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Fun vs balance [poll]

Fun vs balance

  • Balance is the most important. Fun has to be done within that balanced window

    Votes: 7 8.6%
  • Balance is important, but occasionally override rules to allow more fun

    Votes: 25 30.9%
  • Override the rules for fun, unless it's obviously game breaking

    Votes: 23 28.4%
  • Fun always, even if it breaks the game or causes major imbalance between PCs

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 18 22.2%


I wanted to vote fun first, but seem to be more of a rules, then fun DM. I recall how some older campaigns have been ruined by wanton changes for 'fun'.

Sure, you can make 4 attacks since you have 4 arms. Hey, why are all the other PCs dying all the time and why are the monsters now so tough.
Sure you can shapechange into whatever you want. Hey, why are all the other PCs dying all the time and why are the monsters now so tough.
Sure, we're adults, we don't need magic item limits. Hey, why are all the other PCs dying all the time and why are the monsters now so tough.

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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Listing in order of importance (at my table):

Everyone's enjoyment > My amount of game prep required >> The RulesTM > The abstract concept of "Game Balance"

My order of importance:

My enjoyment > your enjoyment > their enjoyment > the Platonic ideal of "Game Balance" > some game designer's enjoyment > the written rules as if Moses brought them down from the mountain > life of an average bard.


I chose "Override the rules for fun, unless it's obviously game breaking," though I have misgivings. It's not about "overriding" the rules for me as much as not worrying about them. I'd much rather keep the game moving, fast and furious, than stop things to look up an obscure rule. I'm also not sure how a game can "break" if everyone is having fun. (Emphasis on everyone.)


I don't believe in "balance" at all. The idea of balance is just wrong. All too many people complain about something. The game makers are beyond clueless, and even when they try the results are mixed. And all too often players only talk about 'balance' for combat and nothing else. And more so, too many players are unwilling to make a change or accept any changes....except maybe the one they want.

And nearly all the time, I see the DM just let 'unbalanced' things happen and act like they can't do anything. Yet the same DM will make a hundred other changes to the game.

And on top of all of that, it's a lot more how you play the game. If a player just sits back and says their character is weak and useless, then they won't have fun right from the start.


I think the sliding scale you are proposing is not really applicable. It is a false dichotomy, I am afraid.

RPGs, like all hobbies and pasttimes, must be fun. If they are not fun, people won't play them - therefore fun is important above all other things.
However, fun does not preclude balance, and balance does not preclude fun. In fact, the two often work together harmoniously.

Voidrunner's Codex

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