Recent content by Ceska

  1. Ceska

    Epic Magic item pricing help

    Edit: Never mind, i got it now. :uhoh:
  2. Ceska

    Can't find flaws?

    You can find flaws in Unearthed Arcana, the SRD ist your friend: *klick*
  3. Ceska


    VoP states exactly the items you are allowed to have and a holy symbol is not on the list. Holy symbol, wooden 1 gp Holy symbol, silver 25 gp This are the costs of holy symbols from the SRD. When you follow the VoP, you cannot have a holy symbol. Your GM may allow it, but most GM´s I know don´t.
  4. Ceska


    The feat Ascetic Knight from CAdv comes to mind. With this feat your paladin and monk levels stack for determining the unarmed damage and your smite evil extra damage. Since you have the VoP, you can think about using a variant class ability that displaces your spellcasting ability. You won´t...
  5. Ceska

    What happens when a necklace of fireballs detonates when worn?

    I´d say it all remaining spheres explode and the character wearing the necklace must make a saving throw against every remaining sphere as if they would have been thrown at him.
  6. Ceska

    CR for a Old Black Drag. PsyWar5?

    For a group of seven PC´s I would double the number of monsters of a normal (for the level of the group) CR. CR +8 over group level is way to high, such a monster should tpk your party without any problems, even when they´re more characters than normal.
  7. Ceska

    Tattoo Magic

    There is an alternative for a spellbook in Complete Arcane (page 187) that is based on tattoos. There is also a the spell Create magic tattoo in the Spell Compendium.
  8. Ceska

    CR for a Old Black Drag. PsyWar5?

    Shin Okada did the better job in explaining this. :heh: I would also treat PsyWarrior as associated class.
  9. Ceska

    CR for a Old Black Drag. PsyWar5?

    CR 21 Old black Dragon has a CR of 16. He advandces five levels in Psy.Warrior (CR+5).
  10. Ceska

    Assessing the CR for a PC... huh?!

    The Death Knight template gives a +3 to the Base Creature CR. A NPC-fighter level 7 (CR7) with the Death Knight Template (CR+3) is a CR 10 Encounter. When the Death Knight is a Player Character he doesn´t get the +3 CR but a +5 Level Adjustment instead (in case of our level 7 fighter he would...
  11. Ceska

    Touch of Healing/Hustle/Force March

    Please take into account, that Touch of healing just works on characters under half their hitpoints. That also applies to nonlethal damage.
  12. Ceska

    List of races with LA?

    There is something like that on Crystal Keep, I´m not sure how legal it is, so I don´t post it here. I´ll send you the link via PM. Edit: It seems that you´re unable to receive PM´s, so you have to google for it.
  13. Ceska

    Having trouble locating two feats

    Edit: Bad paper was correct, mea culpa. Sorry.
  14. Ceska

    Having trouble locating two feats

    Sculpt Spell or the Master of Shaping ability won´t do such a thing.
  15. Ceska

    Having trouble locating two feats

    Sculpt spell doesn´t protect allies from the effect of an spell altered with this metamagic feat.