• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by 2e Player

  1. 2

    Abilities Capped at 20 Won't Work

    It worked fine in the old days. I'm fine with this. Having played characters with outrageously stacked ability scores in 3e, I definitely considered it a flaw of the system.
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    My Rant Apology & Sell Me Flat Math

    I'm A-OK with the lack of scaling -- in fact, it's one of the things that I really, really dig about this playtest after playing a lot of 3rd edition. But then again, I like to play a fantasy game rather than a superhero game, and there is a critical difference.
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    Divination Dilemma

    There are many ways to foil scrying. It is a good spell but if your 'BBEG' is known to the PCs and has taken no steps to avoid being scried upon, he probably isn't a very good 'BBEG' in the first place. As for Contact Other Plane, you must have a really nice DM if you think that spell is...
  4. 2

    Casters vs Mundanes in your experience

    The beauty of pen and paper gaming is that those who are playing the game can sit down and make changes that suit them. There's never going to be a game that suits everyone, but the best games lend themselves to adjustment. E6 is a great example of how you can get an entirely different -- and...
  5. 2

    Casters vs Mundanes in your experience

    If you simply play by the rules as written and assume that all characters have an equal amount of XP and treasure to work with, then yes, a high level 3rd edition caster is going to be more powerful than his mundane counterparts. There were many mitigating factors that kept mundane characters...
  6. 2

    Monte has left the building:How do you feel about the direction of the game?

    I liked a lot of things in 3e and Arcana Evolved, whereas I liked nothing about the direction taken with 4e, so I'd say my interest in 5e is not very high. That said, I think Pathfinder is a huge pile of splatbooky rubbish (as do those I game with), so there's definitely an opportunity for the...
  7. 2

    When did the Fighter become "defender"?

    Fighters, if played well, are solid, competent killers in any version of the game that caps hit dice at a reasonable level (i.e. 2e or E6) and doesn't rely on strict minis rules for combat scenarios. But the whole idea that the fighter's job is to 'tank' big bad evil guys is just laughable to...
  8. 2

    2012 PC Bodycount thread

    He was indeed. The whole party decided to just drop down in there. Only one character could swim, and when they realized it was a trap (and that there was a current pushing them farther in), it was pretty much too late. I just shrugged and played it out.
  9. 2

    2012 PC Bodycount thread

    Up to about ten PCs dead in my current game. Favorite cause of death: Player in heavy armor, with no ranks in swim, with no waterbreathing spell, decides to dive into a 20' deep pool and then follow a narrow underwater tunnel to Gygax knows where. Obviously, he drowned.