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Weird Orgy comment on DnD Beyond Home Page Video


I cannot envision a scenario where a child is negatively impacted by this video. I also can’t envision a scenario where a child who could potentially be impacted would actually watch the video long enough to get to the questionable bit.

I also think the video is in line with just about everything D&D related, most notably the PHB, DMG, and MM. So I don’t think the content of the video is really any kind of problem at all.

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While I disagree with MNBlockhead about the appropriateness of this use of the term "orgy" in this video, I gotta say, I find MNBlockhead's reaction to the use of the term "orgy" in this video entirely appropriate. He felt some concern, so he stated his opinion calmly and rationally, and began a reasonable discussion some like-minded peers. That's a very reasonable reaction. It's not an overreaction.

Now some other posters on this thread seem to be getting a little bent out of shape about something. I'm really not sure what any more. I miss pages 2-3 when we were all just making demonic-orgy jokes.


First Post
Okay, and that's relevant how? The other example was ragtime and blues songs from the 20s and 30s. I was responding to another post that specifically mentioned gangster rap. Whether not gangster rap is still a "thing," it is a readily-understood reference to content that many parents would object to their kids being exposed to. You could also say deathcore, black metal, or porno grind.
I know what ganster rap is. I'd never have guessed that porno grind would refer to the music at an orgy.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
I'm not entirely sure I'm following why Youtube and there settings are relevant here.

As I understand the situation, the video in question was found on the home page of the D&D Beyond website, and part of the discussion is that the OP has paid for that site and it's content.

You are mistaken. He even provided the YouTube link in the first post. DnDBeyond linked to the video, but it's a YouTube video.

To my mind, even if the video was somehow tagged as less child friendly, if the site sees that you're paying a subscription fee to their site... isn't it fair to assume the individual is older, like 16, since it is unlikely that someone under-aged has the money to purchase a subscription service.

I know the DnD Beyond stuff is also on Youtube, but from hearing about this just from these comments, it seems to me that there are enough different points to consider here that it makes sense something slipped through.

Yes, it's just that something slipped through. The person who made the comment expected it to be edited out. The person who tagged the video didn't realize it was there. When it was pointed out, they changed it. It's not that big a deal. Mistakes happen.

I was responding to the people who were claiming there wasn't any issue to begin with because they thought kids shouldn't be insulated from orgy comments in videos labelled kid-friendly. And the people saying that were claiming it was the parents they were talking to that were somehow moralizing to others...as opposed to seeing the irony of their judgement of those parents who just asked it be labelled correctly.

And honestly, toward the OP, as I understand DnD Beyond, it is a consolidation of a lot of DnD content. If you already feel the need to monitor your children's access to the PHB and MM (Which depending on their age you most certainly should) then I don't understand why you didn't realize that you should also monitor Beyond, as it is the PHB, MM, adventure paths, and previews for new material. Is the Beyond content really so often more child friendly than the books?

Yes, it's usually more kid-friendly stuff. They acknowledged this. They didn't ever intend that comment to slip through into the final version of the video.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
And honestly, toward the OP, as I understand DnD Beyond, it is a consolidation of a lot of DnD content. If you already feel the need to monitor your children's access to the PHB and MM (Which depending on their age you most certainly should) then I don't understand why you didn't realize that you should also monitor Beyond, as it is the PHB, MM, adventure paths, and previews for new material.

Fair point. And to further your argument, there are also the forums and user-created content, which are more likely to contain more mature content.

Is the Beyond content really so often more child-friendly than the books?

I don't think you will find the word orgy in an official book, but "orcs procreate often and indiscriminately" -- so not sure "orgy" is that much worse.

I guess I pretty quickly came to the conclusion that the video in question really isn't a big deal. What is more interesting to me, is where should the line be drawn?

As an avid D&D player who DMs games with some adult themes, I can appreciate some darker and more explicit material (if well done and not purile and gratuitous). As a parent who wants to share the game with my kids--including D&D Beyond, I think the core books strike the right balance. The Orc flavor text, for example, is well done in my opinion. Adult players can play Orc tribes as raping and pillaging. But I would not be comfortable having 'rape' spelled out in a book that my kids will be reading.

At age 13, a kid is getting really close to the word 'orgy' being the least of a parent's concerns. As a parent, you realize that unless you monitor every second and never let your kids go over to friends' homes you can't insulate your kids from all content you may find objectionable. But not applying any monitoring and control over the content your kids have access to is not the proper response.

Niece: So, what's an orgy?

Me: Well, it can mean two things. One is excess, or binge. Like when it's so much that you don't even know what to do with it. Get it?"

Niece: Oh, okay. And the other?

Me: Well, It's when a group of people get together and all have sex with each other at the same time.

Niece: WHAT?! Seriously?

Me: Yup.

Niece: ...So then...what's a weird orgy?

Me: ...

Niece: ...

Me: *Shrug*

Niece: *Shrug*

Me: Um, do you want to get some ice cream? What flavour would you like?


Me: *Facepalm*
Last edited:


I recall the time my ten,yo nephew asked loudy what a certain kind of job was.

That sparked delayed laughter from five of the six adults in the room... The sixth being his father, my brother.


Reading all these responses makes me wonder where all of the differing opinion are from. The differences in opinion versus culture and location of upbringing as well as age could be very interesting.

Watching the video, I don't think it personally distressed or concerned me. I thought it added a lot of much needed flavor and personality to WoTC from Kate. Since it was just a passing comment, and not graphic or explicit, seems like a non-worry almost.

It being marked kid friendly - seems ok? I think there are much worse videos marked kid friendly, let alone the music like like Ariana Grande which young girls love, that are way way more concerning.

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