Link to Location in Character sheet

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Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
For those that didn't read the other thread, you might want to explain a bit. ;)


The man with the probe
Beat me to it.

I propose (Granted, someone else is posting it), that we ask/require players to put a link or not in their character sheet to not the adventure/location they are currently in. This would allow players to know who is and isn't in the tavern, who's on an adventure, or anything else.

It also allows a potential GM to know what potential skills are waiting in the tavern so he can scale his group accordingly. And when there become more taverns (Which may happen when we get several 5th level plus adventurers in LEW), it helps people sort out who's in what tavern.

Tuzon Thume

First Post
Part of my original question concerned who my character would see in the Tavern when he entered. If there were several rough looking thief type characters hanging out by the door it would be in character for him to wait until they move along. Also...he might be looking to score some pipeweed so he could tell how many halflings were in the room.


First Post
The Character Tracking and Interface thread is supposed to list all characters on all adventures.

I don't think it is properly updated by all DMs.

As for the Inn. I agree that would be nice. Having it linked on the CS wouldn't make it much easier to find out who was there. You'd have to go through that entire thread, and I can guarentee you, not everyone would remember to update when they enter or leave.

I believe Sparky is in charge of the Inn. Perhaps she could keep the first post in the thread updated with who's there. Or perhaps someone else would want to volunteer for this. We'd probably need to start a new RDI thread.


The man with the probe
Manzanita said:
I believe Sparky is in charge of the Inn. Perhaps she could keep the first post in the thread updated with who's there. Or perhaps someone else would want to volunteer for this. We'd probably need to start a new RDI thread.
I was going to wait till I got home to send an e-mail, but I'm willing to work on watching over the tavern (I see you say you need it in the general info thread), and anything else I can do to help LEW (See my cleaning the CS post).

I'll send an e-mail to talk about it there more, but just figured I'd make you aware since it was brought up.

El Jefe

First Post
Bront said:
Unfortunately, not everyone does.
Well, let's not confuse intent with enforcement. I'm not sure I understand the difference between requiring someone to put the information on the character sheet and requiring someone to put it in their sig. Right now, neither is required, so naturally compliance is somewhat spotty.

I was just looking at it from the user convenience angle. My sig follows me around wherever I (or my character) go. If there's a discrepancy (like my sig saying "Fred the Barbarian is on An Adventure in Rivenblight" in a post in the RDI thread that mentions Fred walking into the bar), having it in the sig makes it easy to spot and correct. I just find it too convenient to "forget" tha tthe character sheet location is out of date.

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