• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by bayushiyojiro

  1. B

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    i should be one square northeast of the hobgoblin btw Leo Glares at the Hobgoblin as he seems to coming too, and fslams his fist down through the muck into the ground, the tiles beneath the hob appearing to shift and bounce beneath him, knocking him off his feet. bloodline power, with a +4...
  2. B

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    "Hold on Fair Maiden... Leonixx is here to save the day!... *i hope*" he mutters the last part, striding confidantly past the stunned hob and into the sludge. He snags a pinch of colored dust from his pouch and flings it in the air once again. The familiar chant is botched due to deafening (i...
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    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Leo sees the robed goblin spring from behind the wall, and decides its time to act. "Maurea! see to Janiven! Ive got the big ugly!" Stepping around the corner with a flourish Leo tosses a small dash of colored powder into the air, chanting and with a thrust of his palm the dust bursts into a...
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    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    always the lady eh Maurea?
  5. B

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    ohh jeebus i been working so much i completely spaced out Leo Beelines it straight forward and peer around the corner, his back to the wall, scouting the foes and their locations, going through the remaining spells floating in his conciousness. double move straight east to the wall at that corner
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    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Leo Grits his teeth, hearing the sounds of slobbering mutts and skittering of feet similar to his own. he had heard stories of savage little creatures similar to his own species, but his clan had never encountered them. "If one of you two could pick me up, i can be a greater help sooner by...
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    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Leo quickly runs over towards Vigil and hides behind him. whatever was coming... he has faith the large spiked chain will defend him.
  8. B

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Leo watches the lady's beautiful face become concave and then her fine body lay in a slowly widening pool of her own blood. Taking part in the death of 2 people was certainly never on his mind when he arrived at this city. He was certain it wouldnt be his last... he decided he best get used to...
  9. B

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    "Hold on madam, you look better on that fine rear end of yours...." Leo Sweeps his hand in an upward motion from low to the ground, causing a small shockwave of earth to erupt under the arminger's feet and (possibly) knocking her off balance yet again. bloodline ability: Tremor: trip attempt...
  10. B

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Leo yelps as Noa brings his dagger out and Covers his face as the sick grin crosses his 'ally's' face and he hears the sickening sound of the dagger gouging through throat flesh. The sewage was one thing, but having someone slaughtered in front of him was a whole new scene.
  11. B

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Leo shakes the sewage from his ears and spits out.. something.. he didnt care to find out what it had been. Mustering his focus he utters an incantation and tosses a handful of colorful sand at the melee arbinger next to Noa, the sand transforming into a dazzling cone of disorienting light at...
  12. B

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    ummm nevermind im r-tarded... read that wrong....
  13. B

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Leo bucks up his courage, determining this could be a long shot but he has to try. That crossbow chick's aim will only get better at this range. Pushing briskly past Noa to the edge of the platform, he attempts a jump across the sewage. failing pretty horribly, he ends up only hopping into the...
  14. B

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    i think paladins get moral bonus, as well as 'stick up the bum' bonuses its actually the NPCs turn, and hopefully an updated map will go with it
  15. B

    Toasterferret's Council of Thieves

    Leo squeaks at the crack of the thunderstone and instinctively covers his ears from the noise. Leo hears his ears pop and mutters a curse...