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Recent content by Atropos

  1. A

    Minions and hps

    It doesn't, and you bloody well know it. But I can't stop you from sticking your fingers in your ears. Forget it. For the second time in as many threads, someone pulled the "fanboi!!" card and didn't get called on it, so I'm out. If you truly want that discussion, start a new thread on rpg.net...
  2. A

    Minions and hps

    No, this is due to the DM using minions with an eye towards tactics. They don't stand around in clumps waiting to get AOE'd, they don't all charge the fighter, and when they get into a position where they will certainly die, they always get at least one attack in or stands in such a way as to...
  3. A

    Minions and hps

    Lots of value judgements, no substance. Meh. Lots of assumptions here. In our game, minions do not blindly commit suicide on auto-damage effects, and always require the use of actions to remove. They are not "supposed" to be anywhere at any point except in the position where they inconvenience...
  4. A

    Minions and hps

    Perhaps I wouldn't need to, but otherwise I don't see the relevance. Thank you for being reasonable. My reaction is mostly based on the sillyness of some of the examples put forth, but I honestly don't believe there is a problem. As long as the DM knows how to use minions, and remember that...
  5. A

    Minions and hps

    Indeed, but some would rather change the rules than learn how to use them. Arguing that minions dying too easily is a flaw in their design is missing the point about minions completely. Minions are meant to die. It's what they're there for. Changing the rules to make minion-killing abilities...
  6. A

    Minions and hps

    This thread is a prime example of poor craftsmen blaming their tools. Every "faulty" encounter presented here leaves me shaking my head at what the DM was actually expecting would happen, as opposed to what did happen. Throwing 20 under-leveled minions through a guarded doorway? Ganging up on a...
  7. A

    Iron Kingdoms / Privateer Press not switching to 4th

    Not really much of a surprise given their product line has been dead for a few years. Saying that they're not going to produce anything for 4E doesn't mean much when they're not producing anything RPG-related in the first place.
  8. A

    Once per day non-magical effects destroy suspension of disbelief

    An awesome game, too, but not suitable for all types of action movies, just the Hongkong-style ones. You cannot. Feng Shui also have a ressource management system for martial arts powers, called Chi. If you're out of Chi, you don't get to "whip out your best moves".
  9. A

    Once per day non-magical effects destroy suspension of disbelief

    Another view on this, is that the "daily power" is not so much an ability that the character consciously uses, but more of a special circumstance that simply allow the character to apply his natural skill. In narrativist RPG theory, these mechanics could be seen as "shared narrative authority"...