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Recent content by Bob the Destroyer

  1. B

    The Power of Prayer

    I would tell my players what happened because I want to reward their roleplaying. If I hid the fact that I fudged the roll from them I think that they would assume that no intervention took place. I think that giving the players that information would enhance their enjoyment of the game, but I...
  2. B

    The Power of Prayer

    I would reward the player for roleplaying his piety even though he isn't a cleric by fudging the dice and making the character live. However, I would not hide the fact that I was doing so from the player. He would know that his character's prayer was answered even though the character does not...
  3. B

    How many "random encounters" is too much?

    I want a different number of random encounters depending on how often the we game. If I'm in a weekly game, I am more than happy to spend an entire session on random encounters when travelling between locations, but in a monthly game, I pretty much want every encounter to move the plot along in...
  4. B

    Racism in your game?

    My homebrew world has a lot of racism. The various human countries and people groups are all racist against each other, the elves are engaged in a bloody centuries-long war between their two races, and everyone else is involved in complex webs of hatred. I really think that it adds to the...
  5. B

    You roll a 3...

    I might put the 3 in Cha. People don't realize that even if you put a 3 in Cha, your character doesn't have to be a horrible person to interact with. You can take full ranks in Diplomacy, Bluff, and Intimidate to offset your ability modifier and play a person who has a disability but who has...
  6. B

    Healthy snacks & drinks for gaming?

    When I first realized that eating potato chips and drinking huge amounts of soda when gaming was probably not a great idea for my health, I started buying puffed rice cakes as an healthier alternative to chips and unsweetened flavored seltzer water instead of soda. That really helped me control...
  7. B

    How do you deal with traveling in your games?

    I tend to run games where important locations are a long way away from each other, so for my players actually traveling anywhere outside of town is a fairly big decision, and once they embark on a journey it might take them a session or two to complete it. That helps with the wilderness feel of...
  8. B

    D&D 3E/3.5 (3.5) The Paladin Sucks? Also, how to fix it?

    I actually think that even though the other classes would get a boost from it, it might be a good idea to switch to the PF classes because the differences in power level between the Pathfinder Paladin and the other PF classes are (IMO) significantly smaller than the differences between the 3.5...
  9. B

    What are the Ten Most Important monsters for a GM to have stats for?

    I would probably go with: 1. Orcs 2. Human bandit types 3. Hill Giants/Ogres 4. Zombies or Skeletons 5. Giant Spiders/Scorpions 6. Dire Wolves 7. Hydras 8. Some kind of evil, aquatic Fishmen. 9. Some sort of Demon/Devil 10. Kobolds
  10. B

    [Game]What the hell is a "Sicilian Chainsaw?"

    It's a term for using a seemingly innocent thing to hide a weapon. It originated in a d20 Modern game where a player hid a pistol in his dog's voluminous coat to sneak it into a meeting with the BBEG. But seriously, what the heck is a Desk-harvester? -Bob the Destroyer
  11. B

    Learning Feats Without Leveling Up?

    It's possible if you use E6. -Bob the Destroyer
  12. B

    Are you a Player or GM?

    I play more than 50% of the time, but it's not by choice. It just happens that my DM and I have almost exactly the same social group and he is a more experienced DM, so most of the time that people get a hankerin' to play, they play in his games. :( -Bob the Destroyer
  13. B

    Klatu Barada Necktie Says Hi!

    Howdy, howdy, howdy!
  14. B

    D&D 3E/3.5 Fav 3.5 core class

    I voted Sorcerer even though I tend to use Elements of Magic. -Bob the Destroyer
  15. B

    1001 Epithets

    214. The Perpetually-distracted 215. The Vague 216. The Narcissistic 217. The Mighty-Thewed 218. The Irascible 219. The Choleric 220. The Grim 221. The Gruesome 222. The Grisly 223. The Discrete 224. The Disciplinarian 225. The Ale-guzzler