• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by ChampaignSupernova

  1. C

    D&D 4E Reply if you love 4e

    Yeah, that's what I am getting out of all this. It's one thing, if someone says I just don't like it. And it does look like it was a bit different in some aspects as to what we were used to, but it certainly seems as a viable option for those not content to stay with 3.0/3.5.
  2. C

    D&D 4E Reply if you love 4e

    I have to say, 4E sounds like a great game. Now that Next is on the horizon, I am really sorry I didn't try 4 after reading what you all have said, and it certainly doesn't seem to deserve as much of the negative press as it got.
  3. C

    Might Be Stretching This But....

    Hey Grodog, No, sorry about the confusion. I was using the example of going from a typical AD & D 1E thief to a UA thief-acrobat once the requirements were met as an example of what I wanted to do. With other AD & D classes. I really liked TerraDave's suggestion of looking closer at the...
  4. C

    Might Be Stretching This But....

    Hmmm, ok. Thanks. I didn't really think there was a way to do exactly what I wanted. Was feeling a bit nostalgic for my 3E days, after going back to 1E. I like 1E, on the whole; but missing the concept of prestige classes, monster progression and monsters as PCs in my game.
  5. C

    Might Be Stretching This But....

    Is there any advice someone can give on retrofitting 3.0/3.5 E prestige classes for 1E AD&D? I was thinking along the lines of say a Thief to a Thief-Acrobat in UA.
  6. C

    DM Gets Back in the Saddle after 9 Years. Could Use Help.

    Thanks. I can see which direction to head with things now. Appreciate the help.
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    DM Gets Back in the Saddle after 9 Years. Could Use Help.

    Hey fellow DFers. Could use a bit of help. I have returned to the DMs seat after being away from the game for about 9 years. Just had my first session with wife and granddaughter. The session was good, we played a few hours and got a couple of rooms done using the sample dungeon in the back...
  8. C

    I need a good riddle, and how do you handle initiative with large groups?

    Perhaps you'll find a useful riddle here. http://php.iupui.edu/~asimmon/dungeon/riddle.html
  9. C

    Comparing 3.5 to Original White Box D & D

    In many ways comparing 3.5 to the original white box edition of D&D seems like apples & oranges. The game has had quite an evolution over it's last 30 years or so. The first intimate knowledge I had of a system was with 1E Advanced D&D. I also have fond memories of my monochromatic blue basic...
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    Who is Erac in the original Greyhawk campaign

    who is Erac? What class is he? Is he a PC or an NPC? If PC, who was he played by? Is he also one of Ernie's characters? What is his relationship with his infamous cousin? BTW, I am presuming that Erac is indeed male. If that is not the case I apologize to all those concerened.
  11. C

    Favorite Complete Book

    Ok, I voted for Complete Divine for a couple of reasons. 1) I didn't want it to not get any votes. 2) I really do like the Spirit Shaman class. Oh, and one more reason just hit me. 3) I like the dieties sections. It is a hard choice though because I think I will get alot of use out of all...
  12. C

    Need Greyhawk Information

    I thought about that, but wouldn't begin to know where to start looking or what serch terms to use. :(
  13. C

    Need Greyhawk Information

    I always thought Ket and Zeif were more like Turkey than straight Mid East, but that was just my intepretation. The Tiger Nomads, they always reminded me of the Mongols. What's really frustrating for me is trying to work the Far East in, because despite what some think, I like the monk class...
  14. C

    Need Greyhawk Information

    I seem to recall reading somewhere that Greyhawk was based more or less on Europe. If this is true, what are the European counterparts for the Greyhawk nations? Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
  15. C

    [D&D Cartoon]The nature of Presto's hat as a magic item.

    That's not quite true, actually. In the Hall of Bones episode, Presto did pull out a fire-breathing dragon sort of thing.