• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Bulldogc

  1. B

    Most Unbalanced Prestige Classes?

    thrallherd and psionuncarnent are pretty broken to if u usein psionics especialy at higher levels
  2. B

    Most Unbalanced Prestige Classes?

    archmage 3.5 dmg looks fine to me u gota be like a 15th level caster to even start on it(dont have it in fromt of me) and even then u gota give up your high level slots to get their abilities so its a nice trade off.
  3. B

    Normal vision, low-light vision, darkvision, oh my!

    see id much rather remove all of that(cept lowlight for surfacers that dont deserve infervision like elves) and jsut bring back infervision and perhapse ultravision.
  4. B

    golem spell???

    was gona ask gary about this but since that could be a bit of a wait i guess ill check on what the people think. 2 things about the golem spell 1. can the golems be prebuilt and then animated at a later time(wondering this because it gives a spell casting time aswell as a time required to craft...
  5. B

    Katana wielding

    ru sure it was a katana in the movie and not a watchi(sp??) i know knives and other short slashing weapons are held in this mannor(brased against the arm) so they can be uses for guards followed by a quick slash the the midboddy after a parry
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    question for piratecat(or anyone else who knows i guess)

    when gary returns and his q&a post started up again(assuming it is that is) is it gonig to be a new post or is the old one gonig to be unlocks and continued?
  7. B

    D&D PDA software?

    anyone know where i can find something to keep track of tresure and food and water(numbers and calculated weights) for the palm os? if i only had a laptop it would be so easy:(
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    TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

    ah, yea i guess that makes some sense just a followup to it. can a crossbow be specialy crafted to take advantage of stronger people to increase projectile damage?
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    TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

    Gary I got another question for u. What was going through your mind when making the crossbow stats? Aside from the monk, there seems to be no reason at all to actually use one when even a sling is better in most respects.
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    TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

    hey gary thanks for the great game. i got a quick question for u the monks ability to dodge missiles, would that also apply to large rocks tossed by giants?
  11. B

    Have you ever killed a player by mistake?

    speaking of realy stupid deaths the 1st ed game im currently playing in has been gonig on for about 2 years. the eldest surving member died a few sessions ago from an intel sword that didnt like him(froze him) character deaths before that included 4 from poison one from possession, and only 2...
  12. B

    Have you ever killed a player by mistake?

    i use to do this thing to keep the peace when ppl were gettin off track(via metagaming or just generic chitchat that has nothing to do with anything(or when they either realy piss me off or just keep questioning my answers) where id hit them for 1 or 2 hp via an unknown assailant.(back when we...
  13. B

    Converting 3.5e back to 3e

    worst case just let them reassign skill points(take their total skill points, any skills that havent changed stay the same and any other points can be reassigned as they wish.)
  14. B

    Motivation in Low Magic

    many temple priests are actualy retired adventurers themselfs. some even founders of the town your in(temples they creat grow cities around them)
  15. B

    Tactics of the Illusionist

    thats sorta what the save entitles. basicly its seeing do u realise that this thing doesnt exist. if u cast it in front of an ogre warrior then hes probly not gona realize that that was an illusionary spell. for all he knows its a real spell with real effects.