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Recent content by bevedog

  1. B

    D&D 5E [SPOILERS] Enhancing Tomb of Annihilation

    I like your ideas, and I like the fact that if they seem like the curse isn't strong enough, you can easily amp them up, like "Now that the curse has been in effect for this long, you find that your rests are even less restorative than before" and up the healing penalty. Seems more flexible and...
  2. B

    D&D 5E CoS: Ireena as a PC?

    I won't be able to have Ireena as a full-fledged PC, but I'm also concerned about making her central but not too central. She's also been revealed by the Tarokka cards as the party's special ally, so I want to be sure she can defend herself and be likely to survive the whole campaign while...
  3. B

    D&D 4E 4E Miniatures

    I'm awfully late, I realize, but I like this solution from Make magazine for turning chits or counters into something that stands up. I didn't go the full shrinky-dink method, but I did use cardstock for the printed paper figures and binder clips for the bases as shown. No, it's not 3-D exactly...