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Recent content by badula

  1. B

    D&D 5E We need a Monster Manual II

    i don't like the DMGuild format where i have A LOT of several document with 3-6 monsters... it's REALLY uncomfortable when it comes to select the right monster for the next adventure! ATM for example i had to create a new monster for a player Brightwing wich is a modified faerie dragon.... i'm...
  2. B

    D&D 5E Medicine Skill usefulness?

    My houserule for the healing skill My players didn't like the full hp after a long rest mechanic, it broke their suspension of disbelief, so here's what i've envisioned (it still need more playtest tbh) Revisited Healing Short Rest: · A short rest Takes 30 min · During a...
  3. B

    map suggestions?

    well there isn't a true answer to your questions... it depends on the flavour you AND your players want from the session! On my table description is MANDATORY even if i draw out all the dungeon in advance. I'd say that uou should concentrate on creating good layouts only for combat encounters...
  4. B

    map suggestions?

    Having A LOT of time to prepare your sessions i'd suggest going for custom maps using dundjinni, you'll need maybe some "structures" to allow vertical growth (you can cover those structures with the same tile options used for the mab to blend them, better if you cover them in a removable way)...
  5. B

    map suggestions?

    I'm longing for terraclips release!^^ another solution for you could be CCC or dundjinni! So you can generate your own maps but you play only the visible part step by step! you don't want it to look crappy? printing on cardstock help A LOT! if you have a battlemap you could even go hybrid...
  6. B

    4th edition: Not happy with the new direction.

    I like skill based systems, but i recognize they compel the gm much more than a class system when it comes of thinking nice difficult compelling but not sure killing encounters. also... skill based systems are the paradise of the minmaxers and the hell for the "i don't know well the rules"...
  7. B

    4th edition: Not happy with the new direction.

    I'd say that i don't like some of the essentials books, mostly the classes changes, i do appreciate the monster and the rules compendium. As a whole imho 4e has pros and cons. I REALLY appreciate the combat mechanics in 4e, they really do the job smoothly! I don't like the skill challenges and...