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Recent content by Asatania_GM

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    Players building v players exploring a campaign

    Campaigns get too complex, too quickly, for me to keep all of the NPCs, relationships, factions, towns, cities, and events straight unless I've thought about them ahead of time. Once I have thought about them, I can set players loose within the scaffolding I've created and be confident that I...
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    Gamers vs. Reality: Who Wins?

    Lots of people do attach some blame to economists - and it seems clear that many were (and are!) corrupted by free-flowing money. But, I wouldn't indict economics as a whole, as there are economists doing interesting data-driven work that has little to do with finance.
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    Gamers vs. Reality: Who Wins?

    >> And yet tabletop role-playing games are even more engaging than video games...so why haven't they heralded the end of the world as we know it? By what measure? And for who? The feedback cycle in video games is fast, very fast. The pleasure centers of the brain are activated briefly, many...
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    Kickstarter (KS) Darkness Surges – The Second Asatania Campaign Arc for 5E Now On Kickstarter!

    Final week The Kickstarter project is in its final week, fully funded, and counting down towards another stretch goal. The Campaign Guide, Player's Guide, and introductory adventure for the setting are all available for free on DriveThruRPG. -- The Kickstarter is at...
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    Kickstarter Asatania - 5E Campaign and Adventures Live on Kickstarter

    We just crossed over another stretch goal threshold. Project now ships with a Campaign Guide, Player's Guide, and 8 adventures. Just one week left to go before the Kickstarter project closes...
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    Kickstarter Asatania - 5E Campaign and Adventures Live on Kickstarter

    The Kickstarter project for the Asatania campaign world is now live. Asatania is a new campaign world setting for 5E and the project includes a campaign guide, story adventures, as well as side adventures. It funded within a day or so and we've already reached the first stretch goal (adding a...
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    D&D 5E Vicious Mockery utility

    Others have talked about how disadvantage balances the low damage. I love the flavor though. Its a great role playing crutch for new players. When they cast the cantrip, I find most need little prompting to come up with insults to hurl. For some, it is the first time they ever truly get into...
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    D&D 5E Are the AP's basically just a repeat of the previous complaints about FR? Why we need more short term adventures.

    Most assuredly. Though, the game doesn't have to be quite that tightly scripted, and individual encounters can have notes that give guidance on how to adjust based on current party strength (strong is long rested, weaker if pushing, etc). The players need to believe that the world is moving...
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    D&D 5E Are the AP's basically just a repeat of the previous complaints about FR? Why we need more short term adventures.

    What kind of scenario though? Most small scenarios that I see only progress if the players interact with them. The town with the wolf problem never solves it - they just sit frozen until the players stumble across it. A scenario can be a part of a larger, living story though. A story can be...
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    Adventurers League, Home Play, and Public Play for Out of the Abyss characters

    Also to be fair, discussion of polyamory may have nothing to do with sexual escapades. If you ask me if I'm married, I'm going to say "yes." If I'm polyamorous, I'll probably say something to that effect. There's a lot of room to discuss life and love without delving into truly private...
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    D&D 5E World-Building DMs

    I'm an unrepentant world builder. My fictions may not be Tolkein or Martin, but world building is the part of D&D that I enjoy. I don't take much pleasure in DMing pre-made content, but I love watching how groups interact with what I've developed. Often they surprise and inspire me to follow...
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    D&D 5E Weak monsters that terrify you

    I'm always nervous putting a carrion crawler up against a low level party. They stealth up, surprise the party, and inevitably party members fail their saves...
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    D&D 5E STR and DEX fighter stupid?

    Stupid, unwise and vile is a bit extreme for 8's. Below average, yes, but not horribly so. If I recall, the standard deviation of 3d6 is around 3, which puts an 8 within a single deviation of the mean. Not the brightest, wisest, or more charismatic but not so beyond the pale that anyone...