• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E Two more Classic Settings to go

The Dragon UA have a single reference to Fizban...but Fizban is an avatar of the cosmic overgod of all Metallic Dragons in the Multiverse, not just Dragonlance. It also references a Greyhawk deity and two Forgotten Rralms Dragons, and has Gem Dragon and Koblod material (neither of which exist in Krynn), so the UA is not Drsgonlance specific.

I'm still keeping my eyes open for a Fizban Planeswalker.

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And I dislike that approach because I think that it weakens the integrity of the setting.
It's fine to dislike it, but it is how the Setting is approached officially by Wizards, even in Rising from the Last War, simply by virtues connecting the world to Sigil explicitly.

To be fair, even in 3E's separate cosmology version of Ebrrron, the inhabitants of Eberron are in the dark.


It's fine to dislike it, but it is how the Setting is approached officially by Wizards, even in Rising from the Last War, simply by virtues connecting the world to Sigil explicitly.

To be fair, even in 3E's separate cosmology version of Ebrrron, the inhabitants of Eberron are in the dark.
I'm still not sure what Sigil has to do with anything. I'm simply saying that I don't think that an approach that condescendingly treats the people as Eberron as a bunch of ignoramuses who don't have a higher grasp of the universe does any favors for that setting. If the same was true about condescendingly treating the inhabitants of Sigil as just plain wrong, then I would also have an issue with that.

Vague and misleading, especially when weighed against the mountain of evidence that says they aren't the same. It is mainly pointing to a similar conceptual origin for the two.

1) They have different names
2) They have different home planes (Seven Heavens vs Dome of Creation, Nine Hells v Abyss)
3) They have different divine portfolios. (Check the back of the 5E PHB)
4) They have different divine levels. (Lesser Deity vs Greater Deity)
5) They have different holy symbols. (Silver Triangle v Dragon Head)
6) They have independent existences (Paladine becomes mortal, Bahamut doesn't).
7) Bahamut and Takhisis are dragon deities. Paladine and Takhisis are not - their "favoured creations" are elves and ogres respectively.
Question for you: if the new book is a Dragonlance setting book and it states in that book that Takhisis = Tiamat will you accept it then?


My guess is Dark Sun and Planescape. Dragonlance is cool and all, but it doesn't really add much to the available settings. Dark Sun has the whole desert survival, expanded psionics, and defiling options. Planescape would also serve as a Manual of the Planes for 5E.


I'm still not sure what Sigil has to do with anything. I'm simply saying that I don't think that an approach that condescendingly treats the people as Eberron as a bunch of ignoramuses who don't have a higher grasp of the universe does any favors for that setting. If the same was true about condescendingly treating the inhabitants of Sigil as just plain wrong, then I would also have an issue with that.
OK, sure, I acknowledge your feelings about it. I'm just talking about what the official version of the game world is.

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