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Recent content by bloodydrake

  1. B

    D&D Game Table not Mac-Compatible at launch

    yes shader 2.0 is dx9 only..and yes it won't work with most budget laptops either ..the ones with the integrated intel video display pre 900 series, shared main memory ones ect ect. really its this simple is this a licensed engine? Or completely homebrew? If its a licensed engine which is it...
  2. B

    D&D Game Table not Mac-Compatible at launch

    since 2 of the apps( table and character vault) are using a 3d DirectX shader 2.0 engine to function I would seriously not hold your breath for either of those to be ported to Mac Os8+ anytime soon. IF it was an OpenGL engine sure..DX? Not so much
  3. B

    D&D Game Table not Mac-Compatible at launch

    since 2 of the apps( table and character vault) are using a 3d DirectX shader 2.0 engine to function I would seriously not hold your breath for either of those to be ported to Mac Os8+ anytime soon. IF it was an OpenGL engine sure..DX? Not so much
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    There will be no 4.5. It is 4th Edition.

    eh... I'm sure when they announced 3e they would have absolutely denied any intention of 3.5 at the time.
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    Subscribing to D&D Insider

    i put maybe but its a big maybe. if theres a cheaper priced player mode for access to the digital table and character vault i might think about it. If its all or nothing it will probably end up being nothing
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    D&D 4E 4E: What we think we know

    See I disagree I think this is exactly what they want to do. Historically Dnd has so many users, say for fun 100,000 people play dnd,..but guess what? the majority of money spent on this hobby is by the dm's not the players which is probably 25%. Thats a bitch for the "Company" I can see all...
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    D&D 4E 4E: What we think we know

    hmmm so subscription fee is more then Dragon and Dungeon Were but less then MMORPG's are I'm guessing 12bucks amonth. nominal fee i'm guessing 2bucks. This DI sounds like its really gonna add up to hella expensive if its content you can't keep when your subscription runs out. I'm very sceptical...
  8. B

    RPG Illegal File Sharing Hurts the Hobby

    Feathercircle Paizo has em for pretty cheap
  9. B

    When did DM's get lazy?

    I gotta agree with Hussar this is exactly what i want. Being a fairly rookie dm to 3.something and having way to much to do as it is,having products that are high quality and provide the conversion notes to fit into the retail campaign world i use is a godsend. This is why products like the...
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    Jackson's King Kong: 3 Hours.

    well this is a remake of the original and it looks to be a fantastic. I personally can't wait. A good old fashion monster movie creepy jungle crazy natives..lots of fun!
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    Gaming "snacks" -- ideas?

    hint of lime white corn chips and some hot salsa mixed with crushed pinapple best chips and salsa ever! trust me
  12. B

    Is Larry Elmore still popular?

    Classic Elmore is well Classic great stuff. I'm not sure why people don't like the newer styles tho,DungeonPunk or what ever its called. I think the quality of a piece will always stand on its own. For instance I've never noticed James Rymans work before but his cover for dungeon 127 is one of...
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    DMGenie - Masters of the Djinn Yahoo Group missing

    But the point is it won't affect his bottom line if the people all paid for the paper/magazine in the first place..they already bought it, there is no loss of revenue,and aslong as you only shared this media transfer with paid subscribers that already own it there is no harm done. NO one is...
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    DMGenie - Masters of the Djinn Yahoo Group missing

    sigh the IP police are in full riot gear as usual.. I so enjoy the fact they make blanket statements on THE LAW without ever considering that they don't know THE LAWS of every country out there. For example in my home country up until recently its been completely legal for me to lend an item of...
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    Do you use a computer program (such as DM Genie)? (poll)

    Kloogewerks for online gameplay etools for character/npc/monster creation and importing into klooge