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Player Responsibility for the GM's Fun??


So on these boards I've often seen discussion around the GM's/DM's responsibility for the fun and enjoyment of his/her players in a game. One example is the idea that the GM should try to accommodate the majority of concepts players bring to a game, or as another example... that PC's and PC backstory generally shouldn't be used or modified by the DM/GM without player consent or even that DM's should limit or confine what they present/create if it's not of direct concern to the players. While I don't necessarily agree with everything I've seen posted around the subject it did get me to wondering if people feel that there are player responsibilities for the GM's fun in the same vein as the ones many believe GM's/DM's have around their players enjoyment of the game and if so what are they?

I realize this is a very subjective question but I'd be interested in hearing whether people think the players have any responsibility for their GM's fun and if so what the responsibility of players are when it comes to their GM having fun and enjoying the game.

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Short answer, yes; if it wasn't fun, why would I do it?

I create an interesting setting, for which the players create interesting characters where an interesting narrative (for lack of a better term) is created.


Short answer, yes; if it wasn't fun, why would I do it?

I create an interesting setting, for which the players create interesting characters where an interesting narrative (for lack of a better term) is created.

I'm not asking if GM'ing is fun though. I'm asking do the players have a responsibility to the DM in helping make the game fun for him and if so what are those responsibilities. From your reply it would seem you are answering the question by stating the players have a responsibility to the GM to create "interesting" characters for the game... is that correct? If so what would you say makes a character interesting for a GM/DM?

Doug McCrae

To paraphrase Stan Lee, our responsibility is equal to our power. If the players have some control over the GM's enjoyment, and I think they usually do, then they have some responsibility.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
In any group activity, it's everybody's equal responsibility to ensure everybody else is having fun. Nobody's an employee in this situation.

I'd certainly agree that people have responsibility for themselves, too. To an extent, that responsibility is not so much "ensure everybody is having fun" but more "ensure you are not ruining anybody's fun". "Equal" doesn't mean "a lot" or "a burden"; just the normal social amount.

The word "responsibility" has a tenor to it which kinda feels off though; this should just happen organically.

Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
My players have an obligation to show up and to engage the game, not talk all session about how much they hate Trump, or sleep, or tool about on their phones. Oh and to not whine. That's about it. Maybe bring a good bottle of bourbon now and then.


If so what would you say makes a character interesting for a GM/DM?

It could be anything, though I would say good examples are characters from TV, books and movies; sources to draw inspiration from. Like anything else in life, some people will be better at it than others also.


Mod Squad
Staff member
I'd agree with Morrus, in that "responsibility" has some connotations that may not exacty fit.

I would agree that the Spider Man Truism applies - with great power comes great responsibility. So, whatever power you do have, comes with a responsibility to use it wisely. Typically, players don't have huge amounts of power, so they don't have a whole lot of responsibility.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I should think that the players have greater responsibility to other players than to the GM, personally. One trouble player can spoil the fun for everyone at the table after all.

As far as responsibility to the GM... well I do believe that if the GM has prepared material the players have at least a baseline responsibility to engage with it, though that's usually only a problem when there's a fundamental disconnect between what the GM wants to run and what the players want to play. YMMV on that of course... particularly in games that are set up more as sandboxes.


So on these boards I've often seen discussion around the GM's/DM's responsibility for the fun and enjoyment of his/her players in a game. One example is the idea that the GM should try to accommodate the majority of concepts players bring to a game, or as another example... that PC's and PC backstory generally shouldn't be used or modified by the DM/GM without player consent or even that DM's should limit or confine what they present/create if it's not of direct concern to the players. While I don't necessarily agree with everything I've seen posted around the subject it did get me to wondering if people feel that there are player responsibilities for the GM's fun in the same vein as the ones many believe GM's/DM's have around their players enjoyment of the game and if so what are they?

I realize this is a very subjective question but I'd be interested in hearing whether people think the players have any responsibility for their GM's fun and if so what the responsibility of players are when it comes to their GM having fun and enjoying the game.

Of course. There is nothing worse than a player who will stop the entire game to argue about some rule interpretation that will end up being meaningless to the overall story. I see this sometimes, players even arguing over a hand drawn map on a battlemat that a tiny edge the width of the wet eraser pen blocks their full HP PC from being shot at. Backstory shouldn't be just altered, but then you have to work with your DM to get it right, you shouldn't just show up with a secret backstory that no one knows about then expect your DM to accommodate.

Its all in the little things to help the DM and keep the story moving. Showing up early and being ready to play is easy and should always be done. Answer the DM emails as he is setting up the game and setting ASAP.
Take something easy for example in 5e groups. When putting a group together, you are a Paladin. If everyone else is a two-handed weapon user or light weapon user, you go one handed and shield and make sure the DM knows this right off the bat. The DM will randomly spread some things around like magic items for the PC to use, now the DM knows whatever magic weapons and armor he leaves around someone can use it.

I found potion cards on the intertubes, when we use a potion you just hand the DM the potion card. Guess what, by doing so he will hand it back to you in another treasure since it is "easier." Its keeps the game going faster and the story moving along.

Pay attention to initiative, and be ready when its your turn. If the DM makes something up on the fly, go with it, don't be a rules lawyer at all.

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