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Pathfinder 2E Regarding the complexity of Pathfinder 2

First Age

PF2e has seemed fairly smooth to us in play so far, but to be clear we have only progressed to level 5 in our 15 sessions of it. I talk about Pathfinder complexity on my podcast here:

I'm also running True20 in Greyhawk at the moment. True20 is a lot of fun. It doesn't have the collosal breadth of PF2e, even allowing for the more built in flexibility across the three core classes, but is surprisingly not that much less deep in terms of GM/Narrating. The core rules for PF2e are about 40 pages, acknowledging some of the variety that the breadth of options provides.

Complexity clearly affects people in different ways, so I'm not trying to say 'PF2e is a non-complex' system for everybody. It clearly fails, in capital letters, for some of the posters on this thread. All I can say is that, to date, we've found the game very easy to run and play, and I'm coming from a rules light background (OK, I did a lot of FGU in the 80s, so I've been trained hard).

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Every time they wrote a new subsystem, be it the crafting rules, or the treat wound rules, or the rules for talismans, or how basic athletics and acrobatics work, or how you advance skill and save proficiences, or [insert just about any subsystem here]...

...they took the most cluttery and complicated route imaginable, for no discernible gain whatsoever. Meaning, wherever I look, I can easily suggest a much simpler and more straight-forward rules replacement that accomplishes the same goals with a quarter of the words and way fewer die rolls. Without even having to try very hard to write good rules.

Over and over and over.

Every single subsystem is full of niggling rules exceptions that are a pain to remember, while handing out the smallest and most restrained bonuses imaginable.

Every time a GM is about to say "yes, but" and maybe ask for a skill check to do something not explicitly allowed by the rules (such as jumping a bit longer or rolling out of the way a bit faster) it turns out that this would specifically invalidate a feat. = make that feat completely worthless, since allowing just that was literally the only thing it did. Meaning the rules actively prevent a GM from just "rolling with it".

I could take hundreds of examples but here's only one:

In almost any other game, if you want to draw your sword to fight while climbing a cliff, a GM would go "okay so you need to make a Climb check with a DC that's 5 higher" (or something). Here it's a feat. Either you have it, and then you can do it - no skill check success necessary - or you don't have it and you cannot do it at all full stop.

Being legendary at Climbing? Nope.
Having a +40 Climb modifier? Nope.
Even when the cliffside is DC 20, and you'd critically succeed even if you rolled a 1? Nope.

But being 1st level and having the Combat Climber feat? Absolutely. Without question. Under any and all circumstances.
I’m pretty sure the devs said in response to some of the APG skill feats that the intent is skill feats let you do things you couldn’t do (like do something automatically instead of having to make a check) or more quickly than you could otherwise. Even if you don’t trust that to always be the case, PF2 doesn’t really use penalties to balance out feats or actions. I think allowing that check with a penalty would be fine.

If you really want to hedge, then have them roll with Disadvantage. Yep, roll twice and take the lowest result. If the PC is suffering a misfortune effect, roll three dice and take the lowest result. Nothing uses that kind of mechanic (outside of misfortune effects), so you should be safe. Also, it saves you from having to come up with a reasonable modifier. 😃

I don’t think you’re necessarily wrong for reading it the way you do, but I also don’t think it’s wrong to allow those kinds of things with a penalty. Given that PF2 tries to leave a lot up to GM discretion, it should have been more clear that you could do this. Also, “the system should have been more clear” is a worrisome and recurring theme with PF2. 😓

This is ATROCIOUS game design. From a commercial perspective, I kind of see it - Pathfinder 2 is clearly set up to be able to sell as many feats in as many splatbooks as possible, covering every littlest thing and every obscure rules corner, and there are already OVER TWO THOUSAND FEATS in the game in almost as many splatbooks as 5E has produced in one sixth the timespan...
Everything is called a feat, but they’re not interchangeable. You’re going to be focusing on a handful of choices at any given time. If you take a multiclass dedication or certain archetypes, you might have a bit more than or up to two handfuls to consider. They could have given them different labels, but what would you propose Paizo do differently?

Keep in mind that the economic reality is Paizo’s core audience wants customization. Many are were already going to be unhappy with a system that isn’t compatible with two decades worth of content, but I expect not offering a customization-focused system at all would have been economically fatal. WotC could shift gears because D&D has history and cultural cachet that Pathfinder does not, but it also belongs to a large corporation that can keep the lights on while they’re off redesigning the system.

