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Recent content by Aethernaut1969

  1. A

    What alternatives to "human" are there?

    I find both thesaurus and etymology dictionary especially helpful when I'm suffering from writing vapor lock.
  2. A

    What alternatives to "human" are there?

    You could even expand it into the rest of the language for the humans: humaignity maigne womaigne maignkind That's probably a stretch, but used sparingly it could add some flavor.
  3. A

    What alternatives to "human" are there?

    Since the vocabulary for "human" is so limited why not use an earlier version of the word? The etymology dictionary tells me that one origin is Old French dating to the mid-15th century with a couple of variant spellings. I'd pick the most interesting: humaigne. It's an adjective form of the...
  4. A

    Why simpler - much simpler - is better

    I wholeheartedly agree. Like I said above, it's given me some of the most satisfying gaming experiences I've had in years.
  5. A

    What economic class do you fall into?

    And overnight I just went from lower-middle to middle class. Sweet! Like I said, it all depends on the type and amount of work I'm getting.
  6. A

    Why simpler - much simpler - is better

    If you're looking for simplicity and reliance on player imagination might I suggest Numenera? One book, one character sheet (not plural), 4 dice, a pencil and paper. It's not for everyone, but if you're looking for story over tactics and rules lawyering it's great! I'm currently gaming with two...
  7. A

    Chewbacca Actor's Private Star Wars Photos

    I love the combination of candid shots and posed goofiness. They were all so young and it looks like they were having a lot of fun.
  8. A

    What economic class do you fall into?

    With me it apparently depends on what time it is. Right now? Lower middle class. Last August? Middle class. Pre-August 2011? Poor. Pre-December 2008? Middle class. Really depends on the amount and type of work I'm getting.
  9. A

    This Explains How SyFy Chooses Their Movie Names.

    I've had this exact same conversation with friends before. We eventually decided that it might be profitable to write a screenplay for SyFylis. So, stay tuned for... Piranhacondaquakenado!