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Recent content by Blessed Kitten

  1. Blessed Kitten

    6 PC playtest - who to clone and how to adjust

    We had 7 players and ran all the characters as is, with an extra fighter and an extra wizard. I don't know if the DM was adjusting the monsters in the module, but we still found encounters to run away from. I will also add that with 2 wizards with ray of frost, it is easy to keep a single...
  2. Blessed Kitten

    D&D 4E Comment about 4E designers loving D&D

    This comment makes it sound as if you have never worked on a large creative project. I think there is an almost universal experience for people who do this sort of work, that no matter how much you care about a project, how much effort you put into and how great the finished result is, you...
  3. Blessed Kitten

    D&D 4E Killing Time Before 4e Comes Out

    Why not? Personally, it's not that I dislike other systems so much, it's more that I have an irrational brand loyalty to D&D and its quirky style of fantasy that prevents me from spending too much time looking at other systems. What does D&D have for you that other systems fail to deliver?
  4. Blessed Kitten


    Here is one my wife and I did a while ago:
  5. Blessed Kitten

    D&D 4E Who / What will be the main gods of 4E?

    Aside for a few of the beings that have iconic DnD identities like Asmodeus and Tiamat, I for one do not want to see any real religious references, past or present, in the core material. This totally breaks the suspension of disbelief to me. It would be like having references to the Kingdom of...
  6. Blessed Kitten


    I am not a lawyer, but I think the issue is not signing the NDA, so much as it is being able to enforce it across international boundaries. Say you have someone in Sealand that signs the NDA and becomes a play tester. Say they then decide to break the NDA, what could Wizards do about it? Which...
  7. Blessed Kitten

    OotS 446

    Looks more like heterochromia to me. And the whole "biophilia" thing is especially funny to me because a few weeks ago, my office mate simply had to know what you call it when undead want to have sex with the living. My wife, who seems to know an awful lot about paraphilia in general...
  8. Blessed Kitten

    "Progress" in your setting

    You raise interesting points. Others have already addressed the problems with science and technology. So I'd like to make a point about the stagnation of societies. I too have noticed that fantasy as a genre tends to make broad references to times millennia or "ages" ago, in which, although it...
  9. Blessed Kitten

    WotC is going online. What do you want the digital initiative to be?

    I know monster generator has been said, but it definitely needs to easily support generating advanced monsters. Adding extra hit dice or class levels should quickly and effortless propagate through the stats. Preferably with some reasonably sophisticated heuristic in the way it goes about...
  10. Blessed Kitten

    It's time WotC fill us in on their digital initiative

    Okay. So I can just install SQL on my machine and I've got a character generator? I think an interface of some kind might also be required. Designing a program that is powerful, customizable and easy to use is not trivial. This is an unsupported assertion. Don't forget, it also needs to...
  11. Blessed Kitten

    Will the Wizards Digital Initiative still be around in 5 years?

    This is a loaded question. You are presuming that they will have their Digital Initiative up and running sometime in the next 5 years. Edit: Damnit. Eric beat me to it. :o
  12. Blessed Kitten

    Limits of morality in the game?

    Okay, some systems do have mechanics for moral dilemmas. V:tM (haven't played the latest version) with Humanity and virtues as stats, for example. While I can see how that might help focus the game more on those sorts of things, I don't know that they add much more than what you can do with good...
  13. Blessed Kitten

    Limits of morality in the game?

    Because I like D&D, and moral dilemmas are system neutral? Yes, I am aware that alignment exists. I do not personally care for it as a mechanic, but it does not in anyway prevent moral dilemmas.
  14. Blessed Kitten

    Limits of morality in the game?

    I agree with the above posters that if that sort of thing is not fun for your group, skip it. That being said, I'm all about the moral ambiguity. Although, for the first scenario you pose, that is something that should only be possible if the paladin has no ranks in Knowledge: Religion. Even...
  15. Blessed Kitten

    Unhallowed gallery is up!

    I really like the set overall. However, am I the only one who is bothered by the fact that the Ultroloth is teal?