But from a games design perspective? From a generous-GM perspective? From a enabling heroism perspective? From a fun perspective?
Honestly, I hate skill actions. I didn’t like them in the playtest, but I tried to give them an honest shot in the final game, but I ended up disliking them in the end for the same reasons I disliked them in the playtest. It’s not that they constrain creativity. They’re problematic because you normally only use a few, and then when you use one of the other ones, you’re like: “Okay, hold on. Gotta look this thing up.” If you’ve got Archive of Nethys on a laptop or tablet, you can be quick and hide it while people are rolling dice. You shouldn’t need an app or a website to run a game. It is incredibly irritating that even after 20+ sessions I still haven’t fully internalized them. ☹️

I’ll totally concede that this aspect is really fiddly. They enumerated too many things. They got rid of the myriad of modifiers from PF1, but they should have also done the same to the various uses (instead of codifying them in freaking actions!). I wanted to believe that they were a part of the modularity, but they’re more like modularity gone wrong. And I was wrong about them.

This is what I would do to fix them, and I may incorporate some of this in my game. First, I would move the combat maneuvers into the combat section. Put everything together, so you can actually find it using the book. Second, get rid of almost all other skill actions and activities. Replace them with a simplified skill check. In essence, if you are in a situation where both success and failure have interesting results, roll to see how it goes.
  • Critical Success: Like success but with an additional benefit. This can be something in the fiction, or it could be a hero point. The GM decides.
  • Success: You accomplish what you were trying to do.
  • Failure: Like success but with a complication, or you fail forward.
  • Critical Failure: You fail at your task. This could be straight failure, or it could be an especially bad situation that results from your lack of success. The GM decides.
That covers almost any time you’d need to make a skill check. I would even include the social stuff. You want to convince the guard to let you inside, but he’s going to lie to you why he can’t? Roll Diplomacy versus his Deception DC. The system is designed so that any modifier can be turned into a DC. Take advantage of that.

This probably invalidates a swath of skill feats. Is that a bad thing? It would make it abundantly clear that skill feats were not meant to stomp on skill checks. You’d probably need to look at a handful of situations where the actions are still wanted or needed. Treat Wounds probably needs to go in the exploration chapter as an exploration activity.

Anyway, I digress. 😂

You don't have to play PF2 very much to realize the decision to make 1, 2 or 3 strikes is very much at the heart of the game. Your suggestion pretty much invalidates the core of the game, as well as nearly every monster with a special attack routine.


5E gets away with monsters having multi attack.

Frankly, I'm just not interested in the nervously overwrought mathematical balance that PF2 hews to. Math is too much in the forefront, with flavor being hard to parse. I'd much rather just make one attack roll on my turn and then do something narratively interesting than to weigh probabilities.

And my least favorite thing was having monsters just stand still and spam basic attacks with minimal chance of success. It was superfluous dice rolling.


5E gets away with monsters having multi attack.

Frankly, I'm just not interested in the nervously overwrought mathematical balance that PF2 hews to. Math is too much in the forefront, with flavor being hard to parse. I'd much rather just make one attack roll on my turn and then do something narratively interesting than to weigh probabilities.

And my least favorite thing was having monsters just stand still and spam basic attacks with minimal chance of success. It was superfluous dice rolling.
Touching the three-action system would kneecap the best thing about the game.

Unfortunately you come across as someone looking at the PF2 action economy with other-edition-glasses on. I am critical of Paizo's game, yes. I am even critical of how artificial the three action model makes "object interaction" (that needed to be allowed as part of movement).

But while I can totally see standing still and spamming basic attacks as unimaginative and boring, Pathfinder 2 is nothing like this. Its monster action model is arguably its greatest success, with many (if not every) monster being enabled to pull off "signature moves" that give it real character, and makes a fight against a "big brute" monster very different than a "skilled weaponmaster" monster.


I'm also running True20 in Greyhawk at the moment. True20 is a lot of fun. It doesn't have the collosal breadth of PF2e, even allowing for the more built in flexibility across the three core classes, but is surprisingly not that much less deep in terms of GM/Narrating. The core rules for PF2e are about 40 pages, acknowledging some of the variety that the breadth of options provides.
Off-Topic: I would love for Green Ronin to do an updated version of True20, as I'm no longer a fan of its use of outdated 3e mechanics, but I suspect that their AGE System or Kevin Crawford's Worlds Without Number is as close as we're gonna get.


Again, thank you for trying to see the glass as half full.
I’m pretty sure the devs said in response to some of the APG skill feats that the intent is skill feats let you do things you couldn’t do (like do something automatically instead of having to make a check) or more quickly than you could otherwise. Even if you don’t trust that to always be the case, PF2 doesn’t really use penalties to balance out feats or actions. I think allowing that check with a penalty would be fine.
They can't just say such a thing. Where's the rule that allows it?

