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  1. A

    Ethnography of Online RPGs

    Funniest signature line ever!!!!!! Also, the course looks interesting.
  2. A

    Lines I'd like to see Morrus put into his Gencon report

    "I am become Cook, shatterer of worlds." Bartender at the Safe House: So why'd you come to Milwaukee? Morrus: I came for Gen Con. Bartender: But Gen Con's in Indy. Morrus: I was misinformed.
  3. A

    [OT] Need a good whoopin'?

    Yeah, and I'm gonna win it too!
  4. A

    [OT] What D&D terms would make cool sounding band names

    Monte and the Alternates. Simple as that.
  5. A

    Oversupplementers anonymous

    Boy Meepo, you're just a huge source of signature fodder today. :D
  6. A

    [OT] Attorneys on the EnWorld boards

    Valen: I'd love a copy of your adventure when it's done. Alan
  7. A

    Why the kender could conquer Ansalon(DL)

    You also forgot one of the most important aspects of fighting kender. They don't know fear. That is a powerful weapon that cannot be underestimated.
  8. A

    [OT] Attorneys on the EnWorld boards

    I'm a 2L currently interning at the Dept. of Justice. Alan
  9. A

    Coolest weapon from literature?

    I have to say, my favorite sword from literature is unnamed (as far as I remember). It was the sword weilded by Belgarion of Riva, which he used to slay the One Eyed God Torak in David Eddings's Belgariad. The Orb of Aldur which made up its pomelstone was intelligent, and it was, all around, a...
  10. A

    Charity Fundraiser - our own setting search!

    Well you could allow judges to enter and then just forbid them from voting on their own entries. For instance, if you have each judge pick their favorite 10, without considering their own, it's still possible that PKitty will like Teflon Billy's and vote for it. Thus, the judges are no more...
  11. A

    Creature Features

    I can see it now: "Two sprites...check. Two stirges....check. Two terrasque....hmmm. Houston, we have a problem...." :D
  12. A

    Lightning Bolt! Ahahaha

    Aw nuts! I forgot my players read these boards.....*L*
  13. A

    Lightning Bolt! Ahahaha

    I HAVE a crazy NPC in my game. He's DEFINATELY going to do that next game! *L*
  14. A

    SRD/OGL Question

    Thanks Staffan.
  15. A

    SRD/OGL Question

    I know the three core books are open to mess around with (with certain exceptions, like character creation); my question is, is Monsters of Faerun open content yet? Thanks, Alan