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Recent content by Burning Yeti

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    Kickstarter [Burning Yeti Studios] The Lost Dungeons of Xon: Bathed in Blood, now on Kickstarter, for 5E and Pathfinder

    We're excited to announce that the second module in The Lost Dungeons of Xon series is now live on Kickstarter! When your party is hired to do a house-cleaning on a supposedly abandoned dungeon, this probably wasn't what they had in mind... They're immediately teleported to the bottom of a...
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    Kickstarter [Kickstarter] The Lost Dungeons of Xon: The Crucible, An Innovative e-Module for just $1

    We've got 10 days left in our campaign and a TON of stretch goals unlocked! We've also got a free preview or both the module and our Choose-Your-Own-Adventure style Interactive GM Walkthrough. Check 'em out! http://thelostdungeons.com/sample/ http://thelostdungeons.com/interactive/
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    Kickstarter [Kickstarter] The Lost Dungeons of Xon: The Crucible, An Innovative e-Module for just $1

    Burning Yeti Studios, LLC is pleased to announce the launch of its Kickstarter campaign for The Lost Dungeons of Xon: The Crucible, a roleplaying e-Module that offers features beyond traditional RPG supplements. The Crucible is the first episode of an epic story and is designed for 4-6...
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    The Lost Dungeons of Xon - A series of interactive Pathfinder compatible e-Modules

    Just wanted to post an update and let people know that tomorrow (July 4th) is the LAST day people can get in our early bird "Scout" backer level. So if you've been considering jumping on board, now's the time! We've also been backed by both Dwarven Forge and Reaper Miniatures, so yes... we're...
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    How do you use your Dwarven Forge Gaming Tiles?

    Here's a link to the Kickstarter... https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/burningyeti/the-lost-dungeons-of-xon-pathfinder-compatible-emo And I also posted an announcement over in the enworld Kickstarter section...
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    The Lost Dungeons of Xon - A series of interactive Pathfinder compatible e-Modules

    Announcing the launch of our Kickstarter campaign for The Lost Dungeons of Xon, a series of Pathfinder compatible e-modules designed to take full advantage of the interactive PDF format! It's the first series of modules created specifically to utilize the rewards from Dwarven Forge’s Game Tiles...
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    Still jazzed about...

    Deadlands d20. It's been years since I ran my old Doomtown game, but I still remember it with great fondness and often wish I could get it going again. I really didn't expect the d20 system to translate well to the Deadlands setting, but somehow it just worked, and made for some very cinematic...
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    Creating Campaigns / Plot Arcs

    Perhaps not conventional, but I tend to work backwards. I like to envision how the campaign might end (and oftentimes that would be after expected years of play) and then trace a line back to a starting point. What major revelations will the PCs come to on the course to the ultimate end? What...
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    digital miniatures & mapping?

    I want to second this... Awhile back I started up a Pathfinder game using Google Hangouts simply because I have two kids and there's a limit to the number of times my wife lets me out of the house each week. All the players were people I see every week (though usually for boardgaming) but...
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    Choose Your Own Adventure Character Creation

    Hopefully the title of this thread is descriptive enough, but if not... As part of our Kickstarter for interactive roleplaying supplements, we've talked about doing a stretch goal for an online "Choose Your Own Adventure" style character generator. Basically you would go through a story, and...
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    Stonemaier Games: Realistic Board Game Tokens (also useful as dungeon accessories)

    Really awesome-looking stuff. The Yeti crew is in for 10 sets (and I swear we have no affiliation with the creator... we just love cool things).
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    How do you use your Dwarven Forge Gaming Tiles?

    Oh, and my kids also love using them to replace the boards in the flicking game Catacombs -- which isn't exactly an RPG, but anything that has my little ones excited about playing Fighters, Rogues and Wizards is setting them on the right path as far as I'm concerned.