a full library of 72 titles with all the core books including Player Core, GM Core, Bestiary, Bestiary 2, Bestiary 3, and many more adventures, sourcebooks, setting books, maps, and more.
- Price: $5/$15/$30 (97% off at top tier)
- Charity: ComicBooks for Kids! (user-defined, default 5%)
- End Date: December 18, 2024
Free League has the RPG Mega Bundle featuring a wide selection of titles from the publister. The base tier has Coriolis – Atlas Compendium and Symbaroum Advanced Player’s Guide, while the second tier gets you three Tales from the Loop adventures along with adventures for Mutant: Year Zero and Coriolis. The top tier is where it’s at, though, with the core rules for Mutant: Year Zero, Tales from the Loop, Symbaroum, Forbidden Lands, Dragonbane, and Twilight: 2000 plus more adventures.
- Price: $1/$10$18 (97% off at top tier)
- Charity: Direct Relief (user-defined, default 5%)
- End Date: December 18, 2024
Monument Studios has the TTRPG Audio Compendium Software Bundle, The base level starts with a one month subscription to Fantasy+ along with a bundle of magic sound effects and the Fantasy Locations Vole 1 sound design files. The second tier adds on four more collections while the top tier has 17 bundles of sound effects, audio tracks, music scores, and more.
- Price: $1/variable/$25 (07% off at top tier)
- Charity: Direct Relief (user-defined, default 5%)
- End Date: December 16, 2024
That’s all for this week! If you know of any bundles or sales starting soon, please contact me on the EN World Discord, tag me on Bluesky , or send me a message here on EN World. Discount percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number and are based on the standard retail price provided by the site. Note: Links to Amazon, Humble Store, Humble Bundle, Miniature Marketplace, Fantasy Grounds, and/or DriveThruRPG may contain affiliate links with the proceeds going to the author of this column.