Recent content by Ben from Periapt Games

  1. Ben from Periapt Games

    When Your Injury System Feels Too Complex

    This feels a bit like how Helm does injuries, but much more complex. Interesting.
  2. Ben from Periapt Games

    Kickstarter Steps to a Hero: A lifepath system for 5e!

    Two days left in the campaign, and I'm very happy with its success. The print book is coming along nicely, too.
  3. Ben from Periapt Games

    Kickstarter Steps to a Hero: A lifepath system for 5e!

    We've reached our funding goal! Thanks to everyone who's supported!
  4. Ben from Periapt Games

    Kickstarter Promotion Services: Are These Legit?

    I got a lot when I launched my Kickstarter. I assume that they're a grift - their messages were mostly written like spam - but I'd be interested to hear if some are legit.
  5. Ben from Periapt Games

    Kickstarter Steps to a Hero: A lifepath system for 5e!

    Do you want characters to have deep ties to their world? Backstory that directly affects their mechanical traits? A little weird fantasy flavour? Steps to a Hero lets you create incredible characters using a uniquely tailored lifepath generation system. Lifepaths tell the story of a...
  6. logo2small.jpg


  7. Ben from Periapt Games

    Add some flavor to a mushroom-rich adventure

    The rarest ingredient or material component in the world: abyssal truffles. Bring your dire pig.
  8. Ben from Periapt Games

    Complexity vs. Simplicity in Character Design

    My personal preference is for mechanical complexity to 'buy' verisimilitude. If you're going to have a dice roll, it's because whatever element is being produced really ought to be random; if you're going to have two dice rolls, it's because it wouldn't make any sense to combine them; and so on...
  9. Ben from Periapt Games

    Intelligent Magic Swords? (2e AD&D)

    I think some DMs conveniently overlooked the rules because they're a bit of a hassle to manage with only a moderate payoff: there's some fiddly initial setup and then you have another intelligent entity around to track.
  10. Ben from Periapt Games

    What are you reading in 2023?

    I really need to go back and finish reading a bunch of books I opened last year, particularly Dan Snow's 'Battle Castles' and Patricia Crone's 'Pre-Industrial Societies'.
  11. Ben from Periapt Games

    Any Roman history nerds here?

    The potion is kind of fascinating, considered as a TTRPG item. I suspect if you looked over the whole comic series there's actually a lot of in-universe information about it.
  12. Ben from Periapt Games

    A way for druids to talk to plants

    Acacia trees notably can tell when they are being damaged (eaten by giraffes) and react by sending a signal of ethylene gas. Acacias which detect this gas pump unpleasant-tasting tannins into their leaves as a deterrent.
  13. Ben from Periapt Games

    What is Willpower?

    Pain tolerance would be a big combat application.
  14. Ben from Periapt Games

    Indie Publishers, what are you working on for 2023?

    This year I'm writing a life path system for alternative 5e character generation, revisiting an old project involving variant creature ancestries, and compiling years of treasure notes and ideas. All three projects are larger than anything I've done before, and I'm hoping to get them all...
  15. Ben from Periapt Games

    SRD CC products.

    I'm definitely shuffling some shelved projects back closer to the top of the stack!