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Recent content by Brisk-sg

  1. B

    Coup de Grace vs. Players -- Mean DM or Fair Play?

    I normally reserve the threat of CDGs to being used to 'up the ante' of some battles. For example, in our first 4th edition adventure, the party reached the big bad (an elvan mage) of the adventure with most of their healing surges and daily powers used. The elven mage got the upper hand...
  2. B

    Born with no arms?

    I would think that if other types of creatures that do not have the use of human hands can learn to cast spells, that someone could in theory (and a hell of alot of effort) learn his own version of spells that could be cast using toe/foot movement instead of finger/hand movement. Metamagic...
  3. B

    Feeblemind + Mindblank = !

    I was just going to have it fail until a certain point regardless, I was just curious more then anything.
  4. B

    Feeblemind + Mindblank = !

    Hey All, In an Eberron campaign I have been running, the pcs were recently tasked with the transport of a man who had lost all his memory, had gone mute, and pretty much dumb. No one knew what had happened to him, or where he was from. The pcs are to transport him to Arcanix to find out what...
  5. B

    Spells, Powers, and Damage Reduction

    Hum. This brings up a good point. If DR never applies to spells, then why do some spells outline a damage type that is associated with weapons. The whole reason for knowing. those damage types is because of things like a skeletons DR 5/bludgeoning. Basically if it says 'piercing' or...
  6. B

    Is Scorching Ray Too Good?

    I was responding to your post saying: Since you cannot do 10d6 dmg with scorching way at lvl 13 with most normal builds, I listed three builds to show the damage based on what class you took. Wizard 11/Rogue 2 doesn't seem all that abusive. He gives up 2 lvls of spell progression for 3d6 dmg on...
  7. B

    Is Scorching Ray Too Good?

    lol. This is nuts. Its called having common sense and looking at the context of the usage. The word attack is difficult to avoid using in an RPG that is centered around combat. Next edition perhaps they should make the books more technical then they already are and use things like attack...
  8. B

    Is Scorching Ray Too Good?

    An 18th lvl wizard does have 9th lvl spells, a Rogue 3/Wizard 5/Arcane Trickster 10 has to wait 2 more levels before he can get 9th lvl spells. So, an 18th lvl wizard is using the most powerfull spell (dmg wise) he can ever use (barring epic lvl). And Rogue 3/Wizard 5/Arcane Trickster 10...
  9. B

    Is Scorching Ray Too Good?

    Since Scorching Ray is a spell, you can also maximize a portion of its damage potential through using metamagic feats. Going with the Rogue 3/Wizard 5/Arcane Trickster 10 as an example, by using a 6th lvl spell slot, our Arcane Trickster could memorize a quickened Scorching Ray. If he really...
  10. B

    Is Scorching Ray Too Good?

    One of my friends had this same argument, that its OK because a rogue will only get to use it once in a blue moon. That is true, a rogue/wizard wouldn't get it to often... But... What about the Arcane Trickster "Impromptu Sneak Attack" ability. Lets face it, most likely anyone who could...
  11. B

    Reach and Allies

    Per the SRD When making a melee attack against a target that isn’t adjacent to you (such as with a reach weapon), use the rules for determining cover from ranged attacks. Yes, you can use a reach weapon from behind an ally, however, your foe will likely get Soft Cover because of this (+4...
  12. B

    Suggestion Sucks

    Also, if you are to rule that Suggestion is modified by your INT score on how it is actually worded, what happens if a Sorcerer with CHR 18 and INT 6, casts suggestion. Would you then modify anything that is suggested by that character to reflect him being not very bright? Would you create...
  13. B

    Suggestion Sucks

    The real problems we have in our campaign with suggestion isn't the suggestion itself, but how our DM wants us to carry out the suggestion. He wants us to put on blinders and carry out the suggestion to the exclusion of everything else. Also, I think there are some problems with making...
  14. B

    Earth's Embrace?

    No, you are getting a FREE 1d12 damage each round that you maintain a pin, regardless of if you are using an opposed grapple check durring the pin to damage the opponent. Per the SRD, when you are pinning an opponent you can normally take the following actions: You can attempt to damage...
  15. B

    No Overrun as Part of a Charge?

    I was looking through the FAQ and Errata last night and I saw something about this, and was irritated by it as well. There is not much that Overrun is good for if you cannot use it in a charge in my opinion. The Errata does say this, and it is mentioned in the FAQ as well in relation to...