If you really want to hedge, then have them roll with Disadvantage. Yep, roll twice and take the lowest result. If the PC is suffering a misfortune effect, roll three dice and take the lowest result. Nothing uses that kind of mechanic (outside of misfortune effects), so you should be safe. Also, it saves you from having to come up with a reasonable modifier. 😃
Sorry but at least in official Adventure Paths, each and every DC is "appropriate" to your level, meaning that even a small bonus totally wrecks your chances.

If you assign climb DCs on objective analysis "this cliffside is hard but not impossible" you might assign it DC 20. Adding +5 or even +10 (to climb it a special way, such as with a weapon drawn) is then fair when a mid-level hero makes the attempt.

But official APs seldom (read practically never) work that way. If the cliffside is encountered at level 5, the DC might be 20, yes. But if at level 10, it will be DC 27 (or thereabouts). If at level 15, it will be DC 34.

The point here is that any bonus or penalty can't be much more than +1 or -1 or the activity is rendered practically impossible. Meaning that saying "even without the Combat Climber feat, you can climb and fight if you make a Climb check at disadvantage" will in practice mean "you need the Combat Climber feat", since noone in their right mind will keep doing something they might only have a 25% shot at.

I don’t think you’re necessarily wrong for reading it the way you do, but I also don’t think it’s wrong to allow those kinds of things with a penalty.
Gosh, no. There's nothing wrong with this at all.

But unless we're houseruling there must be a rule to allow it. How to respond to players who feel stupid for taking feats that others don't need? And so on and so on.

I would love to be allowed to do these things, but where's the guidance?

Given that PF2 tries to leave a lot up to GM discretion
I have never seen a game that leaves less to GM discretion. Yes, I know Paizo said they had GM discretion as a game design goal. But I can't see even the faintest trace of it anywhere. This game nails everything down, to the littlest insignificantest thing. Just look at some of the feats - they make the smallest tweaks to the most obscure actions. Nothing is left unregulated and thus up to GM discretion.

Also, “the system should have been more clear” is a worrisome and recurring theme with PF2. 😓
The lesson 5E drew is that by trying to be "clear" you let yourself be drawn into a never-ending fight to provide more and more detailed clarity.

The lesson PF2 failed to draw was that 5E in a big part was successful because it rejected this approach and trusted the GM.

Everything is called a feat, but they’re not interchangeable. You’re going to be focusing on a handful of choices at any given time. If you take a multiclass dedication or certain archetypes, you might have a bit more than or up to two handfuls to consider. They could have given them different labels, but what would you propose Paizo do differently?
Not create thousands of feats?

No really. Being able to crawl or swim or climb slightly faster are things that should come - no, needs - to come automatically with a higher skill bonus. The implication of all these feats existing is that any hero that doesn't take them can't do them.

Worse, it means that monsters are strangely stunted in the most wonky of ways. (Monsters and NPCs don't take feats. Yes there is a rule saying "you can stat up monsters using PC chargen rules if you want". No, Paizo don't use it. Approximately 0% of official monsters and NPCs take levels, classes, feats and such) Example: I recently had a monster suggest athletical challenges to see who's the strongest or fastest.

My player, happy with his recent feat pick, Cloud Jump suggested "long jumping". That idea quickly crashed and burned once we realized the monster could never jump longer than its Speed (30 ft) despite a very respectable Athletics skill bonus of +35. The DC is the number of feet you want to jump, so 20 feet would be DC 20 and so on.

You can't jump longer than your speed, full stop. The only way to break this rule is to have the feat Cloud Jump. Read the errata! It's abundantly clear that without the feat the rule says you can't jump longer than your speed, full stop.

So even if the monster wanted to aim for 40 feet (rolling a 5 on its d20) it can't aim for more than 30 feet, since that's its speed. With the Cloud Jump feat this limitation is voided, and your DC is slashed by two thirds. So the hero could go for 60 feet easily.

Making basic movement hinge on specific and non-interchangeable feats like this is exactly why I confidently say the PF2 model is irrevocably and utterly busted.

It should be trivial to realize that the solution "but give the monster the feat" is nonsensical. Nobody wants a situation where every monster must take literally hundreds of feats into consideration. This feat should never have existed. The rule limiting jumps to your Speed should never have existed. It is just one out of a thousand rules that mostly exist to justify a feat.

The game would have been simply better if all of this was just stricken from the game. Which is exactly my point. Rip out a dozen pages out of the rulebook and the game just works better. Rip out another dozen pages, and the game becomes better still.

Something is clearly wrong with the approach with which Pathfinder 2 has been constructed.

Keep in mind that the economic reality is Paizo’s core audience wants customization.
Customization is good, but this is not the only way to go about it. In fact, of all possible ways to go about it, this is likely among the very worst.

