
I've been playing D&D since '82 (Moldvay Basic, later AD&D 1st Edition), and DMing since '90 (AD&D 2nd Edition). I drifted in and out of D&D in the mid-nineties, including multi-year fling with the Hero System, before 3E brought me back to D&D in 2000. I played 4E for a while in '08-'09, but while found the mechanics elegant, I did not care for the way WotC did business.

I quite like what I've seen of 5E so far; however, I am deeply disappointed by the lack of 5E PDFs. I still hope that WotC mgmt. wakes up to market realities before they torpedo another edition of D&D.
Jul 30, 1972 (Age: 51)
Arizona, USA