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Recent content by capn_frank

  1. C

    PHB3 In Hand...

    On page 193-194 of the PHB3 it talks about Multiclass feats. First 6 feats to allow you to multiclass into the 6 new classes, then 3 to swap powers because the ardent, battlemind and Psion don't have encounter attack powers. Then this explanatory text: Paragon Multiclassing This section...
  2. C

    PHB3 In Hand...

    No new rituals in PHB3.
  3. C

    PDA for PDFs?

    I have an Amazon Kindle DX on order. It's supposed to ship next Monday with arrival by the end of the week. I'll be doing lots of testing and post pictures and a review after I get it. Cap'n Frank
  4. C

    Best 1st Level 4E Adventure

    I'm playing through Sellswords of Punjab and don't like it all that much. The maps are way too small to take advantage of the 4e movements rules, after the 3rd session or so our DM started redrawing the maps on his tact-tiles. Each room seems to be a huge grind which is sucking up our resources...
  5. C

    WoTC March 2009 Editorial Calendar

    I count three adventures in Dungeon 164 in March: 03/04: Worse Than Death 03/11: Dungeon Delve 03/18: Scales of War #6 The Shattered Glass
  6. C

    4e and kids - Forked: With a subscription to DDi Character Builder, buying a PHB2

    Hi, You are thinking of Inner City Games Designs' Fuzzy Heroes. I bought this at Gen Con the last year they were in Milwaukee after going through a demo but no one in my gaming group wants to play with my little stuffed friends :( Frank
  7. C

    Dungeon delve delayed?

    I got the same email delaying it from Feb 17 to March 3rd. Frank
  8. C

    The "complete" list of announced 4E products for 08 and 09

    Dungeon Delve Supplement Feb 17 2009 I got word from Amazon today that the release date for this is now March 3rd. Frank
  9. C

    D&d xp

    I got some more info on the PH2 Worldwide D&D Game Day pregens, including their Paragon Path Names - Level 11 Balasar of Bahamut - Male Dragonborn Paladin (Faithful Shield) Ilivarra - Female Drow Avenger (Zealous Assassin) Markaria - Female Tiefling Invoker (Blightspeaker) Roswyn - Female...
  10. C

    Humans living in the Feywild?

    Korror, I love this idea and am borrowing it for my campaign. However you are thinking of (Brigadoon) and not (Lorna Doone) :)
  11. C

    D&d xp

    I like the fact that WOTC is creating different characters for the different events. None of these are the same as the 5 for the PH2 Worldwide D&D Game Day coming in March. Cap'n Frank
  12. C

    (Mongoose) Wraith Recon Announced for 4e

    Unfortunately it is 20 UK Pounds, not 20 US Dollars :( The US MSRP is $34.95 but even at that price with Green Ronin deciding not to go 4E this has moved well towards the top of my "To Buy" list. Cap'n Frank
  13. C

    [Board Games] Carcassonne add-ons that decrease its nastiness?

    Magic portal rule From the sheet that comes with the Princess & the Dragon (bolding of words in the original rules) The magic portal (6 tiles) When a player draws and places a magic portal tile, he may place a follower on this or any previously placed tile. When doing so, he must follow all...
  14. C

    No more cone shaped powers?

    As Fundin pointed out, there are cones in D&D minis version 2. Here is the exact wording from the Glossary on page 43 (the templates they describe on on page 41): A roughly triangle-shaped area for some [Close] attacks (see Attack types on page 26). There are two cone templates provided in this...
  15. C

    This is what Epic heroes are supposed to be like - Jet Li's "Hero"

    Another good place to get trailers is http://www.moviemaze.de/. You can download all the trailers from there to your hard drive (which you can't from Apple). Hero's original title was Ying xiong so the trailers are at: http://www.moviemaze.de/media/trailer/802.html. Warning - this is a German...