Many are were already going to be unhappy with a system that isn’t compatible with two decades worth of content, but I expect not offering a customization-focused system at all would have been economically fatal. WotC could shift gears because D&D has history and cultural cachet that Pathfinder does not, but it also belongs to a large corporation that can keep the lights on while they’re off redesigning the system.
I disagree. "Shifting gears" is just about the best praise 5E could be summarized as. 5E managed to reinvent the game, shed a truckload of old rules deitrus, and move on to huge huge success.

Despite Paizo having access to 5E for five years, they were unable to replicate any of it. In fact 2E doubles down on exactly the polar opposite of what 5E so very clearly have proved beyond a doubt what gamers want.

Honestly, I hate skill actions. I didn’t like them in the playtest, but I tried to give them an honest shot in the final game, but I ended up disliking them in the end for the same reasons I disliked them in the playtest. It’s not that they constrain creativity. They’re problematic because you normally only use a few, and then when you use one of the other ones, you’re like: “Okay, hold on. Gotta look this thing up.” If you’ve got Archive of Nethys on a laptop or tablet, you can be quick and hide it while people are rolling dice. You shouldn’t need an app or a website to run a game. It is incredibly irritating that even after 20+ sessions I still haven’t fully internalized them. ☹️
The skill actions themselves are slightly fiddly, yes, but they're not even close to where the real problem lies.

Sure I don't need a separate Balance action from a Tumble Through action from a Squeeze action, but that's a minor annoyance compared to what I'm talking about: that you might be Legendary in Acrobatics but you would still squeeze 5 feet per minute :cautious::rolleyes::cautious: unless you have taken exactly one specific feat out of the several thousand that's on offer.

I’ll totally concede that this aspect is really fiddly. They enumerated too many things. They got rid of the myriad of modifiers from PF1, but they should have also done the same to the various uses (instead of codifying them in freaking actions!). I wanted to believe that they were a part of the modularity, but they’re more like modularity gone wrong. And I was wrong about them.
I would say that for each PF1 modifier or exception they cleaned up, they added two new modifiers or exceptions. There is nothing simple or easy about PF2. It's insanely cludgy and fiddly and hard to remember and hard to calculate and you roll endless d20s and other dice...

This is what I would do to fix them, and I may incorporate some of this in my game. First, I would move the combat maneuvers into the combat section. Put everything together, so you can actually find it using the book. Second, get rid of almost all other skill actions and activities. Replace them with a simplified skill check. In essence, if you are in a situation where both success and failure have interesting results, roll to see how it goes.

This probably invalidates a swath of skill feats. Is that a bad thing? It would make it abundantly clear that skill feats were not meant to stomp on skill checks. You’d probably need to look at a handful of situations where the actions are still wanted or needed. Treat Wounds probably needs to go in the exploration chapter as an exploration activity.
But Paizo can't do this? How will they keep selling books if they can't shovel new feats out by the hundreds...? /s


Proficiency Without Level should have been the default. It doesn’t stop two moderate encounters from rolling together into something deadly, but it makes the band of viable monsters much bigger.
It does, but to be fair:

1) the playtesters really wanted proficiency to increase at a rate similar to 3E/PF1.

In theory d20 and 5E is similar. But once you factor in the twin christmas tree of magic items and magic buffs, PF2 is probably a very close approximation to how d20 really ends up.

2) once you're aware of the "don't smush encounters" effect, it can be handled. Meaning it doesn't come anywhere near the top of my list of grievances with the system...

3) Proficiency Without Level does appear as an official variant, and is even supported by the indispensable Pathbuilder app


Off-Topic: I would love for Green Ronin to do an updated version of True20, as I'm no longer a fan of its use of outdated 3e mechanics, but I suspect that their AGE System or Kevin Crawford's Worlds Without Number is as close as we're gonna get.
It was years since I looked at either, but in my recollection AGE is very different and not similar at all to d20 (or true20)?

Thomas Shey

I'm just going to reinforce Keneda that to look at the overall number of feats is super-deceptive. Most players will need to, at most, know their class feats, and the relevant skill and general feats. The rest are irrelevant to them unless they're playing multiple classes in multiple games at a time.


Since I'm not being asked by Paizo to revise PF2 and my group has given up on the system for the time being, the effort to simplify Pathfinder 2e into something I'd run just isn't worth it. If I want a simpler version of the game, I'll play 5e or an OSR system. Pathfinder doesn't bring anything to the experience other than more crunch and customization options - and trying to take those away defeats its sole purpose, IMO.

If I do want something crunchier in the future, the way I'll go is likely to add some options to 5e rather than try to reduce Pathfinder.

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