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Recent content by brocktoon

  1. B

    Gaming Book Shelf Competition

    Blackburn Manse Gaming Room
  2. B

    Building Encounter Tables for 4E

    create the various encounters for each area from level 1-10. from there, have a standard die rolling mechanic, an example d20 1- remains of a battle/ encounter, minimal treasure found gold / item equal to PL-2 2- Level -2 3- Level -2 4- Level -1 5- Level -1 6- Level-1 7- Level 8- Level 9-...
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    GMing: Transparency and Immersion

    As Reynard's DM I have to chime in- Reynard died so that the party might live. granted, he made an in-game choice that greatly increasedthe challenge, buthe knew that, and his trash-talking the dragon didn't help, BUT, because the dragon was so angered with him, his paladin became the primary...
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    Wanna hear my sexy voice? (thread necro)

    I am totally here. okay, over 5 years late, but here.... barak
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    I played 4E today. I died.

    1) Dorn died because the 2nd warlord in the party was clueless and even when given a clue, didn't help Dorn out. Player will be moving to a fighter. Player is also around 12, so we are prepping the next gen of gamers, which no one seems to mind, just that the young'un gets defensive. The party...
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    4E DMG: No guns?!?

    That is what you consider indicative? No guns? What about the significant changes in the rules, the preconceptions about classes, non-Vancian casting, races not in the PHB.... But that fact the there was not 3" of column space dedicated to providing stats for 4 guns and a katana was what clued...
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    4E DMG: No guns?!?

    Limiting playstyle? compared to 1e with strict limits on levels for races? Games vs. Toys? Huh? Passion and your dislike of 4e aside (jump back in the posts 2 years, and sub 4e for 3e), explain. How is 4e any more of a game than 1e. 4e allows me and my players (9 total for this one session...
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    Ancient/Roman Britain

    Slaine game although that is runequest version, originally it was a d20 setting also, avalanche press published a celtic supplement, and sadly for reynard, it is one of the few of their supplements w/o a scantily clad woman on the cover...
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    Is 4th edition getting soft? - edited for friendly content :)

    prior to 3e, some previous editions limited a character's stats based on gender, should that have been kept? they were legacy.... broad assumptions are being based on little teaser nuggets being given. eliminating SoD in favor of massive amounts of damage allows a DM to almost kill everyone in...
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    Ongoing Campaign Setting Development by Reynard

    here we go with the dragons again..... ;)
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    Mexican Stand-off: How To?

    here is what I came up with: One character chooses to initiate the Mexican Standoff by foregoing his action for the round and being in visual range of any other character he wishes to engage. The initiating character makes an Intimidate check. Each opposed character makes a Will save. Failure...
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    Gaming in Eastern Connecticut?

    Hi Bill, Our group is losing a member sometime this winter. We play in Holland, MA which is just over the border on Route 84. We meet about once a month on Saturdays or Sundays. Right now we're starting/ continuing a hi-level D+D game in Eberron. We play in Holland, MA, our members travel from...
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    Experienced Player seeks D&D/d20 in Worcester, MA

    Still looking? Hi Ryan- If you are still looking for a game, please feel free to contact me: barakblackburn THE AT SIGN yahoo DOT com We meet about once a month on Saturdays or Sundays. Right now we're starting/ continuing a hi-level D+D game in Eberron. We play in Holland, MA, our members...