
I'm rather fond of table-top role playing and seeing as I'm going to be in College Station for the foreseeable future as I finish my degree, I'm hoping to find a group of folks that are into some cooperative storytelling!
I have roughly 18 years of RPG experience with WEG Star Wars, oWoD, nWoD, Rogue Trader, Dark Heresy, Shadowrun, DnD 3.5, Pathfinder, Paranoia, and Tales of the Floating Vagabond. I tend to favor narrative heavy campaigns where my characters can make a tangible impact on the setting.



  1. 2

    We've got five years, what a surprise

    Yeah, it's a Bowie quote. 10 points for lasting five years!
  2. 2

    Another year, another trophy

    Yep, you get a trophy for lasting two years!
  3. 2

    First anniversary

    You've been here a year!
  4. 1

    First message

    Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.